Influence Analysis on Semiparametric Generalized Linear Mixed Model
Acta mathematica scientia,Series A
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Zeng Linrui; Zhu Zhongyi
Abstract: In this paper, the authors present a unified diagnostic method for semiparametric generalized linear mixed model.The equivalency of case deletion model and mean shift outlier model is investigated and the diagnostic statistics such as cook distance, score test statistic for outliertests are derived. Secondly, the local influence for the models is investigatedand the counting formulas of influence matrices for case weights perturbation model and mean shift perturbation model are obtained. Finally, numerical example illustrates that the method is effective.
Key words: Penalized likelihood, Cook''s distance, Score test, Influence matrix, Semiparametric.
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Zeng Linrui; Zhu Zhongyi.
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