Acta mathematica scientia,Series A ›› 2003, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 231-244.

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Shift Operators of Map Family and Its Application to Stochastic Processes

 YANG Xiang-Qun, QIU De-Hua   

  1. 湖南师范大学数学系 长沙 410081 衡阳师范学院数学系 衡阳 421008
  • Online:2003-04-25 Published:2003-04-25
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The authors researched the shift operators of map family in vague ge neralizati on. Given a parameter set T=[0,+∞) or T={0,1,2,…},and two arbit rary non empty sets Ω and E,which are not disposed any measurable σ algebra and  any measure.The set of all maps φ: T∩[0,β)→E,where β∈T∪{+∞}, is deno ted by  Ω (E). The map X:   Ω→Ω(E) is a map family X={X(t),t∈T∩[0, σ)} in fact. It is followed that the necessary and sufficient condition of existence for shift  operators of a map family X={X(t),t∈T∩[0,σ)}.  Some properties  of shift operators and some applications to stochastic processes for shift opera tors are discussed.

Key words: Map family, Shift operators, Existence and property, Stationary process, Markov , process

CLC Number: 

  • 04A05