Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2000, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (3): 364-369.
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In this paper, for zerofailure data of exponential distribution, if the prior density kernel of the failure rate λ is in form of λa-1, the author gives λ Bayesian estimation and hierarchical Bayesian estimation. When for life distribution such as exponential distribution of certain hydraulic engine , the author gives, then the reliability estimation of certain hydraulic engine under zero-failure data condition is obtained also.
Key words: Zero-failuredata, Failurerate, Bayesianestimation, HierarchicalBayesianestimation, Hydraulicengine
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Han Ming. Estimation of Failure Rate and its' Applications in the Case of Zero-Failure Data[J].Acta mathematica scientia,Series A, 2000, 20(3): 364-369.
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