Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (4): 769-779.

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The Chaos Behavior and Simulation of Three Model Systems of Couette-Taylor Flow

Wang Heyuan   

  1. College of Sciences, Liaoning University of Technology, Liaoning Jinzhou 121001
  • Received:2014-07-10 Revised:2015-02-12 Online:2015-08-25 Published:2015-08-25


The dynamical behavior of a three-mode system of Couette-Taylor problem are studied, which is similar to the Lorenz equation. Condition of the stationary solutions, the existence of its attractor and the estimation of Hausdorff dimension are presented. The whole process, which shows bifurcation and chaos behavior with the changing of Reynolds number, is simulated numerically. Based on numerical simulation results of bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponent spectrum, Poincare section, power spectrum and return map of the system, chaos behavior of the system are revealed.

Key words: Couette-Taylor flow, Attractor, Hausdorff dimension

CLC Number: 

  • O175.14