Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (1): 10-17.

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Parallel Block Implicit Hybrid One-Step Methods with Higher Order Derivative

Liu Gang   

  1. Computing Center, Wuhan University of Technology 430070
  • Received:1994-11-24 Revised:1995-06-20 Online:1997-02-26 Published:1997-02-26

Abstract: In this paper, a class of K-block implicit hybrid methods with higher order derivative for the numerical integration of initial value problems in ordinary differential equations are derived. By the methods, a block of K new values can be obtained simultaneously on S-processors. It is shown that the method of order (l + 1) (d + 1) exist, where K=s· d. The theorems of convergence and numerical stability are presented, and one numerical experiment is also given.

Key words: Ordinary differential equation, Block methods, Parallel algorithm
