
    Wish all the best wishes for you
  • Wish all the best wishes for you


    First of all, Happy New Year and wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness and prosperity for you.
    Looking back on the past year, our journal, Acta Mathematica Scientia(“the Journal”), has made some gratifying progress: 
    (1) The Journal won the 4th China Government Publishing Award;
    (2)One of thepapers published in the Journalwon the 2018 One-Hundred Excellent S&T Papers granted by the China Association for Science and Technology;
    (3)The Journal’s newest IF is 0.661, increased by 36.85%, compared with the previous IF (0.483);and
    (4)The Journal’s total citation frequency, based on JCR 2018,hasfirst exceeded 1,000.

    Effectively since January 1, 2019, the Journal will be published by Springer Nature (Switzerland AG) and co-published by Science Press (China), to implement better publishing services that will insure to help develop the Journal with even wider professional readership and higher international reputation.

    We look forward to developing the Journal into a more successful journal with your ever-lasting great support and assistance.
                       Warm regards,                   
    G.-Q.G. Chen; B. Li; X. Zhu
    Editors-in-Chief of Acta Mathematica Scientia


  • Pubdate: 2018-12-26    Viewed: 885