Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance


In vivo Glutathione Molecular MRS Signal Selection Based on Nuclear Spin Singlet States

Zhu Xiangwei, Yang Xue, Wei Daxiu*, Yao Yefeng#   

  1. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance, School of Physics and Electronic Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

  • Received:2024-03-26 Revised:2024-04-28 Published:2024-04-28 Online:2024-04-28
  • Contact: Wei Daxiu;Yao Yefeng;


Glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide derived from glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine, asa a vital source of reducing power in the body, is crucial for maintaining redox balance and combating free radicals. Its role in tumor therapy is also significant. Monitoring GSH levels in vivo using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is essential for understanding its biological functions. However, due to complex biological environments, overlapping problem of MRS signals is often serious, which makes selective detection and accurate quantification challenging. This paper introduces a method to selectively detect GSH in vivo by using nuclear spin singlet states. Compared to other methods in literatures, our method offers high efficiency and strong selectivity.

Key words: MRS, Glutathione, Molecular targeted signal selection, Nuclear spin singlet state, Optimal control pulse

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