Progress of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Technology and Its Clinical Application
通讯作者: *Tel: 13554286418, E-mail:minhuang@mail.scuec.edu.cn.
收稿日期: 2022-11-14 网络出版日期: 2023-02-16
基金资助: |
Corresponding authors: *Tel: 13554286418, E-mail:minhuang@mail.scuec.edu.cn.
Received: 2022-11-14 Online: 2023-02-16
磁共振指纹(magnetic resonance fingerprinting,MRF)是一种革新性的快速定量磁共振新技术,本文在成像技术和临床应用两个层面对MRF进行了综述. 在成像技术方面,主要从数据采集、字典建立,以及传统量化框架到深度学习量化框架的模式识别这3个步骤进行论述,分析存在的技术难点. 然后对MRF在人体重要部位的临床应用进行了总结,介绍了MRF技术在重复性和再现性方面的验证现状. 最后,本文分析了MRF走向临床存在的各种技术挑战及障碍,对MRF技术未来的发展方向进行了展望.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a revolutionary new technique for rapid quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. We reviewed the imaging technology and clinical application of MRF in an all-round way. We focus on three technical aspects: data collection, dictionary generation, and pattern recognition from traditional quantitative framework to deep learning quantitative framework. We also analyzed the technical challenges and limitations of MRF. The clinical applications of MRF in various human body regions were summarized, and the current status of MRF technology verification in terms of repeatability and reproducibility was introduced. Finally, we discussed the potential barriers and opportunities for MRF to enter clinical application and envision the future development direction of MRF technology.
黄敏, 李思怡, 陈军波, 周到.
磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)是一种软组织对比度高的医学影像技术,在临床上发挥着巨大作用.但常规MRI是加权成像,包括纵向弛豫时间(T1)、横向弛豫时间(T2)、质子密度(proton density,PD)和扩散加权等,无法通过一次扫描同时得到组织的多个参数的量化值.而即使是对同一病人进行扫描,MRI扫描设备和成像序列的不同都会造成磁共振图像的灰度值不同.对磁共振图像的评价多依赖于医生的主观性判断,因此这将对放疗涉及的靶区肿瘤分割等图像分析及后处理操作的稳定性产生影响,从而导致基于磁共振图像的临床诊断和治疗决策的不确定性增加、复杂性加剧[1].磁共振指纹(magnetic resonance fingerprinting,MRF)技术可以突破这种局限性.MRF采用特殊的数据采集、后处理和可视化方法,只需一次扫描便可对组织的多个特性参数进行同时量化,提高了MR研究的灵敏度和特异性,给临床诊断带来一种全新的方法.
1 MRF成像技术的进展
1.1 数据采集
实现MRF数据的快速采集需要设计独特的脉冲序列,其必须对组织参数(T1、T2等)有很强的敏感性.为保证空间和时间的非相干性,MRF扫描时采用多组伪随机变化的翻转角(flip angle,FA)、回波时间(echo time,TE)和重复时间(time of repetition,TR)组成的脉冲序列;在时间维尽可能多的扫描(500~3 000组),且TR值很短(为十几毫秒).而常规MRI只采用一组固定的FA和TR,TR为几毫秒至几千毫秒.
MRF技术首次提出时采用的是基于反转-恢复的平衡自由稳态进动序列(balanced steady state free precession,bSSFP),在Siemens Espree 1.5 T扫描仪上对大脑进行数据采集[2],该序列在Siemens公司也被称为真稳态进动快速成像序列(true fast imaging with steady state precession,True FISP).TR选取为10.5~14 ms,TE为TR的1/2,螺旋欠采样因子为1/48,单支螺旋采集时长为5.8 ms.12.3 s(时间维1 000组)扫描一层128×128的数据.该序列采集的信号的信噪比(signal to noise ratio,SNR)高,但对磁场不均匀度敏感,容易引起黑带伪影;可用于量化T1、T2和B0*,但不能量化B1*.
2015年,Jiang等[7]采用基于梯度回波的普通稳态进动快速成像序列(fast imaging with steady state precession,FISP),在Siemens Skyra 3 T扫描仪上对大脑加速扫描,该序列也被称为自由稳态进动序列(steady state free precession,SSFP).采用2 ms的超短TE,随正弦变化的FA,带Perlin噪声的TR(11.5~14.5 ms),单支螺旋欠采样,时间维1 000组.13 s扫描一层256×256的数据,空间分辨率更高.该序列对偏振影响不敏感,不会出现bSSFP图像中的黑带伪影.但采用FISP序列采集的MRF信号不如bSSFP序列的信号那么平滑,SNR更低;而且FISP采用非平衡梯度,T1和T2量化精度比bSSFP序列稍低(低1%).采用FISP序列使MRF技术能拓展到大脑以外的其他成像部位,例如,对腹部进行屏气扫描.此序列可用于量化T1和T2,不能量化B0*.若还要量化B1*参数,可在FISP序列末尾引入90o-0 o的交替FA,增加序列对B1场不均匀度的敏感性[8].
MRF除了最常用的bSSFP和FISP序列外,还可采用射频破坏梯度回波序列[9]来同时测量T1和T2*,该序列的TE在14~75 ms内平滑变化,FA变化与FISP序列相同,适合采用单次回波平面成像(echo planar imaging,EPI)采集数据,但不能测量T2.
MRF序列在MRF成像中至关重要,但序列设计时FA和TR参数可以随机变化任意组合,有无数可能性,如果都在仪器上进行实验来对比序列性能是不现实的.有研究者提出了各种序列优化方法.Kara等[10]和Sommer等[11]向指纹中添加高斯噪声来仿真模式匹配中存在的混叠噪声,结合欠采样轨迹进行模拟采样和模式识别,比较不同序列的量化结果,从而优化序列.后者[11]通过内积最小化和蒙特卡罗模拟研究了MRF序列的编码能力.Zhao等[12]提出Cramer-Rao下限优化法,采用克拉美罗下限(Cramer-Rao lower bounds,CRLB)代价函数分析MRF序列对量化准确度的性能影响,寻找无偏估计的方差下限.该方法被MRF领域用于优化FA和TR模式,以实现最佳序列设计.2022年,Heesterbeek等[13]利用微扰理论数学模型预测欠采样引起的误差.通过不断调整FA来实现MRF序列优化,抑制MRF模式识别中的欠采样误差.他们用活体扫描比较了优化序列[13]、传统正弦FA模式序列[2]、CRLB序列[12]这三者与标准值的定量误差,结果显示优化序列的误差最小(T1:5.6% ± 2.9%,T2:7.9% ± 2.3%),传统序列次之,CRLB序列最大. Jordan等[14]则采用基于物理模型的DL网络给出优化方向.损失函数采用大脑模型参数值与量化参数值之间的均方误差,并将扫描时间作为一项约束条件.普通序列的FA按正弦变化,TR在11~13 ms小范围变化;优化序列为FA局部正弦,并在TR中加入剧烈扰动.结果显示优化序列得到的MRF信号更有区分度,在活体扫描中消除了训练时的量化伪影.
1.2 字典建立
字典大小决定了后续量化的精度和速度,而字典大小不仅取决于不同任务待量化参数(T1、T2、血管容积、B0*、B1*等)的数目以及参数的间隔,还与脉冲序列时间维长度相关.比如T1间隔取10 ms时,会比T1间隔取20 ms时建立的字典约大一倍.每增加一个量化参数,字典大小即呈现几何级增长[15].基于bSSFP序列的大脑MRF成像时,字典模拟3个参数(T1、T2、B0*),组合条目可达36万条,需2.5 GB存储空间.B1场的不均匀也会导致T1和T2的量化受到影响,对T2影响更甚[8].若在字典中增加B1*的信息,可提高T1和T2的量化精度;但字典会更庞大,运行时也占内存,指纹与字典信号匹配时间随字典大小线性增长,速度极慢.
1.3 模式识别
1.3.1 基于传统框架的字典量化方法
2013年,Ma等[2]最早采用的是直接匹配法,即指纹信号与归一化字典中的每条信号进行复数内积,内积幅值最大的那条即为识别信号,体素的PD则根据指纹信号和未归一化的匹配信号之间的比例因子来计算.但Ma等[2]对欠采样数据采用非均匀傅里叶变换(non-uniform Fourier transform,NUFFT)进行重建后的图像有严重的折叠伪影,指纹时间信号SNR低,而且采用简单的内积会使量化精度降低.量化精度还与字典大小有关,因为基于字典框架的量化得到的参数值只能是字典中的离散值,但字典大小总是有限的,因此会存在误差.而字典建太大,量化效率又降低.而且该方法要遍历所有字典信号,因而量化速度很慢.为了减少计算量,可通过奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)[18]等方法来缩短数据长度,将时间域指纹信号和字典都进行压缩.还可采用低秩子空间[19]等方法提高量化速度,但量化精度会受到影响.2015年,Ma等[20]又采用分组匹配法来提高效率.将字典分成多组,先与各组的平均信号进行匹配找到组别,再在组内和每条信号内积.分组加快了识别速度,但降低了量化精度.Christopher等[21]采用加速迭代重建(accelerated iterative reconstruction,AIR)进行MRF成像,融入了正则化项、指纹压缩和加速搜索进行模式识别.2019年,Wang等[22]提出采用快速字典搜索法MRF-ZOOM来加速量化过程.Cruz等[23]使用正则化的低秩高维补丁张量来去除心脏MRF中的运动伪影,提高了重建图像和参数量化的质量,但又增加了计算成本.
1.3.2 基于DL的量化方法
采用DL网络进行预测,代替基于字典的模式识别过程,可以克服传统MRF量化方法的缺点,其优点包括:φ量化值是连续值,而不是离散值,精度更高;κ网络训练好后,不再需要存储字典;量化速度超快,实现了高效率预测. 目前研究表明,各向同性分辨率为1 mm时,全脑T1和T2的MRF量化仅需7 min[24].
根据网络输入端信号的不同,量化方法主要有两大类,分别为基于输入信号为时间域指纹信号的DL量化方法和基于输入信号为空间域图像信号的DL量化方法. 基于时间域指纹信号的DL量化方法
Fig. 1
Diagram of DL quantification method based on time domain fingerprint signal
2017年,Hoppe等[25]率先用全连接网络(fully convolutional network,FCN)来训练一维(1D)指纹信号与T1和T2组织参数之间的映射关系,实现参数的监督回归.Peng等[26]采用四层FCN网络,在训练时加入仿真的伪影和噪声,提高了网络的鲁棒性,预测时间只需0.12 s(传统字典匹配耗时28 s).他们对活体大脑、肝脏和前列腺腺癌的扫描数据进行了测试,得到较高质量的T1和T2定量图像.但当组织参数超过2时,非线性映射太复杂,FCN网络待训练参数太多,容易产生梯度爆炸.特别是心脏MRF的网络输入端需添加RR间期[27],输入单元数剧增,目前只在仿真数据上进行实验.
为了减少FCN网络的待训练系数,Cohen等[28]设计了深度重建网络(deep reconstruction network,DRONE).先将字典数据进行SVD压缩,将指纹长度由1 000缩至25送入网络输入端.采用近8万条字典数据训练1 000轮,共约10 min.用大脑仿真数据做测试,预测只需10 ms,比传统框架的字典量化方法快300倍.
2018年,Hoppe和Siemens团队[29]受语音信号和自然语言处理网络的启发,采用基于1D卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)的4层简单网络来量化参数值,如图2所示.先通过1D卷积对指纹进行特征提取,再通过全连接实现决策策略.网络输入层为长度1 000(或更长3 000)的指纹信号,首先经过3个卷积层(步长为2,特征数为32、64、128)得到指纹的多个特征,再将特征数据展平后送入后续的 1个全连接层,输出T1和T2两个参数值.用4层简单网络对NIST phantom模型的仿真信号进行预测的准确度很高,但对真实的磁共振扫描仪采集信号进行测试时,CNN网络量化失败,参数图看不清任何组织结构.
Song等[30]提出的混合深度磁共振指纹(HYbrid deep magnetic resonance fingerprinting,HYDRA)网络包含两个步骤:基于模型的信号恢复和基于DL的参数预测.HYDRA网络先使用基于低秩的去锯齿技术实现多帧空间图像的去伪影化(类似磁共振图像高质量重建),从而使每个像素点的指纹信号的SNR大大提高.去噪后的指纹信号经非局部残差CNN网络实现更准确的参数预测.采用扩展相位图对基于FISP序列生成的MRF数据进行训练,然后对模型数据和活体数据进行测试,预测准确度大大提高.T1量化误差从DRONE网络[28]的4.5 ms和CNN网络[29]的2.5 ms降至0.2 ms,T2量化误差则分别从0.7 ms和8.6 ms降至0.2 ms.而且,MRF的时间帧从1 000缩小至200,缩短了采集时间.
前述网络只将单点指纹信号作为输入,一旦出现强噪声,量化值会出现很大误差.而循环神经网络(recurrent neural network,RNN)能记忆序列中的时间结构,结合中心像素邻域点的组织具有相似性的特点,采用邻域块数据作为RNN的输入,中心像素的参数值作为网络输出的参考值.2019年,Hoppe等[33]采用RNN进行MRF量化,基于LSTM (长短期记忆网络)+ FCN(4个)+quantile layer(分位数层)的网络结构.他们将1×1单像素的指纹信号作为CNN网络与RNN网络的输入,得到两个网络的验证损失分别为470 ms和269 ms,表明RNN网络胜于CNN[33].再将1×1单像素和3×3小块9个像素的指纹信号分别作为RNN网络的输入,验证损失分别为269 ms和221 ms,表明邻域多点输入胜于单点输入[33].可见,用邻域MRF信号作为RNN输入,可以去除采集噪声对量化带来的干扰,并利用分位数防止异常值的出现,可以提高网络拟合的稳健性. 基于空间域图像信号的DL量化方法
Fig. 3
Diagram of DL quantization method based on spatial domain image signal
2 MRF临床应用的进展
2.1 大脑
2.2 腹部
尽管MRF在静态脑成像中应用前景很好,但应用到腹部时却存在很多困难:由于存在呼吸运动,临床腹部MRF扫描要求在一次屏气中完成,扫描时限较短;扫描视野大至40~50 cm,小病灶的检测对空间分辨率的要求也更高;B0和B1场的不均匀性也使腹部定量成像面临更大挑战,特别是当场强达到3 T及以上时.
2021年,Riel等[43]采用自由呼吸MRF方法在Siemens Prisma 3 T扫描仪上获得腹部三维T1定量图.他们采用了k空间径向星状轨迹,提高MRF的运动鲁棒性;并使用CRLB方法优化FA,比较了时间维为四种不同帧数(300、600、900和1 800)的序列编码效率.采用体模,对静止和周期性运动下的序列进行评估后,得出帧数为600时T1量化值最优;然后对志愿者进行5 min自由呼吸的腹部扫描,得到了干净的T1定量图.
2021年,Subashi等[15]采用基于黄金角径向采样轨迹的SSFP序列对腹部进行1.5 T MRF成像.扫描参数如下:TR/TE=8/4 ms,反转时间(inversion time,TI)=15 ms,视野(field of view,FOV)=25×25 cm2,矩阵=224×224.加入全变分和主成分分析(principal components analysis,PCA)作为时域正则化函数,并采用黄金角径向稀疏并行(golden-angle radial sparse parallel,GRASP)重建算法.采用国家标准与技术研究院(national institute of standards and technology,NIST)体模扫描,得到的T1和T2与金标准值一致性高.他们还分析了健康志愿者在自由呼吸期间的图像质量,结果显示T1图消除了运动伪影.GRASP为自由呼吸MRF提供了一种可行方法,可降低扫描数据对生理运动伪影的敏感性,提高参数图像质量.
2020年,Jaubert等[44]在1.5 T MRI扫描仪上进行肝脏MRF成像.采用黄金角径向轨迹的梯度回波序列和单次屏气14 s扫描,进行T1、T2、T2*和脂肪分数(fat fraction,FF)四参数量化;使用低秩张量约束重建来拟合T2*、B0,并分离水和脂肪信号;通过字典匹配获得水和脂肪的T1、T2、T2*和PD,FF从PD图中提取.他们分别以标准T1和T2体模、水脂体模、健康和血管瘤受试者为研究对象,对该方法进行了评估.其结果与传统方法相比,活体肝脏 MRF的T1、T2、T2*值偏差分别为92 ms、-7.1 ms、-1.4 ms.该研究初步证明了肝脏MRF的临床可行性.
2020年,Serrao等[45]研究了1.5 T和3 T下自由呼吸状态的胰腺MRF参数量化的临床可行性.他们对16名健康者进行2.4~3.6 min的扫描,在胰腺等多个实体器官中绘制了感兴趣区域,确定T1和T2值.结果显示在1.5 T和3 T时,胰腺T1均值比肌肉、脾脏和肾脏低37%~43%;在1.5 T时,胰腺T2均值比它们低40%;在3 T时,胰腺T2均值比它们低 12%.这初步体现了胰腺MRF成像在临床中的诊断价值.
2.3 乳腺
2.4 心脏
2020年,Hamilton等[51]又在1.5 T Siemens Aera扫描仪中对多名健康受试者进行了更深入的临床实验.在15次心跳中(255 ms采集窗)耗时约15 s完成1层数据采集.FOV为300×300 mm2,量化矩阵为192×192,分辨率为1.6×1.6×8.0 mm3.他们比较了cMRF与MOLLI序列测量T1和T2-prepared bSSFP序列测量T2之间的差异(后两者是传统的两种速度很慢的标准心脏定量技术),结果显示cMRF精度略低,但cMRF量化图像在T1和T2特征的得分都高于传统序列.
上述cMRF扫描方式都需要屏气,但临床上不是所有病人都能完美配合,这甚至会导致检查失败.若能在自由呼吸下完成3D cMRF扫描是最理想的,但该技术难度较大.2020年,Cruz等[54]尝试了该项研究.采用呼吸运动补偿技术,7 min完成了全心的T1和T2定量成像,获得了与临床标准相当的准确度.
3 MRF技术的多方验证
2019年,Körzdörfer等[57]在Siemens 4个站点10台3 T磁共振扫描仪上对10名健康者大脑进行FISP序列MRF成像,实验在Siemens内部的同一扫描仪上和不同扫描仪之间进行多次扫描,根据T1和T2量化值,来验证MRF的可重复性和可再现性.他们用相对偏差(relative deviation,RD)证明了可重复性(T1-RD为2.0%~3.1%;T2-RD为3.1%~7.9%,)和可再现性(T1-RD为3.4%;T2-RD为8.0%).2020年,Yokota等[58]在Siemens 3 T上进行FISP序列的2D MRF技术的评估.对41名和28名两组受试者大脑进行扫描,研究两组扫描之间的一致性和组内扫描的重复性.将时间维从3 000减少到1 500,测试从41 s到20 s加速扫描对量化的影响.结果显示两种长度下组内的感兴趣区域的量化值都具有高重复性,长度1 500的T1和T2量化值比3 000时稍高(不到1%).
2019年,Buonincontri等[59]在GE两个站点的5台磁共振系统上(3台1.5 T和2台3 T)进行了2D MRF技术验证.对9名志愿者大脑进行FISP扫描,他们用变异系数(coefficient of variation,CV)证明了重复性(T1-CV:2%~3%;T2-CV:5%~8%)和再现性(T1-CV:3%~8%;T2-CV:8%~14%).2021年,他们又在GE的8台磁共振系统上(5台1.5 T和3台3 T)进行了3D MRF技术验证[60].对12名健康者进行测试,证明了高重复性(T1变异系数CV:0.7%~1.3%;T2:2.0%~7.8%)和高再现性(T1:2.0%~5.8%;T2:7.4%~10.2%).3D MRF与2D相比,T1和T2精度都有所提高,进一步对MRF迈向临床应用提供了技术支撑.
4 总结与展望
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting-An overview
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.cobme.2017.11.001 PMID:29868647 [本文引用: 2]
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) is a new approach to quantitative magnetic resonance imaging that allows simultaneous measurement of multiple tissue properties in a single, time-efficient acquisition. The ability to reproducibly and quantitatively measure tissue properties could enable more objective tissue diagnosis, comparisons of scans acquired at different locations and time points, longitudinal follow-up of individual patients and development of imaging biomarkers. This review provides a general overview of MRF technology, current preclinical and clinical applications and potential future directions. MRF has been initially evaluated in brain, prostate, liver, cardiac, musculoskeletal imaging, and measurement of perfusion and microvascular properties through MR vascular fingerprinting.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.1038/nature11971 [本文引用: 9]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting: a technical review
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.27403 PMID:30277265 [本文引用: 2]
Multiparametric quantitative imaging is gaining increasing interest due to its widespread advantages in clinical applications. Magnetic resonance fingerprinting is a recently introduced approach of fast multiparametric quantitative imaging. In this article, magnetic resonance fingerprinting acquisition, dictionary generation, reconstruction, and validation are reviewed.© International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting review part 2: technique and directions
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/jmri.26877 PMID:31347226 [本文引用: 3]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a general framework to quantify multiple MR-sensitive tissue properties with a single acquisition. There have been numerous advances in MRF in the years since its inception. In this work we highlight some of the recent technical developments in MRF, focusing on sequence optimization, modifications for reconstruction and pattern matching, new methods for partial volume analysis, and applications of machine and deep learning. Level of Evidence: 2 Technical Efficacy: Stage 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2020;51:993-1007.© 2019 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting imaging technology and its progress
[J]. ,DOI:10.1360/N052018-00070 URL [本文引用: 1]
[J]. ,DOI:10.1360/N052018-00070 URL [本文引用: 1]
Research progress of cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprint technology
[J]. ,
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mr fingerprinting using fast imaging with steady state precession (FISP) with spiral readout
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.25559 PMID:25491018 [本文引用: 2]
This study explores the possibility of using gradient echo-based sequences other than balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) in the magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) framework to quantify the relaxation parameters.An MRF method based on a fast imaging with steady-state precession (FISP) sequence structure is presented. A dictionary containing possible signal evolutions with physiological range of T1 and T2 was created using the extended phase graph formalism according to the acquisition parameters. The proposed method was evaluated in a phantom and a human brain. T1, T2, and proton density were quantified directly from the undersampled data by the pattern recognition algorithm.T1 and T2 values from the phantom demonstrate that the results of MRF FISP are in good agreement with the traditional gold-standard methods. T1 and T2 values in brain are within the range of previously reported values.MRF-FISP enables a fast and accurate quantification of the relaxation parameters. It is immune to the banding artifact of bSSFP due to B0 inhomogeneities, which could improve the ability to use MRF for applications beyond brain imaging.© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
MR fingerprinting with simultaneous B1 estimation
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.26009 PMID:26509746 [本文引用: 2]
MR fingerprinting (MRF) can be used for quantitative estimation of physical parameters in MRI. Here, we extend the method to incorporate B1 estimation.The acquisition is based on steady state free precession MR fingerprinting with a Cartesian trajectory. To increase the sensitivity to the B1 profile, abrupt changes in flip angle were introduced in the sequence. Slice profile and B1 effects were included in the dictionary and the results from two- and three-dimensional (3D) acquisitions were compared. Acceleration was demonstrated using retrospective undersampling in the phase encode directions of 3D data exploiting redundancy between MRF frames at the edges of k-space.Without B1 estimation, T2 and B1 were inaccurate by more than 20%. Abrupt changes in flip angle improved B1 maps. T1 and T2 values obtained with the new MRF methods agree with classical spin echo measurements and are independent of the B1 field profile. When using view sharing reconstruction, results remained accurate (error <10%) when sampling under 10% of k-space from the 3D data.The methods demonstrated here can successfully measure T1, T2, and B1. Errors due to slice profile can be substantially reduced by including its effect in the dictionary or acquiring data in 3D. Magn Reson Med 76:1127-1135, 2016. © 2015 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.© 2015 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting using echo-planar imaging: joint quantification of T1 and T2* relaxation times
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.26561 URL [本文引用: 2]
Parameter map error due to normal noise and aliasing artifacts in MR fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.27638 PMID:30671999 [本文引用: 1]
To introduce a quantitative tool that enables rapid forecasting of T and T parameter map errors due to normal and aliasing noise as a function of the MR fingerprinting (MRF) sequence, which can be used in sequence optimization.The variances of normal noise and aliasing artifacts in the collected signal are related to the variances in T and T maps through derived quality factors. This analytical result is tested against the results of a Monte-Carlo approach for analyzing MRF sequence encoding capability in the presence of aliasing noise, and verified with phantom experiments at 3 T. To further show the utility of our approach, our quality factors are used to find efficient MRF sequences for fewer repetitions.Experimental results verify the ability of our quality factors to rapidly assess the efficiency of an MRF sequence in the presence of both normal and aliasing noise. Quality factor assessment of MRF sequences is in agreement with the results of a Monte-Carlo approach. Analysis of MRF parameter map errors from phantom experiments is consistent with the derived quality factors, with T (T ) data yielding goodness of fit R ≥ 0.92 (0.80). In phantom and in vivo experiments, the efficient pulse sequence, determined through quality factor maximization, led to comparable or improved accuracy and precision relative to a longer sequence, demonstrating quality factor utility in MRF sequence design.The here introduced quality factor framework allows for rapid analysis and optimization of MRF sequence design through T and T error forecasting.© 2019 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Towards predicting the encoding capability of MR fingerprinting sequences
[J]. ,DOI:S0730-725X(17)30118-2 PMID:28684268 [本文引用: 2]
Sequence optimization and appropriate sequence selection is still an unmet need in magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF). The main challenge in MRF sequence design is the lack of an appropriate measure of the sequence's encoding capability. To find such a measure, three different candidates for judging the encoding capability have been investigated: local and global dot-product-based measures judging dictionary entry similarity as well as a Monte Carlo method that evaluates the noise propagation properties of an MRF sequence. Consistency of these measures for different sequence lengths as well as the capability to predict actual sequence performance in both phantom and in vivo measurements was analyzed. While the dot-product-based measures yielded inconsistent results for different sequence lengths, the Monte Carlo method was in a good agreement with phantom experiments. In particular, the Monte Carlo method could accurately predict the performance of different flip angle patterns in actual measurements. The proposed Monte Carlo method provides an appropriate measure of MRF sequence encoding capability and may be used for sequence optimization.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Optimal experiment design for magnetic resonance fingerprinting: Cramer-Rao bound meets spin dynamics
[J]. ,DOI:10.1109/TMI.2018.2873704 URL [本文引用: 2]
Sequence optimization mitigating undersampling errors in magnetic resonance fingerprinting
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Automated design of pulse sequences for magnetic resonance fingerprinting using physics-inspired optimization
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Motion-robust free-breathing abdominal MR fingerprinting (MRF) using radial acquisition and temporal compressed sensing reconstruction: initial results
[J]. ,
Game of learning bloch equation simulations for mr fingerprinting
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Artificial intelligence in cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.3389/fcvm.2022.1009131 URL [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a fast MRI-based technique that allows for multiparametric quantitative characterization of the tissues of interest in a single acquisition. In particular, it has gained attention in the field of cardiac imaging due to its ability to provide simultaneous and co-registered myocardial T1 and T2 mapping in a single breath-held cardiac MRF scan, in addition to other parameters. Initial results in small healthy subject groups and clinical studies have demonstrated the feasibility and potential of MRF imaging. Ongoing research is being conducted to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of cardiac MRF. However, these improvements usually increase the complexity of image reconstruction and dictionary generation and introduce the need for sequence optimization. Each of these steps increase the computational demand and processing time of MRF. The latest advances in artificial intelligence (AI), including progress in deep learning and the development of neural networks for MRI, now present an opportunity to efficiently address these issues. Artificial intelligence can be used to optimize candidate sequences and reduce the memory demand and computational time required for reconstruction and post-processing. Recently, proposed machine learning-based approaches have been shown to reduce dictionary generation and reconstruction times by several orders of magnitude. Such applications of AI should help to remove these bottlenecks and speed up cardiac MRF, improving its practical utility and allowing for its potential inclusion in clinical routine. This review aims to summarize the latest developments in artificial intelligence applied to cardiac MRF. Particularly, we focus on the application of machine learning at different steps of the MRF process, such as sequence optimization, dictionary generation and image reconstruction.
SVD compression for magnetic resonance fingerprinting in the time domain
[J]. ,DOI:10.1109/TMI.2014.2337321 URL [本文引用: 1]
Low rank approximation methods for MR fingerprinting with large scale dictionaries
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.26867 PMID:28804918 [本文引用: 1]
This work proposes new low rank approximation approaches with significant memory savings for large scale MR fingerprinting (MRF) problems.We introduce a compressed MRF with randomized singular value decomposition method to significantly reduce the memory requirement for calculating a low rank approximation of large sized MRF dictionaries. We further relax this requirement by exploiting the structures of MRF dictionaries in the randomized singular value decomposition space and fitting them to low-degree polynomials to generate high resolution MRF parameter maps. In vivo 1.5T and 3T brain scan data are used to validate the approaches.T, T, and off-resonance maps are in good agreement with that of the standard MRF approach. Moreover, the memory savings is up to 1000 times for the MRF-fast imaging with steady-state precession sequence and more than 15 times for the MRF-balanced, steady-state free precession sequence.The proposed compressed MRF with randomized singular value decomposition and dictionary fitting methods are memory efficient low rank approximation methods, which can benefit the usage of MRF in clinical settings. They also have great potentials in large scale MRF problems, such as problems considering multi-component MRF parameters or high resolution in the parameter space. Magn Reson Med 79:2392-2400, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.© 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Fast group matching for MR fingerprinting reconstruction
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.25439 PMID:25168690 [本文引用: 1]
MR fingerprinting (MRF) is a technique for quantitative tissue mapping using pseudorandom measurements. To estimate tissue properties such as T1, T2, proton density, and B0, the rapidly acquired data are compared against a large dictionary of Bloch simulations. This matching process can be a very computationally demanding portion of MRF reconstruction.We introduce a fast group matching algorithm (GRM) that exploits inherent correlation within MRF dictionaries to create highly clustered groupings of the elements. During matching, a group specific signature is first used to remove poor matching possibilities. Group principal component analysis (PCA) is used to evaluate all remaining tissue types. In vivo 3 Tesla brain data were used to validate the accuracy of our approach.For a trueFISP sequence with over 196,000 dictionary elements, 1000 MRF samples, and image matrix of 128 × 128, GRM was able to map MR parameters within 2s using standard vendor computational resources. This is an order of magnitude faster than global PCA and nearly two orders of magnitude faster than direct matching, with comparable accuracy (1-2% relative error).The proposed GRM method is a highly efficient model reduction technique for MRF matching and should enable clinically relevant reconstruction accuracy and time on standard vendor computational resources.© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
AIR-MRF: Accelerated iterative reconstruction for magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J], ,DOI:S0730-725X(17)30125-X PMID:28716682 [本文引用: 1]
Existing approaches for reconstruction of multiparametric maps with magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) are currently limited by their estimation accuracy and reconstruction time. We aimed to address these issues with a novel combination of iterative reconstruction, fingerprint compression, additional regularization, and accelerated dictionary search methods. The pipeline described here, accelerated iterative reconstruction for magnetic resonance fingerprinting (AIR-MRF), was evaluated with simulations as well as phantom and in vivo scans. We found that the AIR-MRF pipeline provided reduced parameter estimation errors compared to non-iterative and other iterative methods, particularly at shorter sequence lengths. Accelerated dictionary search methods incorporated into the iterative pipeline reduced the reconstruction time at little cost of quality.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting using a fast dictionary searching algorithm: MRF-ZOOM
[J]. ,DOI:10.1109/TBME.2018.2874992 PMID:30307852 [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a new technique for simultaneously quantifying multiple MR parameters using one temporally resolved MR scan. In MRF, MR signal is manipulated to have distinct temporal behavior with regard to different combinations of the underlying MR parameters and across spatial regions. The temporal behavior of acquired MR signal is then used as a key to find its unique counterpart in a MR signal dictionary. The dictionary generation and searching (DGS) process represents the most important part of MRF, which however can be intractable because of the disk space requirement and the computational demand exponentially increases with the number of MR parameters, spatial coverage, and spatial resolution. The goal of this paper was to develop a fast and space efficient MRF DGS algorithm.The optimal DGS algorithm: MRF ZOOM was designed based on the properties of the parameter matching objective function characterized with full dictionary simulations. Both synthetic data and in-vivo data were used to validate the method.MRF ZOOM can dramatically save MRF DGS time without sacrificing matching accuracy.MRF ZOOM can facilitate a wide range of MRF applications.
Generalized low-rank non-rigid motion-corrected reconstruction for MR fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.v87.2 URL [本文引用: 1]
High-resolution 3D MR Fingerprinting using parallel imaging and deep learning
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116329 URL [本文引用: 1]
Deep learning for magnetic resonance fingerprinting: A new approach for predicting quantitative parameter values from time series
[J]. ,The purpose of this work is to evaluate methods from deep learning for application to Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF). MRF is a recently proposed measurement technique for generating quantitative parameter maps. In MRF a non-steady state signal is generated by a pseudo-random excitation pattern. A comparison of the measured signal in each voxel with the physical model yields quantitative parameter maps. Currently, the comparison is done by matching a dictionary of simulated signals to the acquired signals. To accelerate the computation of quantitative maps we train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on simulated dictionary data. As a proof of principle we show that the neural network implicitly encodes the dictionary and can replace the matching process.
Development of fast deep learning quantification for magnetic resonance fingerprinting in vivo
[J]. ,DOI:S0730-725X(19)30731-3 PMID:32276007 [本文引用: 1]
A deep neural network was developed for magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) quantification. This study aimed at extending previous studies of deep learning MRF to in vivo applications, allowing sub-second computation time for large-scale data.We applied the deep learning methodology based on our previously published multi-layer perceptron. The number of layers was four, which was optimized to balance the model capacity and noise robustness. The training sets were obtained from MRF dictionaries with 9000 to 28,000 atoms, depending on the desired T1 and T2 ranges. The simulated MRF undersampling artifact based on the k-space acquisition scheme and noise were both added to the training data to reduce the error in estimates.The neural network achieved high fidelity (R2 _ 0.98) as compared to the T1 and T2 values of the ISMRM standardized phantom. In brain MRF experiment, the model trained with simulated artifacts and noise showed less error compared to that without. The in vivo application of our neural network for liver and prostate were also demonstrated. For an MRF slice with 256 _ 256 image resolution, the computation time of our neural network was 0.12 s, compared with the _ 28 s-pre-slice for the conventional dictionary matching method.Our neural network achieved fast computation speed for MRF quantification. The model trained with simulated artifacts and noise showed less error and achieved optimal performance for phantom experiment and in vivo normal brain and liver, and prostate cancer patient.Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Deep learning reconstruction for cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting T1 and T2 mapping
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.v85.4 URL [本文引用: 1]
MR fingerprinting deep reconstruction network (DRONE)
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.27198 PMID:29624736 [本文引用: 2]
Deep learning for magnetic resonance fingerprinting: Accelerating the reconstruction of quantitative relaxation maps
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HYDRA. Hybrid deep magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. .DOI:10.1002/mp.v46.11 URL [本文引用: 1]
Spatially regularized parametric map reconstruction for fast magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.media.2020.101741 URL [本文引用: 1]
Better than real: complex-valued neural nets for MRI fingerprinting
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RinQ fingerprinting: recurrence-informed quantile networks for magnetic resonance fingerprinting
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Learning how to clean fingerprints -- deep learning based separated artefact reduction and regression for mr fingerprinting
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Deep learning for fast and spatially constrained tissue quantification from highly accelerated data in magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.1109/TMI.42 URL [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting: from evolution to clinical applications
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/jmrs.v67.4 URL [本文引用: 1]
MR fingerprinting of adult brain tumors: Initial experience
[J]. ,DOI:10.3174/ajnr.A5035 URL [本文引用: 4]
Development of high-resolution 3D MR fingerprinting for detection and characterization of epileptic lesions
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/jmri.26319 PMID:30582254 [本文引用: 4]
Conventional MRI can be limited in detecting subtle epileptic lesions or identifying active/epileptic lesions among widespread, multifocal lesions.We developed a high-resolution 3D MR fingerprinting (MRF) protocol to simultaneously provide quantitative T, T, proton density, and tissue fraction maps for detection and characterization of epileptic lesions.Prospective.National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) phantom, five healthy volunteers and 15 patients with medically intractable epilepsy undergoing presurgical evaluation with noninvasive or invasive electroclinical data.3D MRF scans and routine clinical epilepsy MR protocols were acquired at 3 T.The accuracy of the T and T values were first evaluated using the NIST/ISMRM phantom. The repeatability was then estimated with both phantom and volunteers based on the coefficient of variance (CV). For epilepsy patients, all the maps were qualitatively reviewed for lesion detection by three independent reviewers (S.E.J., M.L., I.N.) blinded to clinical data. Region of interest (ROI) analysis was performed on T and T maps to quantify the multiparametric signal differences between lesion and normal tissues. Findings from qualitative review and quantitative ROI analysis were compared with patients' electroclinical data to assess concordance.Phantom results were compared using R-squared, and patient results were compared using linear regression models.The phantom study showed high accuracy with the standard values, with an R of 0.99. The volunteer study showed high repeatability, with an average CV of 4.3% for T and T in various tissue regions. For the 15 patients, MRF showed additional findings in four patients, with the remaining 11 patients showing findings consistent with conventional MRI. The additional MRF findings were highly concordant with patients' electroclinical presentation.The 3D MRF protocol showed potential to identify otherwise inconspicuous epileptogenic lesions from the patients with negative conventional MRI diagnosis, as well as to correlate with different levels of epileptogenicity when widespread lesions were present.3. Technical Efficacy Stage: 3. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2019;49:1333-1346.© 2018 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
MR fingerprinting for rapid quantitative abdominal imaging
[J]. ,DOI:10.1148/radiol.2016152037 PMID:26794935 [本文引用: 4]
To develop a magnetic resonance (MR) "fingerprinting" technique for quantitative abdominal imaging.This HIPAA-compliant study had institutional review board approval, and informed consent was obtained from all subjects. To achieve accurate quantification in the presence of marked B0 and B1 field inhomogeneities, the MR fingerprinting framework was extended by using a two-dimensional fast imaging with steady-state free precession, or FISP, acquisition and a Bloch-Siegert B1 mapping method. The accuracy of the proposed technique was validated by using agarose phantoms. Quantitative measurements were performed in eight asymptomatic subjects and in six patients with 20 focal liver lesions. A two-tailed Student t test was used to compare the T1 and T2 results in metastatic adenocarcinoma with those in surrounding liver parenchyma and healthy subjects.Phantom experiments showed good agreement with standard methods in T1 and T2 after B1 correction. In vivo studies demonstrated that quantitative T1, T2, and B1 maps can be acquired within a breath hold of approximately 19 seconds. T1 and T2 measurements were compatible with those in the literature. Representative values included the following: liver, 745 msec ± 65 (standard deviation) and 31 msec ± 6; renal medulla, 1702 msec ± 205 and 60 msec ± 21; renal cortex, 1314 msec ± 77 and 47 msec ± 10; spleen, 1232 msec ± 92 and 60 msec ± 19; skeletal muscle, 1100 msec ± 59 and 44 msec ± 9; and fat, 253 msec ± 42 and 77 msec ± 16, respectively. T1 and T2 in metastatic adenocarcinoma were 1673 msec ± 331 and 43 msec ± 13, respectively, significantly different from surrounding liver parenchyma relaxation times of 840 msec ± 113 and 28 msec ± 3 (P <.0001 and P <.01) and those in hepatic parenchyma in healthy volunteers (745 msec ± 65 and 31 msec ± 6, P <.0001 and P =.021, respectively).A rapid technique for quantitative abdominal imaging was developed that allows simultaneous quantification of multiple tissue properties within one 19-second breath hold, with measurements comparable to those in published literature.
Three-dimensional MR fingerprinting for quantitative breast imaging
[J]. ,DOI:10.1148/radiol.2018180836 PMID:30375925 [本文引用: 4]
Purpose To develop a fast three-dimensional method for simultaneous T1 and T2 quantification for breast imaging by using MR fingerprinting. Materials and Methods In this prospective study, variable flip angles and magnetization preparation modules were applied to acquire MR fingerprinting data for each partition of a three-dimensional data set. A fast postprocessing method was implemented by using singular value decomposition. The proposed technique was first validated in phantoms and then applied to 15 healthy female participants (mean age, 24.2 years ± 5.1 [standard deviation]; range, 18-35 years) and 14 female participants with breast cancer (mean age, 55.4 years ± 8.8; range, 39-66 years) between March 2016 and April 2018. The sensitivity of the method to B field inhomogeneity was also evaluated by using the Bloch-Siegert method. Results Phantom results showed that accurate and volumetric T1 and T2 quantification was achieved by using the proposed technique. The acquisition time for three-dimensional quantitative maps with a spatial resolution of 1.6 × 1.6 × 3 mm was approximately 6 minutes. For healthy participants, averaged T1 and T2 relaxation times for fibroglandular tissues at 3.0 T were 1256 msec ± 171 and 46 msec ± 7, respectively. Compared with normal breast tissues, higher T2 relaxation time (68 msec ± 13) was observed in invasive ductal carcinoma (P <.001), whereas no statistical difference was found in T1 relaxation time (1183 msec ± 256; P =.37). Conclusion A method was developed for breast imaging by using the MR fingerprinting technique, which allows simultaneous and volumetric quantification of T1 and T2 relaxation times for breast tissues. © RSNA, 2018 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
Optimized multi-axis spiral projection MR fingerprinting with subspace reconstruction for rapid whole-brain high-isotropic-resolution quantitative imaging
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.29194 PMID:35199877 [本文引用: 1]
To improve image quality and accelerate the acquisition of 3D MR fingerprinting (MRF).Building on the multi-axis spiral-projection MRF technique, a subspace reconstruction with locally low-rank constraint and a modified spiral-projection spatiotemporal encoding scheme called tiny golden-angle shuffling were implemented for rapid whole-brain high-resolution quantitative mapping. Reconstruction parameters such as the locally low-rank regularization parameter and the subspace rank were tuned using retrospective in vivo data and simulated examinations. B inhomogeneity correction using multifrequency interpolation was incorporated into the subspace reconstruction to further improve the image quality by mitigating blurring caused by off-resonance effect.The proposed MRF acquisition and reconstruction framework yields high-quality 1-mm isotropic whole-brain quantitative maps in 2 min at better quality compared with 6-min acquisitions of prior approaches. The proposed method was validated to not induce bias in T and T mapping. High-quality whole-brain MRF data were also obtained at 0.66-mm isotropic resolution in 4 min using the proposed technique, where the increased resolution was shown to improve visualization of subtle brain structures.The proposed tiny golden-angle shuffling, MRF with optimized spiral-projection trajectory and subspace reconstruction enables high-resolution quantitative mapping in ultrafast acquisition time.© 2022 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Detection of lesions in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy by using MR fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.1148/radiol.2018172131 PMID:29916782 [本文引用: 1]
Purpose To improve diagnosis of hippocampal sclerosis (HS) in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) by using MR fingerprinting and compare with visual assessment of T1- and T2-weighted MR images. Materials and Methods For this prospective study performed between April and November 2016, T1 and T2 maps were obtained and tissue segmentation performed in consecutive patients with drug-resistant MTLE with unilateral or bilateral HS. T1 and T2 maps were compared between 33 patients with MTLE (23 women and 10 men; mean age, 32.6 years; age range, 16-60 years) and 30 healthy participants (20 women and 10 men; mean age, 28.8 years; age range, 18-40 years). Differences in individual bilateral hippocampi were compared by using a Wilcoxon signed rank test, whereas the Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for difference analysis between healthy control participants and patients with MTLE. Results The diagnosis rate (ie, ratio of HS diagnosed on the basis of a 2.5-minute MR fingerprinting examination compared with standard methods: MRI, electroencephalography, and PET) was 32 of 33 (96.9%; 95% confidence interval: 84.9%, 100%), reflecting improved accuracy of diagnosis (P = 1.92 × 10) over routine MR examinations that had a diagnostic rate of 23 of 33 (69.7%; 95% confidence interval: 51.5%, 81.6%). The comparison between atrophic and normal-appearing hippocampus in 33 patients with MTLE and healthy control participants demonstrated that both T1 and T2 values in HS lesions were higher than those of normal hippocampal tissue of healthy participants (T1: 1361 msec ± 85 vs 1249 msec ± 59, respectively; T2: 135 msec ± 15 vs 104 msec ± 9, respectively; P <.0001). Conclusion MR fingerprinting allowed for multiparametric mapping of temporal lobe within 2.5 minutes and helped to identify lesions suspicious for HS in patients with MTLE with improved accuracy.© RSNA, 2018 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
Free-breathing abdominal T1 mapping using an optimized MR fingerprinting sequence
[J]. ,
Multi-parametric liver tissue characterization using MR fingerprinting: Simultaneous T1, T2, T2*, and fat fraction mapping
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.v84.5 URL [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting of the pancreas at 1.5 T and 3.0 T
[J]. ,DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-74462-6 [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas is increasingly used as an important diagnostic modality for characterisation of pancreatic lesions. Pancreatic MRI protocols are mostly qualitative due to time constraints and motion sensitivity. MR Fingerprinting is an innovative acquisition technique that provides qualitative data and quantitative parameter maps from a single free‐breathing acquisition with the potential to reduce exam times. This work investigates the feasibility of MRF parameter mapping for pancreatic imaging in the presence of free-breathing exam. Sixteen healthy participants were prospectively imaged using MRF framework. Regions-of-interest were drawn in multiple solid organs including the pancreas and T1 and T2 values determined. MRF T1 and T2 mapping was performed successfully in all participants (acquisition time:2.4–3.6 min). Mean pancreatic T1 values were 37–43% lower than those of the muscle, spleen, and kidney at both 1.5 and 3.0 T. For these organs, the mean pancreatic T2 values were nearly 40% at 1.5 T and < 12% at 3.0 T. The feasibility of MRF at 1.5 T and 3 T was demonstrated in the pancreas. By enabling fast and free-breathing quantitation, MRF has the potential to add value during the clinical characterisation and grading of pathological conditions, such as pancreatitis or cancer.
Confounding factors in breast magnetic resonance fingerprinting: B1+, slice profile, and diffusion effects
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.v85.4 URL [本文引用: 1]
Cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting: trends in technical development and potential clinical applications
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.pnmrs.2020.10.001 URL [本文引用: 1]
Cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting: technical overview and initial results
[J]. ,DOI:S1936-878X(18)30833-7 PMID:30522686 [本文引用: 1]
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance is a versatile tool that enables noninvasive characterization of cardiac tissue structure and function. Parametric mapping techniques have allowed unparalleled differentiation of pathophysiological differences in the myocardium such as the delineation of myocardial fibrosis, hemorrhage, and edema. These methods are increasingly used as part of a tool kit to characterize disease states such as cardiomyopathies and coronary artery disease more accurately. Currently conventional mapping techniques require separate acquisitions for T and T mapping, the values of which may depend on specifics of the magnetic resonance imaging system hardware, pulse sequence implementation, and physiological variables including blood pressure and heart rate. The cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting (cMRF) technique has recently been introduced for simultaneous and reproducible measurement of T and T maps in a single scan. The potential for this technique to provide consistent tissue property values independent of variables including scanner, pulse sequence, and physiology could allow an unbiased framework for the assessment of intrinsic properties of cardiac tissue including structure, perfusion, and parameters such as extracellular volume without the administration of exogenous contrast agents. This review seeks to introduce the basics of the cMRF technique, including pulse sequence design, dictionary generation, and pattern matching. The potential applications of cMRF in assessing diseases such as nonischemic cardiomyopathy are also briefly discussed, and ongoing areas of research are described.Copyright © 2018 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
MR fingerprinting for rapid quantification of myocardial T1, T2, and proton spin density
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.v77.4 URL [本文引用: 1]
Simultaneous multislice cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting using low rank reconstruction
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Simultaneous mapping of T1 and T2 using cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting in a cohort of healthy subjects at 1.5T
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/jmri.v52.4 URL [本文引用: 1]
Artificial intelligence in cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. ,DOI:10.3389/fcvm.2022.1009131 URL [本文引用: 2]
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a fast MRI-based technique that allows for multiparametric quantitative characterization of the tissues of interest in a single acquisition. In particular, it has gained attention in the field of cardiac imaging due to its ability to provide simultaneous and co-registered myocardial T1 and T2 mapping in a single breath-held cardiac MRF scan, in addition to other parameters. Initial results in small healthy subject groups and clinical studies have demonstrated the feasibility and potential of MRF imaging. Ongoing research is being conducted to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of cardiac MRF. However, these improvements usually increase the complexity of image reconstruction and dictionary generation and introduce the need for sequence optimization. Each of these steps increase the computational demand and processing time of MRF. The latest advances in artificial intelligence (AI), including progress in deep learning and the development of neural networks for MRI, now present an opportunity to efficiently address these issues. Artificial intelligence can be used to optimize candidate sequences and reduce the memory demand and computational time required for reconstruction and post-processing. Recently, proposed machine learning-based approaches have been shown to reduce dictionary generation and reconstruction times by several orders of magnitude. Such applications of AI should help to remove these bottlenecks and speed up cardiac MRF, improving its practical utility and allowing for its potential inclusion in clinical routine. This review aims to summarize the latest developments in artificial intelligence applied to cardiac MRF. Particularly, we focus on the application of machine learning at different steps of the MRF process, such as sequence optimization, dictionary generation and image reconstruction.
Free-running cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting: joint T1/T2 map and cine imaging
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.mri.2020.02.005 URL [本文引用: 1]
3D free-breathing cardiac magnetic resonance fingerprinting
[J]. ,
Reproducing Fingerprints: a step toward clinical adoption
[J]. ,DOI:10.1148/radiol.2019191146 PMID:31211635 [本文引用: 1]
Repeatability of magnetic resonance fingerprinting T1 and T2 estimates assessed using the ISMRM/NIST MRI system phantom
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.26509 URL [本文引用: 1]
Reproducibility and repeatability of MR fingerprinting relaxometry in the human brain
[J]. ,DOI:10.1148/radiol.2019182360 PMID:31210615 [本文引用: 1]
Background Only sparse literature investigates the reproducibility and repeatability of relaxometry methods in MRI. However, statistical data on reproducibility and repeatability of any quantitative method is essential for clinical application. Purpose To evaluate the reproducibility and repeatability of two-dimensional fast imaging with steady-state free precession MR fingerprinting in vivo in human brains. Materials and Methods Two-dimensional section-selective MR fingerprinting based on a steady-state free precession sequence with an external radiofrequency transmit field, or, correction was used to generate T1 and T2 maps. This prospective study was conducted between July 2017 and January 2018 with 10 scanners from a single manufacturer, including different models, at four different sites. T1 and T2 relaxation times and their variation across scanners (reproducibility) as well as across repetitions on a scanner (repeatability) were analyzed. The relative deviations of T1 and T2 to the average (95% confidence interval) were calculated for several brain compartments. Results Ten healthy volunteers (mean age ± standard deviation, 28.5 years ± 6.9; eight men, two women) participated in this study. Reproducibility and repeatability of T1 and T2 measures in the human brain varied across brain compartments (1.8%-20.9%) and were higher in solid tissues than in the cerebrospinal fluid. T1 measures in solid tissue brain compartments were more stable compared with T2 measures. The half-widths of the confidence intervals for relative deviations were 3.4% for mean T1 and 8.0% for mean T2 values across scanners. Intrascanner repeatability half-widths of the confidence intervals for relative deviations were in the range of 2.0%-3.1% for T1 and 3.1%-7.9% for T2. Conclusion This study provides values on reproducibility and repeatability of T1 and T2 relaxometry measured with fast imaging with steady-state free precession MR fingerprinting in brain tissues of healthy volunteers. Reproducibility and repeatability are considerably higher in solid brain compartments than in cerebrospinal fluid and are higher for T1 than for T2. © RSNA, 2019 See also the editorial by Barkhof and Parker in this issue.
Acceleration of 2D-MR fingerprinting by reducing the number of echoes with increased in-plane resolution: a volunteer study
[J]. ,DOI:10.1007/s10334-020-00842-8 [本文引用: 1]
To compare the absolute values and repeatability of magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) with 3000 and 1500 echoes/slice acquired in 41 s and 20 s (MRF3k and MRF1.5k, respectively).
Multi-site repeatability and reproducibility of MR fingerprinting of the healthy brain at 1.5 and 3.0 T
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.03.047 URL [本文引用: 1]
Three dimensional MRF obtains highly repeatable and reproducible multi-parametric estimations in the healthy human brain at 1.5 T and 3 T
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117573 URL [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic resonance images segmentation of synovium based on Dense-UNet++
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