Acta mathematica scientia,Series A

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Equilibrium States of Dynamical Systems Definded on Attractors of Iterated Function Systems

Ma Dongkui   

  1. (School of Mathematical Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640)
  • Received:2006-10-25 Revised:2008-05-08 Online:2008-08-25 Published:2008-08-25
  • Contact: Ma Dongkui


In this paper, let E denote the attrator of an iterated function system (X,T1,…, Tm). One can define a continuous self-mapping f : E→E by f(x)=T-1j(x), x∈ Tj(E), j=1, …, m . Given ψCR(E), let

Kψ(δ, n = sup{∣∑n-1k=0[ψ(f kx)-ψ(f ky)]|:y ∈ Bx (δ, n)},

where Bx(δ, n) denotes the Bowen ball. Choosing an expansive constant ε, the authors write Kψ=supn Kψ(ε, n) and define ν(E)={ψ : Kψ < ∞}. For f : E → E, as some applications of a theorem by Ruelle[3,Theorem 2.1], the authors show that each ψ ν(E) has a unique equilibrium state. The conclusions eneralize the main result of Zhou and Luo[12].

Key words: Equilibrium state, Attractor, Iterated function system, Expansive, Specification, Measure with maximal entropy

CLC Number: 

  • 28A80