Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 364-374.

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Quantization and Renormalization of 4-Derivative Gravity

Shao Changgui, Chen Zhongqiu, Chen Yihan   

  1. Hubei University
  • Received:1995-05-25 Revised:1995-11-17 Online:1997-08-26 Published:1997-08-26

Abstract: Field equations, tree dlagram propagators and divergence degrees of loops,for 4-derivative gravity, are calculated. It is pointed out that the use of usual method for solving renormalization equation to obtain the counter-terms to cancel out divergences, used in renorrmalization scheme of higher-derivative quantum gravity. has need for clarification.

Key words: Field equations of 4-derivative gravity, Quantization, Renormalization
