Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 484-491.

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Quasi Sure Local Strassen's Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Increments of a Brownian Motion

Fengbing Li(),Yonghong Liu*   

  1. School of Mathematics and Computing Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology & Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Data Analysis and Computation, Guangxi Guilin 541004
  • Received:2018-11-20 Online:2020-04-26 Published:2020-05-21
  • Contact: Yonghong Liu
  • Supported by:
    the NSFC(11661025);the Science Research Foundation of Guangxi Education Department(YB2014117);the NSF of Guangxi(2018GXNSFBA281076);the NSF of Guangxi(2017GXNSFBA198179)


In this paper, we establish the quasi sure local Strassen's law of the iterated logarithm for increments of a Brownian motion. As an application, a quasi sure functional modulus of continuity for a Brownian motion is also derived.

Key words: Brownian motion, Increments, Local law of the iterated logarithm, (r, p)-Capacity

CLC Number: 

  • O211.04