Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1997, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 427-431.

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The Limit of Biholomorphic Invariant on a Class of Pseudoconvex Domains

Tong Wu   

  1. Lept. of Math., Capital Normal University
  • Received:1996-04-02 Revised:1996-09-07 Online:1997-08-26 Published:1997-08-26

Abstract: E=E(m,n,k)={(z,w)∈Cn+m:|z|2+|w|2k<1,zCn,wCm,k>0} is a class of pseudoconvex domains in Cn+m. In this note is showed it, that lim(z,w)→∂EJE((z,w))=πn+m(n+m+1)n/(n+m)!,when m>1. lim(z,w)→∂EJE((z,w))=πn+1(n+2)n+1/(n+1)!, when m=1 holds on the strongly pseudoconvex points of boundary ∂E; the limit given above not exist on the weakly pseudoconvex points of boundary ∂E.

Key words: Pseudoconvex domain, Holomorphic invariant, Bergman kernel function
