左玉龙, 李豆, 徐俊秋, 祝伟航, 王鹏飞, 明刚, 王芳, 王晨, 康松柏, 赵峰, 梅刚华

Study on Helium Permeation in Rubidium Clock’s Vapor Cell
ZUO Yulong, LI Dou, XU Junqiu, ZHU Weihang, WANG Pengfei, MING Gang, WANG Fang, WANG Chen, KANG Songbai, ZHAO Feng, MEI Ganghua
图4 大气环境下氦气渗透对Pyrex(实线)和ASG(点线)气室铷钟频率漂移的影响. 横坐标表示铷钟工作时间,纵坐标表示铷钟受氦气渗透影响后导致的天漂移
Fig.4 Effect of helium permeation on the frequency drift of rubidium clocks in the Pyrex (solid line) and the aluminum silicate (dotted line) glass cell under atmospheric conditions. The x-axis represents the working time of the rubidium clock, and the y-axis represents the day drift of the rubidium clock due to helium penetration