数学物理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 1520-1536.

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新 (3+1) 维 KP 方程的退化解与相互作用解


  1. 1中国地质大学 (武汉) 数学与物理学院 武汉 430074
    2嘉兴大学数据科学学院 浙江嘉兴 314001
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-30 修回日期:2024-04-29 出版日期:2024-12-26 发布日期:2024-11-22
  • 通讯作者: *郭艳凤,Email: guoyan_feng@163.com
  • 作者简介:崔静易, Email: cuijingyi@cug.edu.cn;|肖海军, Email: xiaohj@cug.edu.cn;|张景军, Email: zjj_math@aliyun.com
  • 基金资助:

Degeneration Behaviors of Solutions and Hybrid Solutions for the New (3+1)-Dimensional KP Equation

Guo Yanfeng1,*(),Cui Jingyi1(),Xiao Haijun1(),Zhang Jingjun2()   

  1. 1School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074
    2College of Data Science, Jiaxing University, Zhejiang Jiaxing 314001
  • Received:2024-01-30 Revised:2024-04-29 Online:2024-12-26 Published:2024-11-22
  • Supported by:
    NSFC(11861013);NSFC(11771183);NSFC(12261053);Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project(AD21238019)


该文主要研究了由 Wazwaz 于 2022 年首次提出的新 (3+1) 维 KP 方程的非线性波解. 基于 Hirota 双线性形式, 利用模共振技术由N-孤子解得到 P-呼吸解. 然后, 利用参数极限法, 根据参数的特殊关系, 对同宿呼吸解和 N-孤子解进行退化得到了 Lump 解. 最后, 从 N-孤子解的部分退化出发, 研究了由呼吸解、孤子解和 Lump 解组成的相互作用解. 该文通过可视化图形展示了这些解的动力学特性.

关键词: (3+1) 维 KP 方程, P-呼吸解, 退化行为, Lump 解, 相互作用解


We concentrate on the nonlinear wave solutions of the new (3+1)-dimensional KP equation, which was firstly proposed by Wazwaz in 2022. Based on the Hirota bilinear form, the P-breathing solutions are mainly obtained from the N-soliton solutions utilizing the module resonance technique. Then, using parameter limit approach, the Lump solutions are derived by degenerating behaviors of the homoclinic breathing solutions and N-soliton solutions on the basis of the special relations of parameters. In addition, from the partial degeneration of the N-soliton solutions, some hybrid solutions are investigated by the interaction solutions among the breathing, soliton and Lump solutions.

Key words: New (3+1)-dimensional KP equation, P-Breathing solutions, Degeneration behaviors, Q-Lump solutions, Hybrid solutions


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