Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2004, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 94-104.
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CUI Li-Hong, CHENG Zheng-Xin, YANG Shou-Zhi
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This paper studies wavelet tight frames associated with given scaling functions with dilation factor 3. The wavelet frames consist of f inite number of functions ψ^1, ψ^2, ψ^n ∈V_1. First p resent sufficient conditions for existence of wavelet tight frames generated by the l functions and then give explicit structure formula of wavelet tight frames. In particular, if masks of the scaling functio ns are rational functions, then the corresponding wavelet frame with rational ma sks can be found. Finally, the authors can derive the decomposition and reconstr uction formulas which are similar to those of orthonormal wavelets.
Key words: Frames;Wavelet tight frames;Frames multiresolution analysis;Refining function
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CUI Li-Hong, CHENG Zheng-Xin, YANG Shou-Zhi. Explicit Structuer of Wavelet Tight Frames[J].Acta mathematica scientia,Series A, 2004, 24(1): 94-104.
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