
Preparation Efficiency of Singlet States in Multi-spin Systems with Different Coupling Configurations
WANG Ziwen,XIN Jiaxiang,WEI Daxiu,YAO Yefeng
图5 利用优化控制方法制备单重态并滤波的脉冲序列图. 初态经过OC I脉冲作用后转化为$\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$态,之后的滤波模块(FCW)将非单重态信号散相,其中CW去耦脉冲用于保留单重态信号,两个90?脉冲相位分别为xy,OC II脉冲将$\rho_{\mathrm{SS}}$转化为单量子态,以观测磁共振信号
Fig. 5 Pulse sequence based on the optimal controlled singlet state preparation. OC I is to transfer the initial state into $\rho_{\mathrm{SO}}$. The following filtering module is to dephase unwanted signals. The CW is used to store the singlet state. The phases of the two 90-degree pulses are x and y respectively. The OC II module is to convert $\rho_{\mathrm{SS}}$ to single quantum state