Acta mathematica scientia,Series A

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A Single Step Scheme for Ordinary Differential Initial Problem of Second Order 

 LI Tian-Ran, CHEN Chuan-Miao   

  1. 湖南城市学院数学系 湖南益阳 |413000

    湖南师范大学计算所 长沙   |410081
  • Online:2003-06-25 Published:2003-06-25


 A single step scheme for ordinary differential initi al problem of seco nd order, utt+au=f,u(0)=u 0,ut(0)=v0, is discussed, in which both  u  and ut are used as two unknowns and the ir computation is simpler. The stability and second order high accuracy for both  u and u t is proved. The scheme can be applied to hyperbolic problem.

Key words: Ordinary differential equation of second order;Initial problem;Single step scheme;High accuracy

CLC Number: 

  • 34A12