Acta mathematica scientia,Series A

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The Solution Sets and Connectedness for Weak Vector Variational Inequalities

Huang Longguang   

  1. (School of Science, Jimei University, Fujian Xiamen 361021)
  • Received:2006-12-10 Revised:2008-09-05 Online:2009-02-25 Published:2009-02-25
  • Contact: Huang Longguang

Abstract: The existence and connectedness of solutions for weak vector variational inequalities and their scalarization with a C-monotone mapping from a topological vector space to continuous linear mapping space L(X, Y) are shown. With the C-weak hemicontinuity and C-monotonicity for a mapping, and setvalued mapping fixed point theorems, the connectedness are derived by discussing the properties of set-valued mapping induced by solution sets of a scalarization variational inequality related to the weak vector variational inequalities.

Key words: Weak vector variational inequalities, Scalarization vector variational inequalities, Dual cone, C-weak hemicontinuous, C-Monotone.

CLC Number: 

  • 58E35