Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 375-381.

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A Kind of Strong Deviation Theorem for the Sequences of Nonnegative Integer-Valued Random Variable

Liu Wen   

  1. Department of Mathematics and Physics, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130
  • Received:1995-07-10 Revised:1995-11-19 Online:1997-08-26 Published:1997-08-26

Abstract: Let {Xn,n ≥ 1} be a sequence of random variables taking valnes in S={0,1,2,…} with the joint distribution fn(x1,…,xn),(p(0),p(1),…) a distribution on S,mk=1kp(k),pn(x1,…xn)=Πk=1np(xk), and ψn=(1/nk=1n(Xk-m). In this paper the limit relation between ψn(ω) and the log-likelihood ratio Ln(ω)=ln[pn(X1,…,Xn)/fn(X1,…,Xn)] is investigated and a kind of strong limit theorem represented by inequalities which we call the strong deviation theorem is obtained. In the proof an approach of applying the tool of generating function together with the method of splitting intervals to the investigation of the strong limit theorem is proposed.

Key words: Strong deviation theorem, Strong limit theorem, Likelihood ratio, Log-likeli-hood ratio, Generating function
