Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1998, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3): 355-360.

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On Nevanlinna's Characteristic Functions of Meromorphic functions in|z|<1

Wu Guirong   

  1. Department of Mathematics, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007
  • Received:1997-07-07 Online:1998-09-26 Published:1998-09-26

Abstract: Let f(z) be a meromorphic function in|z|<1, then for ε>0 and or<1, we have#br#T(r,f) ≤ C(h(r)/1-r)1+εT(R,f'),#br#where h(r) is a positive function and h(r) ≥ 1, and R=(1+rh(r))/(1+h(r)). we also apply the above result to study the common Borel points of a meromorphic function of infinite order and its differential polynomials.

Key words: Meromorphic function, Characteristic function, Borel point
