${\cal A}$,类${\cal A}$*,(公共)不动点," /> ${\cal A}$,类${\cal A}$*,(公共)不动点,"/> ${\cal A}$,Class ${\cal A}$*,(Common) Fixed point,"/> Improvements of Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings with <inline-formula><tex-math id="M2">${\cal A}$</tex-math></inline-formula>-Contractions on Metric Spaces

Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 855-863.

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Improvements of Fixed Point Theorems for Mappings with ${\cal A}$-Contractions on Metric Spaces

Yongjie Piao()   

  1. Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Yanbian University, Jilin Yanji 133002
  • Received:2017-01-13 Online:2018-11-09 Published:2018-11-09
  • Supported by:
    the NSFC(11361064)


In this paper, we introduce a new class ${\cal A}$* of 3-dimensional functions, which is a generalization of a known class ${\cal A}$, obtain a fixed point theorem for a mapping and a common fixed point theorem for a infinite family of mappings, and discuss the existence problems of fixed points for a mapping on a nonempty set with two metrics under the non-continuity and non-completeness. The obtained results generalize and improve many known conclusions.

Key words: ${\cal A}$')">Class ${\cal A}$, ${\cal A}$*')">Class ${\cal A}$*, (Common) Fixed point

CLC Number: 

  • O177.91