In this paper, we are concerned with the existence of multiple solutions to the critical magnetic Schrödinger equation
(−i∇−A(x))2u+λV(x)u=μ|u|p−2u+(∫RN|u(y)|2∗α|x−y|αdy)|u|2∗α−2uin RN, (0.1)
where N≥4, 2≤p<2∗, 2∗α=2N−αN−2 with 0<α<4, λ>0, μ∈R, A(x)=(A1(x),A2(x),⋯,AN(x)) is a real local Hölder continuous vector function, i is the imaginary unit, and V(x) is a real valued potential function on RN.Supposing that Ω=intV−1(0)⊂RN is bounded, we show that problem (0.1) possesses at least catΩ(Ω) nontrivial solutions if λ is large.