波谱学杂志, 2024, 41(1): 67-76 doi: 10.11938/cjmr20233063



王子文, 辛家祥, 魏达秀,*, 姚叶锋,#

上海市磁共振重点实验室,物理与电子科学学院,华东师范大学,上海 200062

Preparation Efficiency of Singlet States in Multi-spin Systems with Different Coupling Configurations

WANG Ziwen, XIN Jiaxiang, WEI Daxiu,*, YAO Yefeng,#

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance, College of Physics and Electronic Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

通讯作者: Tel: 021-62233281, E-mail:dxwei@phy.ecnu.edu.cn;# Tel: 021-62234328, E-mail:yfyao@phy.ecnu.edu.cn.

收稿日期: 2023-04-13   网络出版日期: 2023-05-16

Corresponding authors: Tel: 021-62233281, E-mail:dxwei@phy.ecnu.edu.cn;# Tel: 021-62234328, E-mail:yfyao@phy.ecnu.edu.cn.

Received: 2023-04-13   Online: 2023-05-16



关键词: 核磁共振; 核自旋单重态; 制备效率; N-乙酰-L-天门冬氨酸; 脉冲序列; 优化控制


Nuclear spin singlet is a special quantum state that lasts longer than T1 and can be used to study slow diffusion and motion between molecules. The preparation of singlet states is the key to their successful application. Currently, various methods for preparing singlet states have been reported in the literature, which are mainly applicable to isolated two-spin systems. When the nuclear spin involved in the singlet state is coupled to other spins, the preparation efficiency of the singlet state often decreases. In this paper, taking a three-spin system as an example, we studied the effect of non-singlet spin coupling on the preparation efficiency of singlet states under different coupling configurations. The simulation results show that as the singlet spin changes from weak coupling to strong coupling, the preparation efficiency of the singlet state will maintain a certain stability when the coupling between the singlet spin and the non-singlet spin is symmetrical. This characteristic can provide a reference for selecting appropriate spins to prepare singlet states in complex systems. We experimentally verified this conclusion using a three-spin system in the N-acetyl-L-aspartic acid (NAA) molecule. By adjusting the pH of the NAA molecule, the three-spin system can transfer from weak coupling to strong coupling. The experimental results show that the preparation efficiency of the singlet state is significantly higher when the three spins are in strong coupling than that when the spins are in weak coupling.

Keywords: NMR; nuclear spin singlet state; preparation efficiency; NAA; pulse sequence; optimal control

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王子文, 辛家祥, 魏达秀, 姚叶锋. 不同耦合构型多自旋体系单重态制备效率研究[J]. 波谱学杂志, 2024, 41(1): 67-76 doi:10.11938/cjmr20233063

WANG Ziwen. Preparation Efficiency of Singlet States in Multi-spin Systems with Different Coupling Configurations[J]. Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2024, 41(1): 67-76 doi:10.11938/cjmr20233063


核自旋单重态具有特殊的对称性,不受自旋间偶极-偶极相互作用的影响,从而表现出长寿命的特点[1,2]. 该特性使得核自旋单重态具有一些特殊的用途,如用于磁共振分子滤波[3]q空间成像[4],研究分子的慢扩散和慢运动[5]等.单重态的应用主要包含三个步骤,首先需要施加特定的脉冲,将核自旋的状态由热平衡态转化为单重态,之后是单重态的保存,可以通过施加连续波脉冲平均自旋之间的化学位移差异,或者将核自旋从高磁场环境移到低磁场或者零磁场环境中.最后,当需要探测单重态的信号时,通过施加射频脉冲,将自旋信号从单重态转化为可观测态[6].在此过程中,核自旋单重态的制备效率决定了单重态自旋信号的灵敏度,是判断单重态应用是否有效的关键步骤.


本文讨论了单重态制备脉冲在不同耦合构型下受其它非单重态自旋的影响.考虑一个由三个质子组成的三自旋体系(H1, H2, H3),质子间存在J耦合相互作用,如果将H1与H2当成孤立的自旋体系,可以计算得到制备其单重态的脉冲,但实验施加脉冲期间,其状态必然受到第三个自旋H3的影响,即自旋H3与单重态自旋(H1和H2)之间的耦合作用会在一定程度上降低单重态的制备效率.本文模拟了不同耦合情况下单重态效率降低的幅度,研究发现:链式耦合构型时,单重态的制备效率随着非单重态自旋对单重态自旋耦合作用的增加逐渐降低;而强耦合网状构型中,当非单重态自旋与单重态自旋对的耦合值呈现出对称性时,单重态制备效率并不会随着耦合值的增大而快速下降,而是保持一定的稳定性.该结论在N-乙酰-L-天门冬氨酸(NAA)分子体系中得到了实验验证.

1 理论与模拟

处于高磁场中的两个自旋量子数I = 1/2的核自旋,通常包含四个能级,当两个自旋处于弱耦合时,能级对应的本征态可以表示为:|αα|αβ|βα|ββ;当两个核自旋磁等价时,能级对应的本征态则为:T1=|ααT0=(|αβ+|βα)/2T1=|ββS0=(|αβ|βα)/2,这里S0通常被称为单重态.当需要将两个非等价的自旋制备成单重态时,由于热平衡态到单重态的转变为非幺正过程,为了得到单重态,普适的方法是将自旋从其热平衡态转化为T0S0的混合态,其密度算符可表示为ρSO=|S0S0||T0T0|=(2I1xI2x+2I1yI2y).在去耦脉冲施加期间,核自旋的弛豫将使得单重态保留,其密度算符ρSS可表示ρSS=43(I1xI2x+I1yI2y+I1zI2z)通常情况下,ρSS态的效率为ρSO态效率的67%[15].因此,提高ρSO态的制备效率则能提高单重态的制备效率.目前基于孤立两自旋体系提出的单重态制备方法几乎都能以100%的效率制备混合态ρSO[16].传统的脉冲方法是首先确定两个核自旋的耦合类型,强耦合和中间耦合可以采用M2S/S2M、gM2S/gS2M或SLIC脉冲,弱耦合可以采用硬脉冲与延时的组合脉冲.基于优化控制和数值计算的单重态制备方法则无需区分自旋的耦合类型,只需将自旋的化学参数,初始状态与目标状态输入特定的程序,便能计算得到所需的数值脉冲[17].其单重态的制备和检测过程如图1(a)所示,其中第一个优化脉冲OC I将自旋体系从初始态转化为状态ρSO,连续波(CW)去耦脉冲用于保留单重态,第二个优化脉冲OC II将单重态转化为可观测的单量子态.优化脉冲通常包含数百个一定宽度的脉冲单元,每一个脉冲单元的幅度和相位均不同,但整个脉冲的作用效果可以实现指定的初态到末态的转换.图1(b)、(c)、(d)、(e)展示了优化脉冲幅度和相位的波形图.


图1   (a)制备以及检测单重态的脉冲序列图[3];(b) OC I脉冲的幅度调制图;(c) OC I脉冲的相位调制图;(d) OC II脉冲的幅度调制图;(e) OC II脉冲的相位调制图

Fig. 1   (a) Preparation and detection of singlet pulse sequence[3]; (b) Amplitude modulation diagram of OC I pulse; (c) Phase modulation diagram of OC I pulse; (d) Amplitude modulation diagram of OC II pulse; (e) Phase modulation diagram of OC II pulse of OC II pulse






图2   两种三自旋体系构型示意图.(a)链式耦合构型,H1和H3之间的长程耦合可以忽略不计;(b)网状耦合构型,体系中每两个氢之间都有J耦合

Fig. 2   Schematic of two three-spin system structure. (a) chain-coupled configuration, where the long-range coupling between H1 and H3 is negligible; (b) reticular-coupled structure, where there is J-coupling between every two hydrogens in the system

假设三个自旋H1、H2、H3的共振频率分别为$\omega_{1} / 2 \pi, \omega_{2} / 2 \pi, \omega_{3} / 2 \pi$,自旋之间的J耦合分别为J12J13J23.当仅考虑H1和H2之间的相互作用时,制备单重态的优化脉冲可以利用SIMPSON软件计算出脉冲形状(计算相应脉冲的脚本文件见附件材料S1).实际体系中单重态的制备效率与耦合常数J13J23的关系可以通过MATLAB模拟程序(程序脚本见附件材料S2)进行计算,计算方法如下给出.


$\eta=\frac{\operatorname{tr}\left(\rho_{\mathrm{F}}^{+} \rho_{\mathrm{SO}}\right)}{\operatorname{tr}\left(\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}^{+} \rho_{\mathrm{SO}}\right)}$

式中$\rho_{\mathrm{F}}^{+}$和$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}^{+}$分别代表末态算符与单态序算符矩阵的共轭转置. 此时单重态的制备效率则为0.67$\eta $.为了简化,下面的模拟中,我们主要讨论$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$的制备效率.

1.1 链式耦合模拟结果与讨论

链式耦合构型广泛存在于分子中碳链的邻碳氢之间,在不含双键的碳链中其耦合值通常在2~9 Hz,选取J23的变化范围为0~9 Hz,定义目标自旋对之间的耦合J12为7 Hz,H1与H2之间的化学位移差值取不同的值进行模拟,分别为:5 Hz、10 Hz、15 Hz、20 Hz、50 Hz与100 Hz,目的是让自旋体系由中间耦合逐渐过渡到弱耦合,逐一计算外部耦合J23的变化对$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态制备效率$\eta\left(J_{23}\right)$的影响.对于不同的化学位移差值,制备单重态的优化脉冲OC I和OC II的形状见附件材料S3.模拟结果如图3所示,链式构型中,无论单重态的自旋对处于中间耦合还是弱耦合,其$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态的制备效率均随着非单重态自旋耦合常数J23的增加而下降.其中,在J23足够小的时候,$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$量子态的制备效率$\eta\left(J_{23}\right)$并未出现显著下降,这表明小的外部耦合并不会显著影响$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态制备效率.由$\frac{\mathrm{d}^{2} \eta}{\mathrm{d} J^{2}}$可知,链式构型中外部耦合J23越大,其制备单重态的过程更易被外部耦合所影响.


图3   H1与H2之间的J耦合常数为7 Hz,化学位移差值定为(a) 5 Hz、(b) 10 Hz、(c) 15 Hz、(d) 20 Hz、(e) 50 Hz和(f) 100 Hz时,$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态制备效率随J23变化的模拟图

Fig. 3   Simulated singlet state preparation efficiency varying with J23. (a)~(f) corresponds to the chemical shift 5 Hz, 10 Hz, 15 Hz, 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz, respectively, when the J-coupling constant between H1 and H2 is 7 Hz

1.2 网状耦合构型模拟结果与讨论

网状耦合构型大多存在于亚甲基的一对非等价同碳氢原子核以及一个邻碳氢原子核中,以J13J23作为二元变量将其范围定为0~9 Hz,定义单重态自旋对之间的耦合常数为15 Hz,用等高线图定性分析ρSO态制备效率随J13J23的变化情况.分别选取单重态自旋对由强耦合过渡到中间耦合以及弱耦合的16组化学位移值(5 Hz、7 Hz、9 Hz、11 Hz、13 Hz、15 Hz、17 Hz、19 Hz、80 Hz、90 Hz、100 Hz、110 Hz、120 Hz、130 Hz、140 Hz、150 Hz).不同化学位移值对应不同的优化控制单重态制备脉冲,具体脉冲形状见附件材料S4. 模拟结果如图4所示,图中不同颜色的区域代表了$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态制备效率处于不同的区间,效率由高到低对应颜色由黄色变为蓝色.结果显示,当自旋体系为强耦合时,图中$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态的制备效率沿对角线存在一条极大值区域,将该区域命名为单重态稳定区,在该区域内$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态的制备效率随外部耦合值增大而下降,但其下降的速率远小于其他区域,这说明当外部耦合J13J23的值接近时,自旋对H1 和H2的$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态制备效率不容易受外部自旋的干扰.当体系由弱耦合逐渐过渡为中间耦合时,单重态稳定区的范围不断缩小;当体系完全为弱耦合时,$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态的制备效率特征表现出一致性,即可以近似认为$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态的制备效率以$\sqrt{J_{13}^{2}+J_{23}^{2}}$作为单变量变化,这说明在三自旋弱耦合体系中,外部耦合对$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态的制备效率的影响并非累加作用,而是由两者之和的均方根决定.以上模拟结果可以在实际的分子体系中进行实验验证.


图4   H1与H2之间J耦合常数(J12)为15 Hz,化学位移差值(Δω12)分别为5 Hz (a)、7 Hz (b)、9 Hz (c)、11 Hz (d)、13 Hz (e)、15 Hz (f)、17 Hz (g)、19 Hz (h)、80 Hz (i)、90 Hz (j)、100 Hz (k)、110 Hz (l)、120 Hz (m)、130 Hz (n)、140 Hz (o)和150 Hz (p)时,$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态制备效率随J13J23变化的模拟图

Fig. 4   Simulated singlet state preparation efficiency varying with J13 and J23. (a)~(f) corresponds to the chemical shift 5 Hz, 7 Hz, 9 Hz, 11 Hz, 13 Hz, 15 Hz, 17 Hz, 19 Hz, 80 Hz, 90 Hz, 100 Hz, 110 Hz, 120 Hz, 130 Hz, 140 Hz, 150 Hz, respectively, when the J-coupling constant between H1 and H2 is 15 Hz. The horizontal and vertical axes are the coupling values of J13 and J23

2 实验部分

2.1 仪器与试剂

仪器:Bruker Avance III 500型NMR谱仪(5 mm液体BBO探头).


2.2 NMR模拟与实验


模拟参数设置:模拟谱图的单脉冲均为脉宽为0的理想脉冲,模拟使用的OC脉冲波形见附件材料S3和S4,谱宽均设置为5 000 Hz,采样点数(TD)设置为19 998,CW的功率为0.1 W,持续时间$\tau_{\mathrm{C}}$为0.1 s.

试剂配制:将87 mg的NAA溶解在5 mL D2O中,配成浓度为0.1 mol/L的NAA溶液,此时pH为2.3,吸取450 µL溶液至NMR样品管.另外使用浓NaOD将剩余溶液的pH值调节至12.3,吸取450 µL溶液至NMR样品管.

实验参数设置:对常规的单脉冲实验,累加次数(NS)设置为4,谱宽定为5 000 Hz,TD为19 998,接收机增益(RG)设置为32,90˚激发脉冲采用矩形脉冲,脉宽为10 µs,脉冲功率为21.8 W,实验时射频中心(O1)定为δH 4.701.

对基于优化脉冲序列的单重态滤波实验,使用的脉冲序列如图5所示,不同实验对应的OC I和OC II的波形图及其对应的参数在附件材料S5和S6给出,CW的功率为0.1 W,持续时间$\tau_{\mathrm{C}}$为0.1 s.滤波模块中90˚激发脉冲采用矩形脉冲,脉宽为10 µs,脉冲功率为21.8 W,梯度脉冲幅度为25%,持续时间为800 µs. 这里,OC1脉冲后增加了一个滤波模块,包含两个90˚脉冲和两个梯度脉冲.理论上,该模块不会影响单重态,但会将单重态以外的信号散相.


图5   利用优化控制方法制备单重态并滤波的脉冲序列图. 初态经过OC I脉冲作用后转化为$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态,之后的滤波模块(FCW)将非单重态信号散相,其中CW去耦脉冲用于保留单重态信号,两个90˚脉冲相位分别为xy,OC II脉冲将$\rho_{\mathrm{SS}}$转化为单量子态,以观测磁共振信号

Fig. 5   Pulse sequence based on the optimal controlled singlet state preparation. OC I is to transfer the initial state into $\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$. The following filtering module is to dephase unwanted signals. The CW is used to store the singlet state. The phases of the two 90-degree pulses are x and y respectively. The OC II module is to convert $\rho_{\mathrm{SS}}$ to single quantum state

总体而言,初态经过OC I脉冲作用后转化为$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}=\eta_{1}\left(2 I_{1 x} I_{2 x}+2 I_{1 y} I_{2 y}\right)$,滤波模块(FCW)作用下$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态转化为$\rho_{\mathrm{SS}}=\eta_{1} \eta_{2}\left(2 I_{1 x} I_{2 x}+2 I_{1 y} I_{2 y}+2 I_{1 z} I_{2 z}\right)$,OC II脉冲将$\rho_{\mathrm{SS}}$转化为单量子态$\rho_{x}=\eta_{1} \eta_{2} \eta_{3}\left(I_{1 x}+I_{2 x}\right)$.其中$0<\eta_{1}<1, \quad 0<\eta_{2}<2 / 3, \quad 0<\eta_{3}<1, \quad \eta_{1} \eta_{2}$可描述单重态制备效率,而$\eta_{1} \eta_{2} \eta_{3}$则可以描述脉冲序列的滤波效率.

2.3 实验结果与讨论



图6   (a) NAA分子的结构示意图,其中H1、H2、H3为文中考虑的三自旋体系,H1、H2为单重态自旋对;(b) NAA三自旋在强耦合情况下的单脉冲模拟谱图;(c) NAA三自旋在强耦合情况下使用单重态滤波脉冲序列的模拟谱图;(d) NAA三自旋在强耦合情况下的单脉冲实验谱图;(e) NAA三自旋在强耦合情况下的单重态滤波脉冲序列的实验谱图;(f) NAA三自旋在弱耦合情况下的单脉冲模拟谱图;(g) NAA三自旋在弱耦合情况下使用单重态滤波脉冲序列的模拟谱图;(h) NAA三自旋在弱耦合情况下的单脉冲实验谱图;(i) NAA三自旋在弱耦合情况下的单重态滤波脉冲序列实验谱图

Fig. 6   (a) Schematic representation of the structure of NAA molecule, where H1, H2, H3 represent the three spin systems considered in the text; H1, H2 correspond to the target singlet spin pair; (b) Simulated spectrum of NAA three-spin system with strong coupling under single-pulse excitation; (c) Simulated spectrum of NAA three-spin system with strong coupling using singlet-state preparation pulse sequence; (d) Experimental spectrum of NAA three-spin system with strong coupling under single-pulse excitation; (e) Experimental spectrum of NAA three-spin system with strong coupling using singlet-state preparation pulse sequence; (f) Simulated spectrum of NAA three-spin system with weak coupling under single-pulse excitation; (g) Simulated spectrum of NAA three-spin system with weak coupling using singlet-state preparation pulse sequence; (h) Experimental spectrum of NAA three-spin system with weak coupling under single-pulse excitation; (i) Experimental spectrum of NAA three-spin system with weak coupling using singlet-state preparation pulse sequence

表1   NAA中以图6(a)标记的氢原子核在两种pH条件下的化学位移值以及J耦合值(外磁场B0=11.7 T),单位为Hz. 表中每500.17 Hz为1 ppm

Table 1  The chemical shift values and J-coupling values of the protons of NAA labelled as Fig. 6(a) under two different pH conditions. The unit is Hz, and 500.17 Hz = 1 ppm


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针对两种不同pH值的化学参数设计的单重态制备脉冲见附件材料S5.首先模拟了施加脉冲序列后的理论图谱,对pH=2.3情况下的强耦合体系,其单脉冲模拟谱图以及施加优化脉冲序列后的模拟谱图分别如图6(b)、(c)所示.使用图5所示脉冲序列分别进行实验,得到的实验结果如图6(d)、(e)所示.选择对δH 2.80~2.95区间进行谱峰积分,以单脉冲的结果作为分母进行比值从而得到效率.模拟结果表明施加如图5所示的脉冲序列后得到理论滤波效率为61%.实验结果表明,施加图5所示优化脉冲序列后采集所得到的实验滤波效率为40%.

相似地,针对pH=12.3的NAA弱耦合体系,其单脉冲模拟谱图以及施加图5所示脉冲序列后的模拟谱如图6(f)、(g)所示.选择对δH 2.30~2.70区间谱峰进行积分,以单脉冲的结果作为分母进行比值从而得到效率.模拟结果表明,施加图5所示脉冲序列得到的模拟谱图中理论的滤波效率为40%.施加图5所示脉冲序列进行实验采集得到的实验谱图如图6(h)、(k)所示.实验结果表明,施加优化脉冲序列所得到的实验的滤波效率27%.与理论相比,实验效率存在一定程度的降低,其原因主要来自于脉冲施加期间因为脉冲时长较长引起的弛豫衰减,单重态滤波模块$(\pi / 2-\operatorname{grad}-\pi / 2-\operatorname{grad}+\mathrm{CW})$中两个梯度脉冲导致的信号散相以及CW去耦脉冲期间单重态与三重态的分离引起的强度下降.


上述理论和实验结果表明:网络状弱耦合体系中,单重态的制备效率容易受外部作用的影响,此时在设计单重态的制备脉冲时需要考虑同时压制外部耦合的影响;而网络状强耦合体系中,当外部耦合具有对称特征时$\left(J_{13} \approx J_{23}\right)$,单重态的制备效率不易受外部耦合的影响.

3 结论

总之,在网络状耦合构型中,单重态的制备效率会随非单重态自旋对其耦合的强弱表现出不同的特征,弱耦合网络构型中单重态制备效率会随着外部耦合的均方根$\sqrt{J_{13}^{2}+J_{23}^{2}}$近似单变量变化,而强耦合网络构型中单重态制备效率会在$J_{13} \approx J_{23}$附近呈现出极大效率,此现象表明在复杂分子体系中制备单重态时,应该选择具有良好对称性的强耦合自旋对作为目标自旋.


附件材料(可在《波谱学杂志》期刊官网 http://magres.wipm.ac.cn获取)

S1 单重态制备与转化优化脉冲的SIMPSON程序示例

S2 利用优化控制脉冲进行模拟的MATLAB程序代码

S3 链式耦合构型模拟所用的脉冲波形图

S4 网状耦合构型模拟所用的脉冲波形图

S5 实验所用的脉冲波形图

S6 实验中所使用的优化脉冲下的算符演化图



Long-lived nuclear spin states in high-field solution NMR

[J]. J Am Chem Soc, 2004, 126(20): 6228-6229.

PMID:15149209      [本文引用: 1]

Nuclear spin order may be stored in a liquid for a much longer time than the longitudinal relaxation time T1, by using rf fields to isolate states of different symmetry. The method is demonstrated on a sample containing AX spin systems.


Beyond the T1 limit: singlet nuclear spin states in low magnetic fields

[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2004, 92(15): 153003.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.153003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

WEI D, XIN J, HU K, et al.

Preparation of long-lived states in a multi-spin system by using an optimal control method

[J]. Chem Phys Chem, 2020, 21(12): 1326-1330.

[本文引用: 3]


NMR q-space imaging of macroscopic pores using singlet spin states

[J]. J Magn Reson, 2010, 204(2): 346-348.

DOI:10.1016/j.jmr.2010.03.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Measurement of slow diffusion coefficients of molecules with arbitrary scalar couplings via long-lived spin states

[J]. Chem Phys Chem, 2008, 9(16): 2414-2419.

[本文引用: 1]


Preparation of nuclear spin singlet states using spin-lock induced crossing

[J]. Phys Rev Lett, 2013, 111(17): 173002.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.173002      URL     [本文引用: 2]


Storage of nuclear magnetization as long-lived singlet order in low magnetic field

[J]. P Natl Acad Sci Usa, 2010, 107(40): 17135-17139.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1010570107      URL     [本文引用: 1]

\n Hyperpolarized nuclear states provide NMR signals enhanced by many orders of magnitude, with numerous potential applications to analytical NMR, in vivo NMR, and NMR imaging. However, the lifetime of hyperpolarized magnetization is normally limited by the relaxation time constant\n T\n 1\n, which lies in the range of milliseconds to minutes, apart from in exceptional cases. In many cases, the lifetime of the hyperpolarized state may be enhanced by converting the magnetization into nuclear singlet order, where it is protected against many common relaxation mechanisms. However, all current methods for converting magnetization into singlet order require the use of a high-field, high-homogeneity NMR magnet, which is incompatible with most hyperpolarization procedures. We demonstrate a new method for converting magnetization into singlet order and back again. The new technique is suitable for magnetically inequivalent spin-pair systems in weak and inhomogeneous magnetic fields, and is compatible with known hyperpolarization technology. The method involves audio-frequency pulsed irradiation at the low-field nuclear Larmor frequency, employing coupling-synchronized trains of 180° pulses to induce singlet–triplet transitions. The echo trains are used as building blocks for a pulse sequence called M2S that transforms longitudinal magnetization into long-lived singlet order. The time-reverse of the pulse sequence, called S2M, converts singlet order back into longitudinal magnetization. The method is demonstrated on a solution of\n 15\n N-labeled nitrous oxide. The magnetization is stored in low magnetic field for over 30 min, even though the\n T\n 1\n is less than 3 min under the same conditions.\n


Generalised magnetisation-to-singlet-order transfer in nuclear magnetic resonance

[J]. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2020, 22(17): 9703-9712.

DOI:10.1039/d0cp00935k      PMID:32329499      [本文引用: 1]

A variety of pulse sequences have been described for converting nuclear spin magnetisation into long-lived singlet order for nuclear spin-1/2 pairs. Existing sequences operate well in two extreme parameter regimes. The magnetisation-to-singlet (M2S) pulse sequence performs a robust conversion of nuclear spin magnetisation into singlet order in the near-equivalent limit, meaning that the difference in chemical shift frequencies of the two spins is much smaller than the spin-spin coupling. Other pulse sequences operate in the strong-inequivalence regime, where the shift difference is much larger than the spin-spin coupling. However both sets of pulse sequences fail in the intermediate regime, where the chemical shift difference and the spin-spin coupling are roughly equal in magnitude. We describe a generalised version of M2S, called gM2S, which achieves robust singlet order excitation for spin systems ranging from the near-equivalence limit well into the intermediate regime. This closes an important gap left by existing pulse sequences. The efficiency of the gM2S sequence is demonstrated numerically and experimentally for near-equivalent and intermediate-regime cases.


Using optimal control methods with constraints to generate singlet states in NMR

[J]. J Magn Reson, 2018, 291: 14-22.

DOI:S1090-7807(18)30089-2      PMID:29626735      [本文引用: 1]

A method is proposed for optimizing the performance of the APSOC (Adiabatic-Passage Spin Order Conversion) technique, which can be exploited in NMR experiments with singlet spin states. In this technique magnetization-to-singlet conversion (and singlet-to-magnetization conversion) is performed by using adiabatically ramped RF-fields. Optimization utilizes the GRAPE (Gradient Ascent Pulse Engineering) approach, in which for a fixed search area we assume monotonicity to the envelope of the RF-field. Such an approach allows one to achieve much better performance for APSOC; consequently, the efficiency of magnetization-to-singlet conversion is greatly improved as compared to simple model RF-ramps, e.g., linear ramps. We also demonstrate that the optimization method is reasonably robust to possible inaccuracies in determining NMR parameters of the spin system under study and also in setting the RF-field parameters. The present approach can be exploited in other NMR and EPR applications using adiabatic switching of spin Hamiltonians.Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

XIN J-X, YANG G, ZHANG H, et al.

Using optimal controlled singlet spin order to accurately target molecular signal in MRI and MRS

[J]. Sci Rep, 2023, 13(1): 2212.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-28425-2      [本文引用: 1]

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) have made great successes in clinical diagnosis, medical research, and neurological science. MRI provides high resolution anatomical images of tissues/organs, and MRS provides information of the functional molecules related to a specific tissue/organ. However, it is difficult for classic MRI/MRS to selectively image/probe a specific metabolite molecule other than the water or fat in tissues/organs. This greatly limits their applications on the study of the molecular mechanism(s) of metabolism and disease. Herein, we report a series of molecularly targeted MRI/MRS methods to target specific molecules. The optimal control method was used to efficiently prepare the singlet spin orders of varied multi-spin systems and in turn greatly expand the choice of the targeted molecules in the molecularly targeted MRI/MRS. Several molecules, such as N-acetyl-l-aspartic acid (NAA), dopamine (DA), and a tripeptide (alanine-glycine-glycine, AGG), have been used as targeted molecules for molecularly targeted MRI and MRS. We show in vivo NAA-targeted 1H MRS spectrum of a human brain. The high-resolution signal of NAA suggests a promising way to study important issues in molecular biology at the molecular level, e.g., measuring the local pH value of tissue in vivo, demonstrating the high potential of such methods in medicine.


J-Stabilization of singlet states in the solution NMR of multiple-spin systems

[J]. J Magn Reson, 2007, 187(1): 141-145.

PMID:17498983      [本文引用: 1]

Long-lived singlet states have been observed in the solution NMR of spin systems containing more than two coupled spins, despite the fact that the singlet state is expected to be quenched by small long-range J-couplings. We show that the stability of localized singlet states may be explained by taking into account the intra-pair J-coupling between the two spins which participate in the singlet state. The relatively strong intra-pair J-coupling protects the singlet state against quenching by weaker out-of-pair J-couplings.

GUO H Q, XIN J X, LIU H X, et al.

Preparation of long-lived nuclear singlet states in three-spin systems

[J]. Chinese J Magn Reson, 2018, 35(3): 345-352.

[本文引用: 1]

郭海清, 辛家祥, 刘慧霞, .


[J]. 波谱学杂志, 2018, 35(3): 345-352.

[本文引用: 1]

CI J, YANG X, XIN J X, et al.

Preparation and lifetime studies of the singlet state of five spins in hexene molecules used to guide the preservation of the parahydrogen-induced nuclear polarization state

[J]. Chinese J Magn Reson, 2023, 40(1): 30-38.

[本文引用: 1]

慈杰, 杨雪, 辛家祥, .


[J]. 波谱学杂志, 2023, 40(1): 30-38.

[本文引用: 1]

HU K R, YANG X, HUANG Z M, et al.

Preparing nuclear spin singlet state in a three-spin system and its application in 2D spectrum

[J]. Chinese J Magn Reson, 2022, 39(1): 96-107.

[本文引用: 1]

胡凯瑞, 杨雪, 黄志明, .


[J]. 波谱学杂志, 2022, 39(1): 96-107.

[本文引用: 1]


Singlet NMR methodology in two-spin-1/2 systems

[J]. Prog Nucl Mag Res Sp, 2017, 98-99: 1-19.

[本文引用: 2]

LIU H X, XIN J X, WEI D X, et al.

Preparation of nuclear spin singlet states and analysis of influencing factors on their conversion efficiency and lifetime

[J]. Chinese J Magn Reson, 2020, 37(2): 182-192.

[本文引用: 2]

刘慧霞, 辛家祥, 魏达秀, .


[J]. 波谱学杂志, 2020, 37(2): 182-192.

[本文引用: 2]


Optimal control in NMR spectroscopy: numerical implementation in SIMPSON

[J]. J Magn Reson, 2009, 197(2): 120-134.

DOI:10.1016/j.jmr.2008.11.020      PMID:19119034      [本文引用: 1]

We present the implementation of optimal control into the open source simulation package SIMPSON for development and optimization of nuclear magnetic resonance experiments for a wide range of applications, including liquid- and solid-state NMR, magnetic resonance imaging, quantum computation, and combinations between NMR and other spectroscopies. Optimal control enables efficient optimization of NMR experiments in terms of amplitudes, phases, offsets etc. for hundreds-to-thousands of pulses to fully exploit the experimentally available high degree of freedom in pulse sequences to combat variations/limitations in experimental or spin system parameters or design experiments with specific properties typically not covered as easily by standard design procedures. This facilitates straightforward optimization of experiments under consideration of rf and static field inhomogeneities, limitations in available or desired rf field strengths (e.g., for reduction of sample heating), spread in resonance offsets or coupling parameters, variations in spin systems etc. to meet the actual experimental conditions as close as possible. The paper provides a brief account on the relevant theory and in particular the computational interface relevant for optimization of state-to-state transfer (on the density operator level) and the effective Hamiltonian on the level of propagators along with several representative examples within liquid- and solid-state NMR spectroscopy.


Localized singlet-filtered MRS in vivo

[J]. NMR Biomed, 2021, 34(1): e4400.

DOI:10.1002/nbm.v34.1      URL    
