Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1998, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 184-191.

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Isometric Approximation from 2-dim Banach Space into L1 (Ω, μ)

Zhan Dapeng   

  1. Department, of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tainjin 300071
  • Received:1996-07-01 Revised:1996-12-12 Online:1998-06-26 Published:1998-06-26

Abstract: In this paped, it is proved that the isometric approximation problem for B (E2,L1 (△,v)) is proper,where E2 denotes a 2-dim Banach space and (Ω,μ) is nonatomic measurable space.

Key words: Isometric approximation, Nonatomic measurable space
