Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 64-73.
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Bekjan Turdebek N1,2
Abstract: We study the relationships between some inequalities of ananlytic martingale with values in complex quasi-Banach space and uniformly PL-convexitiable of the space. We prove weak type (1,1), strong type (p, p) and a Φ inequalities of q-mean sequare funiction of analytic martingales with values in quasi-Banach space. Appling them to give some equivalent conditons of q -uniformly PL-convexitiable of the spaces. At the same time, appling growth velocity of q-mean square funicton of analytic martingales give characterization of q-uniformly PL-convexitiable spaces.
Key words: Complex Quasi-Banach space, q-uniformly PL-convex, analytic martingale
Bekjan Turdebek N. Uniformly PL-Convexity of Complex Spaces and Inequalities of Analytic Martingale[J].Acta mathematica scientia,Series A, 1997, 17(1): 64-73.
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