Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1381-1404.

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Global Existence and Stability to a Prey-Taxis Model with Porous Medium Diffusion and Indirect Signal Production

Limin Zhang,Haiyan Xu,Chunhua Jin*()   

  1. School of Mathematical Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631
  • Received:2018-09-27 Online:2019-12-26 Published:2019-12-28
  • Contact: Chunhua Jin
  • Supported by:
    the NSFC(11871230);the NSFC(11571380);the Distinguished Young Peopleundefineds Fund of Guangdong Natural Science Fund(2015A030306029)


In this paper, we consider the following prey-taxis model with nonlinear diffusion and indirect signal production

in a bounded domain of $ {{\mathbb{R}}^{3}}$ withzero-flux boundary condition. It is shown that for any m1>1, m2>1, there exists a global bounded weak solution for any large initial datum. Based on the uniform boundedness property, we also studied the large time behavior of solutions, and the global asymptotically stability of the constant steady states are established. More precisely, we showed that when λ=0, α ≥ 0, the global weak solution converges to (ū0, 0, 0) in the large time limit; when λ>0, α=0, the global weak solution converges to (ū0, 0, 0) if λ < F0(ū), and the global weak solution converges to $\left( {{{\bar u}_0}, 0, k\left( {1 - \frac{{{F_0}(\bar u)}}{\lambda }} \right)} \right) $ if λ > F0(ū).

Key words: Prey-Taxis, Porous Medium Diffusion, Global Weak Solution, Uniform Boundedness, Stabilization

CLC Number: 

  • O175