Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 364-374.

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The Dynamics of Sine-Gordon System with Neumann Boundary Condition

LIU Ying-Dong   

  1. School of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044
  • Received:2008-07-05 Revised:2009-05-31 Online:2010-04-25 Published:2010-04-25
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By the methods of equivalent norms and cone squeezing the author proves that the attractor of the periodic forcing coupled Sine-Gordon system with Neumann boundary condition is an invariant curve when both the damping
constant and diffusion constant are sufficiently large. The behavior of the system on the curve is like the orientation preserving homeomorphism on a circle.

Key words: Attractor, Periodic solution, Stability

CLC Number: 

  • 35Q53