Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1998, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 206-216.

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The Singular Perturbation Solutions for Nonlinear Buckling of a Truncated thin Shallow Shell of Variable Thickness with the Large Geometrical Parameter

Kang Shengliang   

  1. Tongji University, Shanghai 200092
  • Received:1996-09-16 Revised:1996-11-25 Online:1998-06-26 Published:1998-06-26

Abstract: Using Modified method of mutiple scales,the nonlinear stability of a truncated shallow spherical shell of variable thickness with a nondeformable rigid body at the center under uniformly distributed loads is investigated in this paper. When the geometrical parameter k is large,the uniformly valid asymptotic solutions of this problem are obtained and the remainder terms are estimated.

Key words: Shallow shell of variable thickness, Nonlinear bucking, Singular perturbation
