This paper is concerned with the stability of the rarefaction wave for thegeneralized KdV-Burgers equation ut + f(u)x = μuxx + uxxx, μ > 0, 2 R u|t=0 = u0(x) ! u±, x ! ±1. Roughly speaking, under the assumption that u− < u+, the solution u(x, t) to Cauchy problem (1) satisfying supx2R |u(x, t)−uR(x/t)| ! 0 as t ! 1, where uR(x/t) is the rarefaction wave of the non-viscous Burgers equation ut + f(u)x = 0 with Riemann initial data u(x, 0) =(u−, x < 0,u+, x > 0.