Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 47-54.

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Bayesian log Linear Estimates for High-Way Contingency Tables

Chen Yongjun, Zhang Yaoting   

  1. Management School, Wuhan University Wuhan, P. R. China 430072
  • Received:1995-01-20 Revised:1995-11-06 Online:1997-02-26 Published:1997-02-26

Abstract: This paper presents a Bayes method to estimate the expected proportions for high-way contingency tables appropriate when prior knowledge about the interaction effects can be described by a particular kind of exchangeability assumption.We give the expressions of estimates for four-way contingency tables based on general expressions equations.It extends the work of Leonard (1975) and Nazaret(1987) and useful algorithm also discussed.

Key words: Logits transformation, contingency tables, Bayes estimates, statistical computation
