
Algorithm with Order m + 1 Convergence for Weakly Nonlinear Complementarity Problems Derived From the Discretization of Free Boundary Problems
Yajun Xie,Changfeng Ma
表 6 例4.2的数值结果, f(x, y, t) = ln(1 + t)
初始点 z(3)0 z(3)0 z(2)0 z(2)0
算法 n=225 n=961 n=2209 n=3969
FBSN It 8 9 10 10
CPU 0.0534 1.4129 13.8041 81.8000
RES 1.3059e-008 1.5371e-007 7.4532e-008 4.8048e-007
MMSA It 114 222 297 388
CPU 0.0273 1.3339 9.3883 41.4062
RES 8.9631e-013 9.6913e-013 9.9131e-013 9.2350e-013
HONM It 2 2 2 2
CPU 0.0156 0.3238 2.1165 12.1649
RES 0 0 0 0