Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 1998, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 25-32.

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The Ergodic Property and Equilibrium Distribution of the Generalized Birth and Death Processes

Tang Yourong, Liu Zaiming, Hou Zhenting   

  1. Research Department, Changsha Railway University, Changsha 410075
  • Received:1996-03-28 Revised:1996-11-25 Online:1998-03-26 Published:1998-03-26

Abstract: Reference[1] has concerned upward integral random functional of the generalizedbirth and death processes and obtained several digital features of the processes and the Tish paper deals with down sary and sufficient conditions for the processes to be recurrent. This paper dcals with downward integral random functional of the generalized birth and death processes, and obtains thenecessary and sufficient conditions for the processes to be ergodic and computational formulafor average recurrent times as well as the equilibrium distributions of the processes in the ergodic conditions.

Key words: Random functional, Digital feature, Ergodic property, Equilibrium distribution
