Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2005, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (7): 1061-1066.

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Entropy of Cylindrical Black Hole

 ZHANG Zi-Zhen, ZHANG Li-Chun,ZHAO Ren   

  • Online:2005-12-30 Published:2005-12-30
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Using the new equation of state density motivated by the generalized uncertainty relation, the authors  derive the entropy of the black cylinder on the background of the cylindrically symmetric spacetime. When the new equation of state density is utilized to obtain that the entropy of the black cylinder is proportional to the horizon area, the divergence appearing in the brick wall model is removed, without any cutoff. It is shown that black cylinder's entropy is the entropy of quantum state on the surface of horizon. The black cylinder's entropy is a kind  of quantum effect. It is the intrinsic property of the black cylinder. Via the method of quantum statistics, the authors  directly derive the partition functions of Bosonic and Fermi field in black cylinder. The authors  also avoid the difficult to solve the wave equation of various particles. The authors  offer a new simple and direct way of calculating the entropy of black cylinders of different complicated spacetime.

Key words: Quantum statistics, Generalized uncertainty relation, Statistical entropy of black cylinder

CLC Number: 

  • 87C57