Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2003, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (3): 314-319.

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Quantum Corrects to the Entropy of the Barriola Vilenkin Black Hole Due to Spin Fields

 LI Gu-Qiang, LI Zhong-Heng   

  1. 湛江师范学院物理系 广东湛江 524048
  • Online:2003-06-25 Published:2003-06-25
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The quantum corrections to the entropy of the Barriola Vilenkin black  hole due to the gravitation electromagnetic and neutrino fields are calculated b y using the  brick wall model. It is shown that the quantum corrects consist in two parts :  One is aquadratic divergent term at event horizon and is proportional to t he s urface area of the event horizon. The other is two logarithmically divergent terms which not only depend on the characteristics of the black hole but also on th e spin of fields. The whole expression does not take the form of the scalar field.


Key words: Quantum corrects, Barriola Vilenkin black hole, Entropy

CLC Number: 

  • 83C57