Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1999, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (5): 573-578.
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(Department of Physics,Yanbei Techer's College,Datong 037000)
The difficulty of calculating energymomentum tensors is avoided by finding directly the solution of Dirac equations near the horizon. Both the location of the event horzon and Hawking radiation temperature of a nonstatic charged Spherically Symmetric black hole are shown. The results indicate that the Hawking radiation temperature can regarded as a compensating effect under the time scale transformation.
Key words: Nonstatic black hole, Dirac particle, Hawking temperature, compensate effect.
CLC Number:
Zhang Lichun Zhao Ren. Hawking Effect of the Dirac Particle in Spherically Symmetric Nonstatic Charged Space Time [J].Acta mathematica scientia,Series A, 1999, 19(5): 573-578.
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