Limit Cycles Bifurcating from a Class of Quasi-Homogeneous Polynomial Center
Liang Haihua, Chen Yuming, Cen Xiuli
Acta mathematica scientia,Series A. 2018, 38 (1):
Determining the condition such that a planar quasi-homogeneous polynomial differential system has a center is a difficult topic. In this paper, we first extend the quintic quasi-homogeneous system, provided by[12], to the quasi-homogeneous polynomial system of degree n (odd number), and then give the necessary and sufficient condition to ensure that it possess a global center. Using the first order Melnikov function, we obtain the least upper bound for the number of limit cycles bifurcating from the period annulus of the center of the system, under the perturbation of polynomial of degree n. Finally, we prove that this conclusion is also true for the limit cycles bifurcating from all the (m,1)-(or (1,m)-) planar quasi-homogeneous polynomial differential Hamiltonian system, under polynomial perturbation of degree 2m-1, where m is any positive integer.
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