Acta mathematica scientia,Series A
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Li Guoliang; Liu Luqin
Abstract: Consider the heteroscedastic regression model: yi=xi β +g(ti)+σiei ,i=1,2,...,n,where Here σi=f(ui), (xi,ti,ui)Here the design points (xiti,ui) are known and nonrandom, g and f are unknown functions , and β is the parameter needed to be estimated,ei is the random error and a martingale difference sequence in relation to the undecreasing σ-algebra series {Fi,i≥1}. For the least squares estimator βn and the weighted least squares estimator βn of β given in [1] based on the family of nonparametric estimates of g(.) and f(.), the authors establish their strong consistency under suitable conditions, thereby improve the the result where ei is iid in [6].
Key words: Partial linear model, Least squares estimator, Weighted least squaresestimator, Strong consistency, Martingale difference
CLC Number:
Li Guoliang; Liu Luqin. Strong Consistency of a Class of Estimators in Partial LinearModel under Martingale Difference Sequence[J].Acta mathematica scientia,Series A, 2007, 27(5): 788-801.
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