Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 1554-1577.

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Phase Transition in A Random Graph Process with Preferential Deletion and Limiting on Vertices

 WANG Bin   

  1. College of Science, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin Guangxi |541004
  • Received:2013-03-27 Revised:2014-06-18 Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-25
  • Supported by:

    国家自然科学基金(11001137, 11401127)、广西自然科学基金(2014GXNSFCA118015)和桂林理工大学科研启动金资助


The following random graph process Gt is introduced. Assuming that at the time-step 1 and 2 there has been a graph G1=G2 consisting of vertices v1, v2 and 2 edges between them. At time-step t≥3, Gt is defined as follows: (i) each vertex vGt-1 is inactive with probability α0,  independently its and other vertices' statuses before t-1. The inactiveness of  means it can not being connected by more edges; (ii)  with probability 1-β a new vertex vt is added along with one edge connected to it. Then a vertex  wi is chosen with probability proportional to its degree. If wi is active then connect vt to wi. Otherwise, the edge of vt is connected to itself; (iii) with probability β a vertex is deleted preferentially from the network.  It is proved that there is a phase transition on expected degree distribution when 2β//(1-α0) is in the vicinity of 1. In the supercritical regime (2β/(1-α0)>1), its expected fraction of vertices with degree k decays exponentially.  While in the subcritical regime (2β/(1-α0)<1), the expected fraction of vertices with degree k decreases asymptotically as a power law.

Key words: Degree sequence, Preferential deletion,  Random graph process, Inactive

CLC Number: 

  • 05C80