Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 877-894.

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Existence of Solutions to Some Singular Elliptic Problems with Degenerate Coercivity

Li Qingwei1, Gao Wenjie2, Han Yuzhu2   

  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Dalian Maritime University, Liaoning Dalian 116000;
    2. School of Mathematics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012
  • Received:2016-12-15 Revised:2017-05-07 Online:2017-10-26 Published:2017-10-26
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the NSFC (11401252), the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province (20160520103JH) and the Scientific Research Project of the Education Department of Jilin Province (2015-463)

Abstract: In this article, the authors consider the existence of solutions for the following elliptic boundary value problem with degenerate coercivity and a singular lower order term with natural growth with respect to the gradient of the following form
where Ω⊂RN(Np) is a bounded domain, B,γ,θ>0 and p > 1, and f is a non-negative function belonging to some Lebesgue space Lm(Ω) with m ≥ 1. By combining the truncation methods with several delicate test functions, the existence and regularity of solution is proved. The results show that the lower order term has some regularizing effects on the solution, even if it is singular.

Key words: Degenerate coercivity, Singularity, Lower order term, Existence, Regularity

CLC Number: 

  • O175.2