Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (S1): 102-107.

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One Necessary and Sufficient Condition on Convex Sets Being Strongly Separated and its Applications

Yang Ganshang   

  1. Depertment of Mathematics. Yunnan National Institute. Kunming 650031
  • Received:1996-04-29 Revised:1996-10-27 Online:1997-12-26 Published:1997-12-26

Abstract: In this paper,first step,we have obtained one necessary and sufficent condition on noncompact convex sets being strongly separated, it is an improvement of some theorems in[1,2]. Second step, by using the results obtained in first step, we have improved some theorems in[4-7] and one result in[8].

Key words: asymptotic plane, public asymptotic plane, strongly separated, sets with compact border
