Acta mathematica scientia,Series A

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The Fourier Pseudo-spectral Approximation of the Large-time Problem of Kolmogorov-Spieqel-Siveshinky Equation

Liang Zongqi   

  1. (School of Sciences, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021)
  • Received:2006-03-12 Revised:2008-01-09 Online:2008-10-25 Published:2008-10-25
  • Contact: Liang Zongqi

Abstract: The paper is concerned with the Kolmogorov-Spieqel-Siveshinky equation with periodic initial value problems. The long-time behavior of the solutions for semi-discrete Fourier pseudo-spectral scheme is studied.The convergence and the existence of the global attractors for the discrete system is proposed. The full-discrete Fourier pseudo-spectral explicit scheme and its convergence is discussed. Finally, the credibility of the scheme is examined by numerical examples to show that the scheme is stable for a long time and the step-length is long. The orbits in the phase space of the solution are presented.

Key words: Kolmogorov-Spieqel-Siveshinky equation, Semi-discrete Fourier pseudo-spectral method, Full-discrete Fourier pseudo-spectral method, Convergence

CLC Number: 

  • 65N20