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    26 October 2018, Volume 38 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Covering Surface Inequality on the Ring and Its Applications
    Xiaojing Guo,Daochun Sun
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  833-841. 
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    The main purpose of this paper is to give the covering surface inequality for the meromorphic function on the ring, which studies the problem on ring sequence and promotes the classic Picard theorem. Furtherly, we use Valiron type function to obtain the Borel theorem for the finite positive meromorphic function on the infinite ring sequence.

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    The Farkas Lemmas for Fractional Optimization Problem with Composite Functions
    Donghui Fang,Weilin Liu
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  842-854. 
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    In this paper, the fractional optimization problem with composite functions is turned into a constraint optimization problem by using the previous method. By introducing some news constraint qualifications, some duality results for the constraint optimization problem are established and some Farkas type lemmas for the fractional optimization problem with composite functions are then given.

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    Improvements of Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings with ${\cal A}$-Contractions on Metric Spaces
    Yongjie Piao
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  855-863. 
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    In this paper, we introduce a new class ${\cal A}$* of 3-dimensional functions, which is a generalization of a known class ${\cal A}$, obtain a fixed point theorem for a mapping and a common fixed point theorem for a infinite family of mappings, and discuss the existence problems of fixed points for a mapping on a nonempty set with two metrics under the non-continuity and non-completeness. The obtained results generalize and improve many known conclusions.

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    Lie Derivable Maps on von Neumann Algebras
    Lichun Yang,Runling An
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  864-872. 
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    Let ${\cal A}$ be a von Neumann algebra with no central abelian projections, $P\in{\cal A}$ be a projection with $\underline{P}=0$ and $\overline{P}=I$. An additive map $\delta:{\cal A}\rightarrow{\cal A}$ is said to be Lie derivable at $\Omega\in{\cal A}$, if $\delta([A, B])=[\delta(A), B]+[A, \delta(B)]$ for any $A, B\in{\cal A}$ with $AB=\Omega.$ We show that, if $\Omega\in{\cal A}$ such that $P\Omega=\Omega$, then $\delta$ is Lie derivable at $\Omega$ if and only if there exist a derivation $\tau:{\cal A} \rightarrow {\cal A}$ and and additive map $f: {\cal A}\rightarrow {\cal Z}({\cal A})$ vanishing at commutators $[A, B]$ with $AB=\Omega$ such that $\delta(A)=d(A)+f(A), \forall A\in {\cal A}.$ In particular, if ${\cal A}$ is a factor von Neuamnn algebra and $\Omega\in {\cal A}$ such that $\mbox{ker}(\Omega)\neq {0}$ or $\overline{\mbox{ran}(\Omega)}\neq H, $ then $\delta$ is Lie derivable at $\Omega$ if and only if it has the above form.

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    Multigrid Uzawa-Type Mixed Finite Element Methods for Nearly Incompressible Linear Elasticity Problem
    Zhihao Ge,Yuanyuan Ge
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  873-882. 
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    In this paper, we propose two new multigrid Uzawa-type mixed finite element methods for the nearly incompressible elasticity problem, which could overcome the 'locking' phenomenon. By introducing an extra pressure variable, we reformulate the elasticity problem into a saddle-point system, and by coupling the Uzawa-type method with multigrid methods, we develop two effective iteration methods:multigrid Uzawa-type mixed finite element method and nested iteration multigrid Uzawa-type mixed finite element method. Also, we present the convergent results of the algorithms. The methods are locking-free and stable for any finite element pairs spaces. Finally, we give some numerical examples to verify the theoretical results of the paper.

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    Derivation of a Higher Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Complete Coriolis Force
    Danni Wang,Hongli Yang,Liangui Yang
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  883-892. 
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    In this paper, based on the barotropic potential vorticity equation with complete Coriolis force, a new higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation is derived by using perturbation expansion method to describe nonlinear modulated Rossby waves in the geophysical fluid. From this equation, the modulational wave trains are discussed. It is found that the horizontal component term of Coriolis force and the topography term has an effect on the uniform Rossby wave trains and the instability region have changed. In addition, the uniform background basic flow does affect the modulational instability of solitary Rossby wave train.

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    Existence and Concentration of Nontrivial Solutions for the Fractional Schrödinger Equations with Sign-Changing Steep Well Potential
    Wenbo Wang,Quanqing Li
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  893-902. 
    Abstract ( 118 )   RICH HTML PDF (373KB) ( 101 )   Save

    Consider the following fractional Schrödinger equation

    where $\lambda>0$, $s\in(0, 1)$, $N>2s$, $2<q<p<2_{s}^{\ast}$ ($2_{s}^{\ast}=\frac{2N}{N-2s}$), $P\in L^{\infty}$ is positive, $Q\in L^{\infty}$ may be positive, sign-changing or negative, $V$ is steep well potential, and $V_{0}\in L^{\infty}$. When $\lambda$ is large, the existence of nontrivial solutions is obtained via variational methods. Furthermore, if $V(x)\geq0$, concentration results are also obtained. In particular, the potential $V$ is allowed to be sign-changing for the existence.

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    Global Solutions of IVP for N-Dimensional Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with Delay
    Jun Wang,Tianlu Wang,Yanhua Wen,Xianfeng Zhou
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  903-910. 
    Abstract ( 81 )   RICH HTML PDF (313KB) ( 111 )   Save

    The existence of global solutions of initial value problems (IVP) for differential equations is a precondition to study their stability in Lyapunov sense. This paper aims to investigate the existence of the global solutions of the IVP (1.10)-(1.11). The existence of a local solution of the IVP (1.10)-(1.11) is obtained first, which is an extension of the paper[14]. Then based on our extension theorem, we prove that the existence and uniqueness of the global solution of the IVP (1.10)-(1.11).

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    Lower Bound of Blow-Up Time for a p-Laplacian Equation with Nonlocal Source
    Baoyan Sun
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  911-923. 
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    In this paper, we consider an initial boundary value problem for a p-Laplacian equation under Dirichlet boundary condition or Robin boundary condition in three dimensional space. We use a differential inequality technique to determine a lower bound of blow-up time for the blow-up solution. In addition, we also give a sufficient condition which implies that blow-up does not occur.

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    Random Attractor for Non-Autonomous Stochastic Boussinesq Lattice Equations with Additive White Noises
    Min Zhao,Shengfan Zhou
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  924-940. 
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    In this paper, we study the asymptomatic behavior of non-autonomous stochastic Boussinesq lattice equations with time-dependent coupled coefficients, time-dependent deterministic forces and additive white noises. Firstly, we prove the existence of a random attractor for the continuous cocycle generated by the solutions of the non-autonomous stochastic Boussinesq lattice equations. Lastly we establish the upper semi-continuity of random attractors for the random systems as the intensity of the noises tends to zero.

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    Exponential Attractors of 3D Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Equations
    Xudong Luo,Qiaozhen Ma
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  941-953. 
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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of exponential attractors of the three dimensional Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation in the case that both the autonomous and nonautonomous systems, which extend and improve some previous results.

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    A Class of Modified Non-Monotonic Spectral Conjugate Gradient Method and Applications to Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
    Xiangli Li,Juanjuan Shi,Xiaoliang Dong
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  954-962. 
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    Spectral conjugate gradient algorithm is an effective method to solve unconstrained optimization problems. It is based on the conjugate gradient method and combines the spectral method to maintain the advantages of the two methods. In this paper, we propose a class of modified non-monotonic spectral conjugate gradient algorithm, under certain assumptions, the convergence of the algorithm is proved. In addition, we applied the algorithm to the nonnegative matrix factorization, and the numerical results show that the algorithm is effective.

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    Study on the Convergence of Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains with Probability Distance
    Zhifeng Zhu,Shaoyi Zhang
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  963-969. 
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    In this paper, we study the convergence of nonhomogeneous Markov chains in general state space by using the probability distance and the coupling property, a condition for convergence of nonhomogeneous Markov chains in general state space is obtained.

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    Razumikhin-Type Theorems on P-th Moment and Almost Sure Stability of Neutral Stochastic Switched Nonlinear Systems
    Haibo Gu,Caixia Gao
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  970-983. 
    Abstract ( 84 )   RICH HTML PDF (436KB) ( 112 )   Save

    In this paper, P-th moment and almost sure stability for a class of neutral stochastic switched nonlinear systems have been investigated. By utilizing Lyapunov-Razumikhin approach, we employ the stochastic analysis techniques to establish novel stability criteria for neutral stochastic switched nonlinear systems. Some sufficient conditions have been derived to check the stability of the neutral stochastic switched nonlinear systems. One numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results.

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    Stationary Distribution and Periodic Solution for Stochastic Predator-Prey Systems with Holling-Type Ⅲ Functional Response
    Guijie Lan,Yingjie Fu,Chunjin Wei,Shuwen Zhang
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  984-1000. 
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    In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of stochastic predator-prey systems with Holling-type Ⅲ functional response. For the autonomous system, we firstly obtain that the system admits unique positive global solution starting from the positive initial value. Then, by comparison theorem for stochastic differential equation, sufficient conditions for extinction and persistence in mean are obtained. Thirdly, by constructing some suitable Lyapunov function, we prove that there are unique stationary distribution and they are ergodic. On the other hand, for the non-autonomous periodic system, we prove that there exists at least one nontrivial positive periodic solution according to the theory of Has'minskii. Finally, some numerical simulations are introduced to illustrate our theoretical result.

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    The Research on a Class of the Predator-Prey-Mutualist System with Delays
    Lifei Zheng,Jie Guo,Meihua Wu,Xiaorui Wang,Aying Wan
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  1001-1013. 
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    In this paper, we establish a predator-prey-mutualist system with time delay, and the positive, persistence and local stability of the system are analyzed. The conclusion shows that it is possible that the system is stable, and the positive equilibrium point is asymptotically stable. Finally, numerical simulation with the relevant data in the ecosystem of ladybirds, cotton aphids and ants.The results show that development duration (time delay) of the prey and predator has an important influence on the whole system, and if growth duration is too long, the whole system will have periodic fluctuations.

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    Analysis of M/G/1 Repairable Queueing System and Optimal Control Policy with a Replaceable Repair Facility Under Delay Min(N, D)-Policy
    Quyu Pan,Yinghui Tang
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  1014-1031. 
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    This paper considers the M/G/1 repairable queueing system with delay Min(N, D)-policy, in which the repair facility subject to breakdowns and then replaced during the repair facility busy period. By using the total probability decomposition technique and employing the Laplace transform tool, some reliability indices of the service station and the repair facility, such as the transient-state and steady-state unavailability, the expected failure number during (0, t] are discussed. Finally, it is determined the optimal control policy (N*, D*) such that the long-run expected cost rate is minimum under a given cost structure.

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    Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation on Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Children
    Hua Li,Sanhong Liu,Yile Fang,Xingan Zhang
    Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (5):  1032-1040. 
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    Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a contagious disease mainly caused by the enterovirus 71 (EV71) and coxsackievirus A 16 (CoxA16). The infectious of HFMD is mainly children. In this paper, we construct an SEIHRS model, simulate the HFMD data of infectious from 2012 to 2016, estimate the basic reproductive number each year from 2012 to 2016, predict the infectious number of HFMD in year 2017, compute the domain of vaccination rate on children and put forward the preventive measures and control strategy. The results of this paper can provide a theory basis for disease control and prevention of HFMD.

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