Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 218-224.

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The Representation of the Multicomponent q Coherent States for the Quantum Algebra SUq(4)

He Huiyong, Li Guanghua   

  1. Physics Department, Changsha University of Electric Power, Changsha 410077
  • Received:1993-07-23 Revised:1996-07-13 Online:1997-04-26 Published:1997-04-26

Abstract: The rnulticompomponent q coherent states of SUq(4) are presented. The representation of the density operator in this multicomponent q coherent state space and inhomogeneous differential realization of the generators is discussed.

Key words: quantum algebra, multicomponent q coherent state, density operator, inhomogeneous differential realizatiou
