
Algorithm with Order m + 1 Convergence for Weakly Nonlinear Complementarity Problems Derived From the Discretization of Free Boundary Problems
Yajun Xie,Changfeng Ma
表 5 例4.2的数值结果, $f(x, y, t)=\frac{t}{1+t}$
初始点 z(3)0 z(3)0 z(2)0 z(2)0
算法 n=225 n=961 n=2209 n=3969
FBSN It 151 151 151 151
CPU 4.8505 31.2633 263.0305 1266.1
RES 9.1410e-002 9.2369e-002 4.1121e-002 4.2001e-002
MMSA It 105 227 299 388
CPU 0.0244 1.4172 9.3599 37.8653
RES 8.0910e-013 9.9726e-013 9.0592e-013 9.7484e-013
HONM It 2 2 2 2
CPU 0.0157 0.3998 2.2060 10.6302
RES 0 0 0 0