Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (S1): 57-61.

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A New Lax Integrable System and Its Liouville Integrability

Xu Xixiang   

  1. Depatment of Basic Courses, Shandong Mining Institute, Taian 271019
  • Received:1995-10-31 Revised:1996-09-23 Online:1997-12-26 Published:1997-12-26

Abstract: A new isospectral problem is discussed,according to Tu Guizhang scheme, the corresponding hierarchy of Lax integrable nonlinear evolution equations is derived,and their Hamiltonian struture are given by means of trace identity method. It is shown that this hierarchy is Liouville integrable.

Key words: integrable system, Hamiltonian structure, trace identity
