Acta mathematica scientia,Series A

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Near-trangular Embeddings for Triangulations of the Sphere and the Torus (I)

Ren Han; Deng Mo; Lu Junjie   

  1. Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062
  • Received:2003-03-23 Revised:2004-09-05 Online:2006-04-25 Published:2006-04-25
  • Contact: Ren Han

Abstract: A near-triangular embedding is a graph embedded into some surface whose facial walks but one are 3-gons. In this paper the authors show that if a graph G is a triangulation of the sphere S0 (or the torus S1), then Ghas a near-triangular embedding into Sk for k = h,h+1,\cdots ,\lfloor\frac{\beta(G)}{2}\rfloor$, where h = 0(or 1) and $\beta(G)$ is the Betti number of G.

Key words: Triangulation, Embedding, Orientable surface

CLC Number: 

  • 05C10