Simultaneously Neuromelanin-sensitive Imaging and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in the Whole Brain
Corresponding authors: * Tel: 021-62233775, E-mail:jqli@phy.ecnu.edu.cn.
Received: 2023-03-28
尽管具有磁化转移(Magnetization Transfer,MT)的三维梯度回波序列可以同时进行神经黑色素和定量磁化率成像,但MT预饱和脉冲耗时长,且MT对磁化率定量的影响尚不明确.本文通过开发具有可变持续时间的MT脉冲,缩短了MT脉冲持续时间,并评估了MT对磁化率值定量的影响.研究结果显示,MT脉冲持续时间为5 ms的梯度回波序列在显示神经黑色素方面不低于持续时间为8 ms、10 ms和12 ms时序列的显示效果,并且得到的大脑深部灰质核团磁化率值与未加MT的序列具有良好一致性.这表明短持续时间的MT脉冲提供了一种同时成像神经黑色素和磁化率的实用方法.
Three-dimensional (3D) gradient recalled echo (GRE) sequence with magnetization transfer (MT) can simultaneously image neuromelanin and magnetic susceptibility. However, the sequence requires long duration of MT saturation pulse and the effect of MT pulse on susceptibility values remains unclear. Therefore, this paper aims to shorten the MT pulse duration and evaluate the effect of MT pulse on susceptibility value. Results showed that 3D GRE sequence with 5 ms of MT pulse provided a saturation effect no less than that of 8 ms, 10 ms and 12 ms in highlighting neuromelanin, and yielded susceptibility values in the deep gray matter nuclei similar to sequence without MT pulse. In conclusion, short MT pulse provides a practical means to simultaneously image the neuromelanin and magnetic susceptibility.
陈梦颖, 武玉朋, 逄奇凡, 钟昊东, 李改英, 李建奇.
CHEN Mengying, WU Yupeng, PANG Qifan, ZHONG Haodong, LI Gaiying, LI Jianqi.
神经黑色素的主要成分包括黑色素、金属离子、脂质和各种蛋白质,其中金属离子主要是铁.黑色素与铁离子以复合物的形式存在于含有神经黑色素的细胞器中,这种复合物具有顺磁性,导致T1缩短,因此神经黑色素在磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)T1加权图像上相对周围结构呈现高信号[5].另外,含有神经黑色素的大脑深部核团磁化转移(Magnetization Transfer,MT)效应要比白质和灰质更弱.因此,神经黑色素敏感磁共振成像(Neuromelanin Sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging,NM-MRI)一般采用施加有MT射频脉冲的快速自旋回波(Fast Spin Echo,FSE)或者梯度回波(Gradient Recalled Echo,GRE)序列,检测颅内神经黑色素的含量,从而揭示多巴胺能神经元的病理变化[6,7].目前,NM-MRI在神经退行性疾病领域得到了广泛应用,可对帕金森病(Parkinson’s Disease,PD)进行诊断[8,9]、病情监测[10]、亚型评估[11]以及与其他类型帕金森综合征相鉴别[12].此外,NM-MRI可以很好地显示注意力缺陷与多动障碍[13]、精神分裂症[14]和成瘾[15]等精神疾病的多巴胺能病理学信息.
定量磁化率成像(Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping,QSM)是一种可以准确提供组织内磁化率分布情况的MRI技术,其利用常规GRE序列采集到的相位信息,计算得到局部磁场的变化特性,并基于贝叶斯理论,解决病态解问题,实现由局部磁场到磁化率分布的反演[16].QSM可用于量化铁含量[17],已被广泛地应用到与铁代谢相关的神经退行性疾病的诊断[18⇓-20]、血肿大小的评估[21]、出血与钙化的鉴别[22]等.其中,QSM已被证明是检测PD患者颅内铁含量变化最灵敏的方法[23],在区分PD患者和健康人方面具有良好的诊断性能[24],是一种监测PD患者铁沉积和疾病进展的有效工具[25],并且在鉴别PD与其他类型帕金森综合征上具有重要价值[26,27].
联合使用NM-MRI和QSM技术有助于提高PD的诊断性能[28⇓-30],并更好地理解PD的病理生理变化[31]. 然而,大部分研究[32,33]采用T1加权FSE序列和常规GRE序列分别进行NM-MRI和QSM成像,有的研究[28,29]还将NM-MRI和QSM图像配准到全脑高分辨结构像上,以评估黑质致密部内神经黑色素和铁的含量及空间差异.因此,联合分析涉及多个不同序列,成像时间较长,而且图像配准过程容易造成较大误差,不利于在临床上广泛应用.有研究[31]使用带有MT脉冲的三维GRE序列实现了神经黑色素和铁含量的同时成像,其在区分PD患者和健康人方面具有高度的敏感性和特异性.但该研究使用的序列未覆盖全脑,只关注了黑质核团,而全脑多个深部核团中的铁分布变化都与PD相关[34].另外成像范围越大,QSM得到的磁化率更准确[35],但成像范围的扩大会带来总成像时间的增加,因此对序列进行时间优化很有必要.
1 脉冲序列实现
MT技术的实施是提前施加一个偏离自由水共振中心频率的窄带宽脉冲,激发待饱和组织的结合水而不影响自由水,但生物体内结合水中的质子和自由水中的质子会不停地进行交换,被饱和的结合水质子会转移到自由水质子中,导致自由水质子部分呈现饱和状态,信号下降.许多不同种类的射频脉冲可用于MT,常用的有高斯脉冲和费米脉冲[11,37].对于相同持续时间和翻转角的MT脉冲,费米脉冲的特定能量吸收率(Specific Absorption Ratio,SAR)低于高斯脉冲,但激发频谱不如高斯型紧凑[38].此外,二项式硬脉冲也可应用于MT[39],其时间更短,有利于降低重复时间和射频功率沉积,但其频谱很宽,对主磁场均匀性要求较高,主磁场不均匀会对自由水池带来严重的直接饱和效应[36].本研究所使用的MT射频脉冲为高斯脉冲,旋转坐标系下高斯脉冲中心在
高斯脉冲翻转角(Flip Angle,FA)与SAR可表达为[38]:
本研究中所用序列在西门子面向应用程序的集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment for Applications,IDEA)平台上开发完成.序列时序图如图1所示,其在常规3D多回波GRE序列前添加高斯型射频脉冲,并在每一次MT脉冲饱和后施加扰相梯度以破坏剩余的横向磁化矢量,高斯射频脉冲和扰相梯度共同构成一个MT模块,通过界面参数可调节高斯射频脉冲的频率偏移、翻转角与持续时间.
三维磁化转移梯度回波(3D MT-GRE)脉冲序列时序图.脉冲序列由MT模块和常规3D GRE成像模块组成.MT模块中,在高斯射频脉冲(绿色)后施加扰相梯度(黑色)以破坏剩余横向磁化矢量.GRE模块中,所有回波采集结束后,施加一个强的扰相梯度(黑色)以消除剩余横向磁化矢量.α:GRE成像翻转角;TR:重复时间;TE1:第一个回波的回波时间;ΔTE:回波间隔时间
Fig. 1
A schematic diagram of the 3D MT-GRE sequence. The sequence consists of an MT module and a 3D GRE imaging module. In the MT module, a spoiler gradient (black) is added following the Gaussian RF pulse (green) to spoil residual transverse magnetization. In the GRE module, a strong spoiler gradient (black) is applied to eliminate the residual transverse magnetization after all echoes are collected. α, flip angle for GRE imaging module; TR, repetition time; TE1, the first echo time; ΔTE, echo spacing
2 实验部分
2.1 实验对象
六名健康受试者(男2名,女4名,年龄19~23岁)参与实验.所有受试者均无MRI扫描禁忌症,也无神经学、心血管或其他严重躯体疾病史.本研究得到了华东师范大学人体试验伦理委员会的批准(批准文号:HR 319-2022),所有受试者均自愿参加并签署知情同意书.
2.2 数据采集
MRI数据采集均在3T-MRI系统(Magnetom Prisma,西门子医疗,埃朗根,德国)上采用64通道头颈联合线圈完成.受试者尽可能放松平躺,使用海绵垫以减小头部运动.扫描采用整合有MT脉冲的3D多回波GRE序列,使用五套不同的序列扫描参数顺序进行扫描.
第一个序列MT射频脉冲持续时间为5 ms(MT-5ms),其他扫描参数如下:MT预饱和高斯脉冲翻转角=500°,偏共振频率=1.2 kHz,重复时间=50 ms,第一个回波时间=4.02 ms,回波间隔时间=5.29 ms,回波数=6,梯度回波翻转角=18°,视野=230 mm×192 mm,采集矩阵=288×240,体素大小=0.8 mm×0.8 mm×2.0 mm,层数=80,带宽=240 Hz/pixel,扫描时间=5 min 3 s.横断面成像,层面垂直于第四脑室,成像范围覆盖全脑.此外,采用通用自动校准部分并行采集(Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisitions,GRAPPA)技术来减少采集时间,并行成像施加于左右方向,加速因子为2.
第二个序列MT射频脉冲持续时间为8 ms(MT-8ms),重复时间=53 ms,扫描时间=5 min 21 s.其他参数与第一个序列参数保持一致.
第三个序列MT射频脉冲持续时间为10 ms(MT-10ms),重复时间=55 ms,扫描时间=5 min 33 s.其他参数与第一个序列参数保持一致.
第四个序列MT射频脉冲持续时间为12 ms(MT-12ms),重复时间=57 ms,扫描时间=5 min 45 s.其他参数与第一个序列参数保持一致.
第五个序列关闭MT射频脉冲(MT-Off),重复时间=40 ms,扫描时间=4 min 2 s.其他参数与第一个序列参数保持一致.
2.3 数据处理
QSM重建采用形态学偶极子反演法(Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion,MEDI)2020版工具包完成(
2.4 数据分析
2.4.1 感兴趣区域勾画
感兴趣区域(Region of Interest,ROI)均由一名研究人员(两年磁共振神经影像学研究经验)使用ITK-SNAP图像处理软件(
用于定量分析神经黑色素敏感图像对噪比的ROI均于第一个回波的幅度图像中显示神经黑色素最清楚的层面上勾画完成,如图2(a)所示.黑质区域ROI选取黑质中高信号最均匀的区域,参考区域ROI选取与黑质邻近的上方白质,均为直径为3.2 mm的圆.
Fig. 2
Regions of interest (ROIs) for quantitative analysis of tissue contrast in neuromelanin (NM) sensitive images and susceptibility values in susceptibility maps. (a) ROIs for NM analysis. Red and orange circles were drawn for substantia nigra and reference areas, respectively. (b)~(d) ROIs for susceptibility analysis. CN, caudate nucleus; PUT, putamen; GP, globus pallidus; RN, red nucleus; SN, substantia nigra; DN, dentate nucleus
2.4.2 对噪比计算
NM-MRI中黑质的对噪比(Contrast to Noise Ratio,CNR)定义为:
2.4.3 统计学分析
本研究使用IBM SPSS 23.0软件进行统计分析.采用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)比较不同MT持续时间采集所得黑质CNR的组间差异性,p < 0.05表示差异具有统计学意义,采用最小显著差异方法(Least Significant Difference,LSD)进行事后检验.采用配对样本t检验比较施加与未施加MT脉冲时采集获得的磁化率值的差异性.采用线性相关分析和Bland-Altman分析方法评价施加与未施加MT脉冲时采集获得的磁化率值的一致性.
3 结果与讨论
3.1 神经黑色素敏感成像
图3为1名受试者采用施加有5 ms、8 ms、10 ms、12 ms MT脉冲、以及未施加MT脉冲的5个序列扫描得到的第一个回波图像.与未施加MT脉冲相比[图3(e)],施加MT脉冲后黑质中神经黑色素的高信号均可以清楚显示[图3(a)~3(d)箭头所示].图4为6名受试者采用施加有5 ms、8 ms、10 ms与12 ms MT脉冲的4个序列扫描得到的黑质CNR变化趋势,当MT射频脉冲持续时间为5 ms时,6名受试者神经黑色素成像的黑质CNR为8.30±0.76,SAR值大小为(94.17±6.12)%;当MT射频脉冲持续时间为8 ms时,6名受试者神经黑色素成像的黑质CNR为7.27±1.36,SAR值大小为(66.67±14.61)%;当MT射频脉冲持续时间为10 ms时,6名受试者神经黑色素成像的黑质CNR为7.89±0.96,SAR值大小为(52.67±11.69)%;当MT射频脉冲持续时间为12 ms时,6名受试者神经黑色素成像的黑质CNR为5.55±0.73,SAR值大小为(43.33±9.67)%.施加5 ms、8 ms、10 ms与12 ms MT脉冲的四个序列扫描得到的黑质CNR有显著的组间差异(F = 9.085,p = 0.001).LSD事后比较分析显示,MT脉冲施加时间为5 ms、8 ms与10 ms时3种序列得到的黑质CNR无显著差异,但均显著高于MT脉冲施加时间为12 ms时的黑质CNR.
1例受试者采用三维梯度回波序列扫描得到的第一回波幅值图.(a)施加有MT射频脉冲,持续时间为5 ms(MT-5ms);(b)施加有MT射频脉冲,持续时间为8 ms(MT-8ms);(c)施加有MT射频脉冲,持续时间为10 ms(MT-10ms);(d)施加有MT射频脉冲,持续时间为12 ms(MT-12ms);(e)未施加MT射频脉冲(MT-Off)
Fig. 3
The magnitude images of the first echo acquired by 3D GRE sequences with or without MT pulse. (a) MT RF pulse lasted for 5 ms (MT-5ms); (b) MT RF pulse lasted for 8 ms (MT-8ms); (c) MT RF pulse lasted for 10 ms (MT-10ms); (d) MT RF pulse lasted for 12 ms (MT-12ms); (e) MT RF pulse was not applied (MT-Off)
Fig. 4
The contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) between substantia nigra (SN) and surrounding reference area in neuromelanin sensitive images acquired with four different durations of MT pulse. The labels with different shape in the plot represent individual subjects
3.2 定量磁化率成像
表1为MT射频脉冲持续时间为5 ms、8 ms、10 ms、12 ms以及未施加MT脉冲的5个序列扫描得到的大脑深部灰质核团磁化率值对比,5种序列采集得到的核团磁化率平均值相近,差异无统计学意义(p > 0.05).
表1 施加和未施加MT射频脉冲采集得到的大脑深部灰质核团磁化率对比
Table 1
核团 | 磁化率值( | 配对样本t检验(p值) | ||||||||
MT-5ms | MT-8ms | MT-10ms | MT-12ms | MT-Off | MT-5ms vs. MT-Off | MT-8ms vs. MT-Off | MT-10ms vs. MT-Off | MT-12ms vs. MT-Off | ||
尾状核 | 53±13 | 55±13 | 55±13 | 51±13 | 52±12 | 0.450 | 0.130 | 0.145 | 0.967 | |
壳核 | 38±10 | 39±13 | 38±11 | 36±10 | 36±11 | 0.485 | 0.221 | 0.469 | 0.971 | |
苍白球 | 127±13 | 125±11 | 126±13 | 123±13 | 127±10 | 0.738 | 0.227 | 0.450 | 0.288 | |
红核 | 67±21 | 66±18 | 64±17 | 65±22 | 63±21 | 0.210 | 0.196 | 0.845 | 0.618 | |
黑质 | 81±13 | 80±10 | 79±10 | 78±13 | 79±12 | 0.278 | 0.490 | 0.947 | 0.757 | |
齿状核 | 74±11 | 73±9 | 74±12 | 71±10 | 73±10 | 0.706 | 0.879 | 0.378 | 0.489 |
图5为六名受试者采用施加有不同持续时间的MT脉冲与未施加MT脉冲的序列得到的核团磁化率值线性回归分析结果和Bland-Altman图.施加有MT脉冲(持续时间为5 ms至12 ms)和未施加MT脉冲的序列采集得到的核团内磁化率具有良好一致性[图5(a)、图5(c)、图5(e)和图5(g)],核团内磁化率平均值线性相关,线性回归斜率接近于1(k = 0.93 ~ 0.98),截距接近于0(y0 = 2.23 ~ 5.27 ppb,1 ppb = 10-9),相关系数也接近于1(R2 = 0.960 ~ 0.977).Bland-Altman图显示施加有MT脉冲(持续时间为5 ms至12 ms)和未施加MT脉冲得到的核团磁化率值没有显著的偏差[图5(b)、图5(d)、图5(f)和图5(h)].
Fig. 5
Quantitative comparison of the susceptibility values acquired with MT pulses of different durations and without MT pulse. (a), (c), (e), (g) scattered plots of the linear regression analysis of susceptibility values. The solid and dotted lines are the trend line of the linear regression and the line of equality, respectively. (b), (d), (f), (h) Bland-Altman plots. The solid and dotted lines indicate the mean difference and the mean difference ± 1.96 times the standard deviation of the difference, respectively. CN, caudate nucleus; PUT, putamen; GP, globus pallidus; RN, red nucleus; SN, substantia nigra; DN, dentate nucleus
3.3 讨论
本研究开发了MT射频脉冲持续时间可以调节的3D GRE序列,并实现了全脑神经黑色素敏感与定量磁化率同时成像.结果显示,MT脉冲持续时间分别为5 ms、8 ms与10 ms的3个序列所得到的黑质CNR没有显著性差异,并且均高于MT脉冲持续时间为12 ms时的黑质CNR.MT脉冲持续时间分别为5 ms、 8 ms、10 ms与12 ms时得到的核团磁化率值与不施加MT脉冲采集得到的结果基本一致.
NM-MRI中黑质对比度是T1加权效应和MT效应共同作用的结果[5],因此TR会对神经黑色素成像产生影响.六名受试者的黑质CNR结果显示,MT脉冲持续时间分别为5 ms、8 ms与10 ms的三个序列所得到的黑质CNR没有显著性差异,但高于MT脉冲持续时间为12 ms时的黑质CNR,其原因可能是由于MT脉冲持续时间为12 ms时的TR较长,降低了T1加权效应.研究结果表明MT脉冲持续时间的缩短不会降低神经黑色素可视化所需要的灵敏度,但会带来B1场的增加,导致SAR值的上升.因此,在SAR值安全限度内,施加短持续时间的MT脉冲更节省时间,NM-MRI数据采集效率更高.
本研究还比较了GRE序列中MT脉冲对磁化率值测量的影响.MT脉冲持续时间为5 ms、8 ms、10 ms和12 ms的序列与不施加MT脉冲的序列相比,大脑深部灰质核团中的磁化率测量值均具有良好的一致性.MT脉冲的施加对幅值图产生较大的影响,可更好地显示神经黑色素,但未对通过相位图处理得到的磁化率图产生明显的影响,因此常规的梯度回波序列添加MT脉冲后仍可进行QSM.
目前,NM-MRI的临床应用采用不同的成像序列与成像维度.就成像序列而言,NM-MRI于2006年首次被提出[6],该研究采用2D FSE T1加权序列,但FSE本身附带的MT效应比较低.后续研究[49]在FSE中加入了MT预饱和脉冲,增加了富含神经黑色素区域和周围区域之间的对比度.由于GRE序列对铁敏感,后续多项研究[50,51]通过基于MT的GRE序列来探索黑质区域,相关结果表明GRE序列能够明显缩短扫描时间,并保持较高的信噪比.就成像维度而言,2D MRI序列采集时间短,减少了潜在的运动伪影,可以用来测量感兴趣区域的面积,但由于层间距的存在,很难精确测量神经黑色素的体积[8,10,11].而3D MRI序列可更好地评估神经黑色素的体积,但其采集时间较长,对头部运动更敏感[28,31].与现有的其他NM-MRI方法相比,本研究对加入了MT预饱和脉冲的3D GRE序列进行时间上的优化,这种方法可以为未来研究提供一个更具优势的方案.
4 结论
Changes in substantia nigra and locus coeruleus in patients with early-stage Parkinson’s disease using neuromelanin-sensitive MR imaging
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2013.02.012 URL [本文引用: 1]
Interactions of iron, dopamine and neuromelanin pathways in brain aging and Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.pneurobio.2015.09.012 URL [本文引用: 1]
New melanic pigments in the human brain that accumulate in aging and block environmental toxic metals
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Neuronal pigments of melanic type were identified in the putamen, cortex, cerebellum, and other major regions of human brain. These pigments consist of granules 30 nm in size, contained in organelles together with lipid droplets, and they accumulate in aging, reaching concentrations as high as 1.5-2.6 microg/mg tissue in major brain regions. These pigments, which we term neuromelanins, contain melanic, lipid, and peptide components. The melanic component is aromatic in structure, contains a stable free radical, and is synthesized from the precursor molecule cysteinyl-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine. This contrasts with neuromelanin of the substantia nigra, where the melanic precursor is cysteinyl-dopamine. These neuronal pigments have some structural similarities to the melanin found in skin. The precursors of lipid components of the neuromelanins are the polyunsaturated lipids present in the surrounding organelles. The synthesis of neuromelanins in the various regions of the human brain is an important protective process because the melanic component is generated through the removal of reactive/toxic quinones that would otherwise cause neurotoxicity. Furthermore, the resulting melanic component serves an additional protective role through its ability to chelate and accumulate metals, including environmentally toxic metals such as mercury and lead.
Interplay between cytosolic dopamine, calcium, and alpha-synuclein causes selective death of substantia nigra neurons
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The basis for selective death of specific neuronal populations in neurodegenerative diseases remains unclear. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a synucleinopathy characterized by a preferential loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), whereas neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are spared. Using intracellular patch electrochemistry to directly measure cytosolic dopamine (DA(cyt)) in cultured midbrain neurons, we confirm that elevated DA(cyt) and its metabolites are neurotoxic and that genetic and pharmacological interventions that decrease DA(cyt) provide neuroprotection. L-DOPA increased DA(cyt) in SN neurons to levels 2- to 3-fold higher than in VTA neurons, a response dependent on dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels, resulting in greater susceptibility of SN neurons to L-DOPA-induced neurotoxicity. DA(cyt) was not altered by alpha-synuclein deletion, although dopaminergic neurons lacking alpha-synuclein were resistant to L-DOPA-induced cell death. Thus, an interaction between Ca2+, DA(cyt), and alpha-synuclein may underlie the susceptibility of SN neurons in PD, suggesting multiple therapeutic targets.
Contrast mechanisms associated with neuromelanin-MRI
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To investigate the physical mechanisms associated with the contrast observed in neuromelanin MRI.Phantoms having different concentrations of synthetic melanins with different degrees of iron loading were examined on a 3 Tesla scanner using relaxometry and quantitative magnetization transfer (MT).Concentration-dependent T and T shortening was most pronounced for the melanin pigment when combined with iron. Metal-free melanin had a negligible effect on the magnetization transfer spectra. On the contrary, the presence of iron-laden melanins resulted in a decreased magnetization transfer ratio. The presence of melanin or iron (or both) did not have a significant effect on the macromolecular content, represented by the pool size ratio.The primary mechanism underlying contrast in neuromelanin-MRI appears to be the T reduction associated with melanin-iron complexes. The macromolecular content is not significantly influenced by the presence of melanin with or without iron, and thus the MT is not directly affected. However, as T plays a role in determining the MT-weighted signal, the magnetization transfer ratio is reduced in the presence of melanin-iron complexes. Magn Reson Med 78:1790-1800, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.© 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Neuromelanin magnetic resonance imaging of locus ceruleus and substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1097/01.wnr.0000227984.84927.a7 URL [本文引用: 2]
Imaging of the dopamine system with focus on pharmacological MRI and neuromelanin imaging
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.109752 URL [本文引用: 1]
Reproducibility of locus coeruleus and substantia nigra imaging with neuromelanin sensitive MRI
[J].DOI:10.1007/s10334-016-0590-z URL [本文引用: 2]
The application value of neuromelanin sensitive magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
A longitudinal study of neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging in Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2016.09.011 URL [本文引用: 2]
Subtypes evaluation of motor dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease using neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2016.12.036 URL [本文引用: 4]
Neuromelanin-sensitive MRI of the substantia nigra: an imaging biomarker to differentiate essential tremor from tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.parkreldis.2018.07.007 URL [本文引用: 1]
Neuromelanin magnetic resonance imaging of the substantia nigra in Huntington’s disease
Use of neuromelanin-sensitive MRI to distinguish schizophrenic and depressive patients and healthy individuals based on signal alterations in the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2008.03.021 URL [本文引用: 1]
Evidence for dopamine abnormalities in the substantia nigra in cocaine addiction revealed by neuromelanin-sensitive MRI
[J].DOI:10.1176/appi.ajp.2020.20010090 URL [本文引用: 1]
Quantitative susceptibility map reconstruction from MR phase data using bayesian regularization: validation and application to brain imaging
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The diagnosis of many neurologic diseases benefits from the ability to quantitatively assess iron in the brain. Paramagnetic iron modifies the magnetic susceptibility causing magnetic field inhomogeneity in MRI. The local field can be mapped using the MR signal phase, which is discarded in a typical image reconstruction. The calculation of the susceptibility from the measured magnetic field is an ill-posed inverse problem. In this work, a bayesian regularization approach that adds spatial priors from the MR magnitude image is formulated for susceptibility imaging. Priors include background regions of known zero susceptibility and edge information from the magnitude image. Simulation and phantom validation experiments demonstrated accurate susceptibility maps free of artifacts. The ability to characterize iron content in brain hemorrhage was demonstrated on patients with cavernous hemangioma. Additionally, multiple structures within the brain can be clearly visualized and characterized. The technique introduces a new quantitative contrast in MRI that is directly linked to iron in the brain.Copyright (c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) as a means to measure brain iron? A post mortem validation study
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Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a novel technique which allows determining the bulk magnetic susceptibility distribution of tissue in vivo from gradient echo magnetic resonance phase images. It is commonly assumed that paramagnetic iron is the predominant source of susceptibility variations in gray matter as many studies have reported a reasonable correlation of magnetic susceptibility with brain iron concentrations in vivo. Instead of performing direct comparisons, however, all these studies used the putative iron concentrations reported in the hallmark study by Hallgren and Sourander (1958) for their analysis. Consequently, the extent to which QSM can serve to reliably assess brain iron levels is not yet fully clear. To provide such information we investigated the relation between bulk tissue magnetic susceptibility and brain iron concentration in unfixed (in situ) post mortem brains of 13 subjects using MRI and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. A strong linear correlation between chemically determined iron concentration and bulk magnetic susceptibility was found in gray matter structures (r=0.84, p<0.001), whereas the correlation coefficient was much lower in white matter (r=0.27, p<0.001). The slope of the overall linear correlation was consistent with theoretical considerations of the magnetism of ferritin supporting that most of the iron in the brain is bound to ferritin proteins. In conclusion, iron is the dominant source of magnetic susceptibility in deep gray matter and can be assessed with QSM. In white matter regions the estimation of iron concentrations by QSM is less accurate and more complex because the counteracting contribution from diamagnetic myelinated neuronal fibers confounds the interpretation.Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Quantitative measurement of metal accumulation in brain of patients with Wilson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1002/mds.v35.10 URL [本文引用: 1]
Quantitative MRI and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry imaging of iron in the frontal cortex of healthy controls and Alzheimer’s disease patients
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116808 URL [本文引用: 1]
Quantitative susceptibility mapping versus phase imaging to identify multiple sclerosis iron rim lesions with demyelination
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To compare quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and high-pass-filtered (HPF) phase imaging for (1) identifying chronic active rim lesions with more myelin damage and (2) distinguishing patients with increased clinical disability in multiple sclerosis.Eighty patients were scanned with QSM for paramagnetic rim detection and Fast Acquisition with Spiral Trajectory and T2prep for myelin water fraction (MWF). Chronic lesions were classified based on the presence/absence of rim on HPF and QSM images. A lesion-level linear mixed-effects model with MWF as the outcome was used to compare myelin damage among the lesion groups. A multiple patient-level linear regression model was fit to establish the association between Expanded Disease Status Scale (EDSS) and the log of the number of rim lesions.Of 2062 lesions, 188 (9.1%) were HPF rim+/QSM rim+, 203 (9.8%) were HPF rim+/QSM rim-, and the remainder had no rim. In the linear mixed-effects model, HPF rim+/QSM rim+ lesions had significantly lower MWF than both HPF rim+/QSM rim- (p < .001) and HPF rim-/QSM rim- (p < .001) lesions, while the MWF difference between HPF rim+/QSM rim- and HPF rim-/QSM rim- lesions was not statistically significant (p = .130). Holding all other factors constant, the log number of QSM rim+ lesion was associated with EDSS increase (p = .044). The association between the log number of HPF rim+ lesions and EDSS was not statistically significant (p = .206).QSM identifies paramagnetic rim lesions that on average have more myelin damage and stronger association with clinical disability than those detected by phase imaging.© 2022 American Society of Neuroimaging.
Hematoma volume measurement in gradient echo MRI using quantitative susceptibility mapping
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A novel quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) processing technology has been developed to map tissue susceptibility property without blooming artifacts. We hypothesize that hematoma volume measurement on QSM is independent of imaging parameters, eliminating its echo time dependence on gradient echo MRI.Gradient echo MRI of 16 patients with intracerebral hemorrhage was processed with susceptibility-weighted imaging, R2* (=1/T2*) mapping, and QSM at various echo times. Hematoma volumes were measured from these images.Linear regression of hematoma volume versus echo time showed substantial slopes for gradient echo magnitude (0.45±0.31 L/s), susceptibility-weighted imaging (0.52±0.46), and R2* (0.39±0.30) but nearly zero slope for QSM (0.01±0.05). At echo time=20 ms, hematoma volume on QSM was 0.80× that on gradient echo magnitude image (R2=0.99).QSM can provide reliable measurement of hematoma volume, which can be performed rapidly and accurately using a semiautomated segmentation tool.
Intracranial calcifications and hemorrhages: characterization with quantitative susceptibility mapping
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To compare gradient-echo (GRE) phase magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in the detection of intracranial calcifications and hemorrhages.This retrospective study was approved by the institutional review board. Thirty-eight patients (24 male, 14 female; mean age, 33 years ± 16 [standard deviation]) with intracranial calcifications and/or hemorrhages diagnosed on the basis of computed tomography (CT), MR imaging (interval between examinations, 1.78 days ± 1.31), and clinical information were selected. GRE and QSM images were reconstructed from the same GRE data. Two experienced neuroradiologists independently identified the calcifications and hemorrhages on the QSM and GRE phase images in two randomized sessions. Sensitivity, specificity, and interobserver agreement were computed and compared with the McNemar test and k coefficients. Calcification loads and volumes were measured to gauge intermodality correlations with CT.A total of 156 lesions were detected: 62 hemorrhages, 89 calcifications, and five mixed lesions containing both hemorrhage and calcification. Most of these lesions (146 of 151 lesions, 96.7%) had a dominant sign on QSM images suggestive of a specific diagnosis of hemorrhage or calcium, whereas half of these lesions (76 of 151, 50.3%) were heterogeneous on GRE phase images and thus were difficult to characterize. Averaged over the two independent observers for detecting hemorrhages, QSM achieved a sensitivity of 89.5% and a specificity of 94.5%, which were significantly higher than those at GRE phase imaging (71% and 80%, respectively; P <.05 for both readers). In the identification of calcifications, QSM achieved a sensitivity of 80.5%, which was marginally higher than that with GRE phase imaging (71%; P =.08 and.10 for the two readers), and a specificity of 93.5%, which was significantly higher than that with GRE phase imaging (76.5%; P <.05 for both readers). QSM achieved significantly better interobserver agreements than GRE phase imaging in the differentiation of hemorrhage from calcification (κ: 0.91 vs 0.55, respectively; P <.05).QSM is superior to GRE phase imaging in the differentiation of intracranial calcifications from hemorrhages and with regard to the sensitivity and specificity of detecting hemorrhages and the specificity of detecting calcifications.© RSNA, 2013
Lateral asymmetry and spatial difference of iron deposition in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson disease measured with quantitative susceptibility mapping
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Quantitative susceptibility mapping is useful for assessing iron deposition in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson disease. We aimed to determine whether quantitative susceptibility mapping is useful for assessing the lateral asymmetry and spatial difference in iron deposits in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson disease.Our study population comprised 24 patients with Parkinson disease and 24 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. They underwent 3T MR imaging by using a 3D multiecho gradient-echo sequence. On reconstructed quantitative susceptibility mapping, we measured the susceptibility values in the anterior, middle, and posterior parts of the substantia nigra, the whole substantia nigra, and other deep gray matter structures in both hemibrains. To identify the more and less affected hemibrains in patients with Parkinson disease, we assessed the severity of movement symptoms for each hemibrain by using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale.In the posterior substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson disease, the mean susceptibility value was significantly higher in the more than the less affected hemibrain substantia nigra (P <.05). This value was significantly higher in both the more and less affected hemibrains of patients with Parkinson disease than in controls (P <.05). Asymmetry of the mean susceptibility values was significantly greater for patients than controls (P <.05). Receiver operating characteristic analysis showed that quantitative susceptibility mapping of the posterior substantia nigra in the more affected hemibrain provided the highest power for discriminating patients with Parkinson disease from the controls.Quantitative susceptibility mapping is useful for assessing the lateral asymmetry and spatial difference of iron deposition in the substantia nigra of patients with Parkinson disease.© 2016 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.
Quantifying iron deposition within the substantia nigra of Parkinson’s disease by quantitative susceptibility mapping
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2018.01.008 URL [本文引用: 1]
Ventral posterior substantia nigra iron increases over 3 years in Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1002/mds.v34.7 URL [本文引用: 1]
Quantitative susceptibility mapping differentiates between parkinsonian disorders
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.parkreldis.2017.08.029 URL [本文引用: 1]
Meta analysis of quantitative susceptibility mapping of substantia nigra in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
Quantifying changes in nigrosomes using quantitative susceptibility mapping and neuromelanin imaging for the diagnosis of early-stage Parkinson’s disease
Comprehensive MRI quantification of the substantia nigra pars compacta in Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.ejrad.2018.06.024 URL [本文引用: 2]
The diagnostic value of SNpc using NM-MRI in Parkinson’s disease: meta-analysis
[J].DOI:10.1007/s10072-019-04014-y [本文引用: 1]
Imaging iron and neuromelanin simultaneously using a single 3D gradient echo magnetization transfer sequence: Combining neuromelanin, iron and the nigrosome-1 sign as complementary imaging biomarkers in early stage Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117810 URL [本文引用: 3]
Combined visualization of nigrosome-1 and neuromelanin in the substantia nigra using 3T MRI for the differential diagnosis of essential tremor and de novo Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.3389/fneur.2019.00100 URL [本文引用: 1]
Diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson disease: a review
[J].DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.22360 URL [本文引用: 1]
Meta-analysis of brain iron levels of Parkinson’s disease patients determined by postmortem and MRI measurements
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Brain iron levels in patients of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are usually measured in postmortem samples or by MRI imaging including R2* and SWI. In this study we performed a meta-analysis to understand PD-associated iron changes in various brain regions, and to evaluate the accuracy of MRI detections comparing with postmortem results. Databases including Medline, Web of Science, CENTRAL and Embase were searched up to 19th November 2015. Ten brain regions were identified for analysis based on data extracted from thirty-three-articles. An increase in iron levels in substantia nigra of PD patients by postmortem, R2* or SWI measurements was observed. The postmortem and SWI measurements also suggested significant iron accumulation in putamen. Increased iron deposition was found in red nucleus as determined by both R2* and SWI, whereas no data were available in postmortem samples. Based on SWI, iron levels were increased significantly in the nucleus caudatus and globus pallidus. Of note, the analysis might be biased towards advanced disease and that the precise stage at which regions become involved could not be ascertained. Our analysis provides an overview of iron deposition in multiple brain regions of PD patients, and a comparison of outcomes from different methods detecting levels of iron.
The effect of low resolution and coverage on the accuracy of susceptibility mapping
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Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) has found increasing clinical applications. However, to reduce scan time, clinical acquisitions often use reduced resolution and coverage, particularly in the through-slice dimension. The effect of these factors on QSM has begun to be assessed using only balloon phantoms and downsampled brain images. Here, we investigate the effects (and their sources) of low resolution or coverage on QSM using both simulated and acquired images.Brain images were acquired at 1 mm isotropic resolution and full brain coverage, and low resolution (up to 6 mm slice thickness) or coverage (down to 20 mm) in 5 healthy volunteers. Images at reduced resolution or coverage were also simulated in these volunteers and in a new, anthropomorphic, numerical phantom. Mean susceptibilities in 5 brain regions, including white matter, were investigated over varying resolution and coverage.The susceptibility map contrast decreased with increasing slice thickness and spacing, and with decreasing coverage below ~40 mm for 2 different QSM pipelines. Our simulations showed that calculated susceptibility values were erroneous at low resolution or very low coverage, because of insufficient sampling and overattenuation of the susceptibility-induced field perturbations. Susceptibility maps calculated from simulated and acquired images showed similar behavior.Both low resolution and low coverage lead to loss of contrast and errors in susceptibility maps. The widespread clinical practice of using low resolution and coverage does not provide accurate susceptibility maps. Simulations in images of healthy volunteers and in a new, anthropomorphic numerical phantom were able to accurately model low-resolution and low-coverage acquisitions.© 2018 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Magnetization transfer in MRI: a review
[J].This review describes magnetization transfer (MT) contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. A qualitative description of how MT works is provided along with experimental evidence that leads to a quantitative model for MT in tissues. The implementation of MT saturation in imaging sequences and the interpretation of the MT-induced signal change in terms of exchange processes and direct effects are presented. Finally, highlights of clinical uses of MT are outlined and future directions for investigation proposed.Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cross-scanner harmonization of neuromelanin-sensitive MRI for multisite studies
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Neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging (NM-MRI) is a validated measure of neuromelanin concentration in the substantia nigra-ventral tegmental area (SN-VTA) complex and is a proxy measure of dopaminergic function with potential as a noninvasive biomarker. The development of generalizable biomarkers requires large-scale samples necessitating harmonization approaches to combine data collected across sites.To develop a method to harmonize NM-MRI across scanners and sites.Prospective.A total of 128 healthy subjects (18-73 years old; 45% female) from three sites and five MRI scanners.3.0 T; NM-MRI two-dimensional gradient-recalled echo with magnetization-transfer pulse and three-dimensional T1-weighted images.NM-MRI contrast (contrast-to-noise ratio [CNR]) maps were calculated and CNR values within the SN-VTA (defined previously by manual tracing on a standardized NM-MRI template) were determined before harmonization (raw CNR) and after ComBat harmonization (harmonized CNR). Scanner differences were assessed by calculating the classification accuracy of a support vector machine (SVM). To assess the effect of harmonization on biological variability, support vector regression (SVR) was used to predict age and the difference in goodness-of-fit (Δr) was calculated as the correlation (between actual and predicted ages) for the harmonized CNR minus the correlation for the raw CNR.Permutation tests were used to determine if SVM classification accuracy was above chance level and if SVR Δr was significant. A P-value <0.05 was considered significant.In the raw CNR, SVM MRI scanner classification was above chance level (accuracy = 86.5%). In the harmonized CNR, the accuracy of the SVM was at chance level (accuracy = 29.5%; P = 0.8542). There was no significant difference in age prediction using the raw or harmonized CNR (Δr = -0.06; P = 0.7304).ComBat harmonization removes differences in SN-VTA CNR across scanners while preserving biologically meaningful variability associated with age.2 TECHNICAL EFFICACY: 1.© 2021 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Pulsed magnetization transfer spin-echo MR imaging
[J].Cross relaxation between macromolecular protons and water protons is known to be important in biologic tissue. In magnetic resonance (MR) imaging sequences, selective saturation of the characteristically short T2 macromolecular proton pool can produce contrast called magnetization transfer contrast, based on the cross-relaxation process. Selective saturation can be achieved with continuous wave irradiation several kilohertz off resonance or short, intense 0 degree pulses on resonance. The authors analyze 0 degree binomial pulses for T2 selective saturation, present design guidelines, and demonstrate the use of these pulses in spin-echo imaging sequences in healthy volunteers and patients. Using the phenomenologic Bloch equations modified for two-site exchange, the authors derive the analytic expressions for water proton relaxation under periodic pulsed saturation of the macromolecular protons. This relaxation is shown to be monoexponential, with a rate constant dependent on the saturation pulse repetition rate and the individual and cross-relaxation rates.
Investigating the accuracy and precision of TE-dependent versus multi-echo QSM using laplacian-based methods at 3 T
[J].DOI:10.1002/mrm.v84.6 URL [本文引用: 1]
Fast robust automated brain extraction
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An automated method for segmenting magnetic resonance head images into brain and non-brain has been developed. It is very robust and accurate and has been tested on thousands of data sets from a wide variety of scanners and taken with a wide variety of MR sequences. The method, Brain Extraction Tool (BET), uses a deformable model that evolves to fit the brain's surface by the application of a set of locally adaptive model forces. The method is very fast and requires no preregistration or other pre-processing before being applied. We describe the new method and give examples of results and the results of extensive quantitative testing against "gold-standard" hand segmentations, and two other popular automated methods.Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Nonlinear formulation of the magnetic field to source relationship for robust quantitative susceptibility mapping
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Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) opens the door for measuring tissue magnetic susceptibility properties that may be important biomarkers, and QSM is becoming an increasingly active area of scientific and clinical investigations. In practical applications, there are sources of errors for QSM including noise, phase unwrapping failures, and signal model inaccuracy. To improve the robustness of QSM quality, we propose a nonlinear data fidelity term for frequency map estimation and dipole inversion to reduce noise and effects of phase unwrapping failures, and a method for model error reduction through iterative tuning. Compared with the previous phase based linear QSM method, this nonlinear QSM method reduced salt and pepper noise or checkerboard pattern in high susceptibility regions in healthy subjects and markedly reduced artifacts in patients with intracerebral hemorrhages.Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Research on multi-echo phase fitting algorithm for quantitative susceptibility mapping
Fast and robust three-dimensional best path phase unwrapping algorithm
[J].DOI:10.1364/AO.46.006623 URL [本文引用: 1]
Background field removal by solving the Laplacian boundary value problem
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The removal of the background magnetic field is a critical step in generating phase images and quantitative susceptibility maps, which have recently been receiving increasing attention. Although it is known that the background field satisfies Laplace's equation, the boundary values of the background field for the region of interest have not been explicitly addressed in the existing methods, and they are not directly available from MRI measurements. In this paper, we assume simple boundary conditions and remove the background field by explicitly solving the boundary value problems of Laplace's or Poisson's equation. The proposed Laplacian boundary value (LBV) method for background field removal retains data near the boundary and is computationally efficient. Tests on a numerical phantom and an experimental phantom showed that LBV was more accurate than two existing methods.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
MEDI+0: morphology enabled dipole inversion with automatic uniform cerebrospinal fluid zero reference for quantitative susceptibility mapping
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To develop a quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) method with a consistent zero reference using minimal variation in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) susceptibility.The ventricular CSF was automatically segmented on the R2* map. An L -regularization was used to enforce CSF susceptibility homogeneity within the segmented region, with the averaged CSF susceptibility as the zero reference. This regularization for CSF homogeneity was added to the model used in a prior QSM method (morphology enabled dipole inversion [MEDI]). Therefore, the proposed method was referred to as MEDI+0 and compared with MEDI in a numerical simulation, in multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions, and in a reproducibility study in healthy subjects.In both the numerical simulations and in vivo experiments, MEDI+0 not only decreased the susceptibility variation within the ventricular CSF, but also suppressed the artifact near the lateral ventricles. In the simulation, MEDI+0 also provided more accurate quantification compared to MEDI in the globus pallidus, substantia nigra, corpus callosum, and internal capsule. MEDI+0 measurements of MS lesion susceptibility were in good agreement with those obtained by MEDI. Finally, both MEDI+0 and MEDI showed good and similar intrasubject reproducibility.QSM with a minimal variation in ventricular CSF is viable to provide a consistent zero reference while improving image quality. Magn Reson Med 79:2795-2803, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.© 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Morphology enabled dipole inversion for quantitative susceptibility mapping using structural consistency between the magnitude image and the susceptibility map
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The magnetic susceptibility of tissue can be determined in gradient echo MRI by deconvolving the local magnetic field with the magnetic field generated by a unit dipole. This Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) problem is unfortunately ill-posed. By transforming the problem to the Fourier domain, the susceptibility appears to be undersampled only at points where the dipole kernel is zero, suggesting that a modest amount of additional information may be sufficient for uniquely resolving susceptibility. A Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) approach is developed that exploits the structural consistency between the susceptibility map and the magnitude image reconstructed from the same gradient echo MRI. Specifically, voxels that are part of edges in the susceptibility map but not in the edges of the magnitude image are considered to be sparse. In this approach an L1 norm minimization is used to express this sparsity property. Numerical simulations and phantom experiments are performed to demonstrate the superiority of this L1 minimization approach over the previous L2 minimization method. Preliminary brain imaging results in healthy subjects and in patients with intracerebral hemorrhages illustrate that QSM is feasible in practice.Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Accuracy of the morphology enabled dipole inversion (MEDI) algorithm for quantitative susceptibility mapping in MRI
[J].DOI:10.1109/TMI.2011.2182523 URL [本文引用: 1]
T1-weighted MRI shows stage-dependent substantia nigra signal loss in Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1002/mds.23722 URL [本文引用: 1]
3D neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging with semi-automated volume measurement of the substantia nigra pars compacta for diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
[J].DOI:10.1007/s00234-013-1171-8 URL [本文引用: 1]
Simultaneous imaging of locus coeruleus and substantia nigra with a quantitative neuromelanin MRI approach
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Quantitative MRI of neuromelanin (NM) containing structures (referred to as NM-MRI) in the brainstem, namely the locus coeruleus (LC) and substantia nigra (SN), may assist with the early detection of Parkinson's disease (PD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) as well as differential diagnosis in the early disease stages. In this study, two gradient echo (GRE) sequences with magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) preparation pulses were developed to simultaneously image the LC and SN. This has been a challenge with NM-MRI techniques used in previous studies due to the relatively high specific absorption rate (SAR) induced by these techniques. In addition, a semi-automated quantitative analysis scheme was applied to estimate volumes and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) of the LC and SN based on segmentation of both structures. Compared to a T1-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE) sequence typically used for simultaneous imaging of the LC and SN, the two GRE-MTC sequences exhibited improved performance in terms of higher sensitivity (in CNR) in imaging the SN and lower SAR during the scans. A multiple-measurement protocol was adopted as well so that motion degraded measurements could be removed and artifacts associated with motion could be corrected. The present approach has demonstrated advantages in image acquisition (lower SAR and higher sensitivity), image pre-processing (with motion correction) and quantitative image analysis (segmentation-based estimation of volume and CNR) when compared with existing NM-MRI approaches. This approach has potential for detection and monitoring of neurodegeneration in LC and SN in disease states including AD and PD. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
High-resolution QSM for functional and structural depiction of subthalamic nuclei in DBS presurgical mapping
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Faithful depiction of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is critical for planning deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) has been shown to be superior to traditional T2-weighted spin echo imaging (T2w). The aim of the study was to describe submillimeter QSM for preoperative imaging of the STN in planning of DBS.Seven healthy volunteers were included in this study. T2w and QSM were obtained for all healthy volunteers, and images of different resolutions were reconstructed. Image quality and visibility of STN anatomical features were analyzed by a radiologist using a 5-point scale, and contrast properties of the STN and surrounding tissue were calculated. Additionally, data from 10 retrospectively and randomly selected PD patients who underwent 3-T MRI for DBS were analyzed for STN size and susceptibility gradient measurements.Higher contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) values were observed in both high-resolution and low-resolution QSM images. Inter-resolution comparison demonstrated improvement in CNR for QSM, but not for T2w images. QSM provided higher inter-quadrant contrast ratios (CR) within the STN, and depicted a gradient in the distribution of susceptibility sources not visible in T2w images.For 3-T MRI, submillimeter QSM provides accurate delineation of the functional and anatomical STN features for DBS targeting.
Standard guidelines for publication of deep brain stimulation studies in Parkinson’s disease (Guide4DBS-PD)
[J].DOI:10.1002/mds.v25:11 URL [本文引用: 1]
Variability of the subthalamic nucleus: the case for direct MRI guided targeting
[J].Because of concerns about direct visualization of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), many functional neurosurgeons continue to rely on atlas-based coordinates to reach this target. T2-weighted MRI does allow direct visualisation of the STN. In order to compare the coordinates of the target point within the visualised STN with those obtained from standard brain atlases, the preoperative stereotactic T2-weighted MRI used to implant 55 deep brain stimulation electrodes in the visualised STN of 29 consecutive patients with Parkinson's disease treated in two European centres were studied. The coordinates of the directly visualised STN were significantly different from those of the atlas target. Variability of the position of the STN may render direct visualisation a more accurate means of targeting this nucleus.
Improved subthalamic nucleus depiction with quantitative susceptibility mapping
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To assess quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) in the depiction of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) by using 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging.This study was HIPAA compliant and institutional review board approved. Ten healthy subjects (five men, five women; mean age, 24 years ± 3 [standard deviation]; age range, 21-33 years) and eight patients with Parkinson disease (five men, three women; mean age, 57 years ± 14; age range, 25-69 years) who were referred by neurologists for preoperative navigation MR imaging prior to deep brain stimulator placement were included in this study. T2-weighted (T2w), T2*-weighted (T2*w), R2* mapping (R2*), phase, susceptibility-weighted (SW), and QSM images were reconstructed for STN depiction. Qualitative visualization scores of STN and internal globus pallidus (GPi) were recorded by two neuroradiologists on all images. Contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) of the STN and GPi were also measured. Measurement differences were assessed by using the Wilcoxon rank sum test and the signed rank test.Qualitative scores were significantly higher on QSM images than on T2w, T2*w, R2*, phase, or SW images (P <.05) for STN and GPi visualization. Median CNR was 6.4 and 10.7 times higher on QSM images than on T2w images for differentiation of STN from the zona incerta and substantia nigra, respectively, and was 22.7 and 9.1 times higher on QSM images than on T2w images for differentiation of GPi from the internal capsule and external globus pallidus, respectively. CNR differences between QSM images and all other images were significant (P <.01).QSM at 3-T MR imaging performs significantly better than current standard-of-care sequences in the depiction of the STN.© RSNA, 2013.
Automated segmentation of midbrain structures in high-resolution susceptibility maps based on convolutional neural network and transfer learning
[本文引用: 1]
Accurate delineation of the midbrain nuclei, the red nucleus (RN), substantia nigra (SN) and subthalamic nucleus (STN), is important in neuroimaging studies of neurodegenerative and other diseases. This study aims to segment midbrain structures in high-resolution susceptibility maps using a method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN).
Analysis of on- and off-resonance magnetization transfer techniques
[J].Three methods of performing magnetization transfer (MT) MR imaging are analyzed: (a) off-resonance continuous wave, (b) off-resonance shaped pulses, and (c) on-resonance binomial pulses. With two-pool Bloch-model simulations, signal levels from "MT active" spin systems were calculated, with reference to direct saturation of "MT inactive" systems, allowing calculation of contrast due to MT. Simulations demonstrate several trends with variation of excitation amplitude and offset frequency for the off-resonance methods and with variation of excitation amplitude and pulse shape "order" for binomial pulses. The simulations show that nominally optimized versions of each of these approaches provide essentially equivalent contrast at a given level of applied MT power, contrary to previous claims. Experiments with an MT-inactive phantom, with a whole-body system, show results with off-resonance pulses to be in good agreement with simulations, whereas binomial-pulse experiments show anomalously large direct saturation.
RF power design optimization in MRI system
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