Research Progress of Denoising Algorithms for Diffusion Tensor Images
Corresponding authors: *Tel: 13761603606, E-mail:yjusst@126.com.
Received: 2023-10-19
Diffusion tensor imaging is an essential technique to study tissue brain microstructure and the distribution of white matter fiber tracts. However, affected by the diffusion-weighted signal attenuation and long echo time, diffusion tensor images suffer from serious low signal-to-noise ratio problem. Therefore, efficient denoising techniques are crucial for enhancing image quality. This paper starts with the principle of diffusion tensor imaging and the types of noise. Then it discusses the classical diffusion tensor image denoising algorithms, including algorithms based on traditional image processing and deep learning. Special emphasis is given to the status and shortcomings of diffusion tensor image denoising research. The denoising evaluation criteria and commonly used public datasets are also introduced, followed by experiments and quantitative analysis on the diffusion tensor image denoising methods mentioned in this paper. Finally, it concludes with a summary and an outlook for the field’s future research directions.
杨黎明, 王远军.
YANG Liming, WANG Yuanjun.
扩散磁共振成像(Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging,dMRI)是在磁共振基础上发展起来的一项技术,可以通过检测活体组织内水分子的扩散运动状态来反映生物组织的微观结构变化.扩散张量成像(Diffusion Tensor Imaging,DTI)是最早被提出用来估计纤维方向分布的dMRI技术,该技术通过采集不同扩散敏感梯度方向的扩散加权图像进行张量成像,用于描述水分子的自由扩散运动[1].在脑组织中,水分子的自由扩散运动由于细胞器、细胞膜和大分子等结构的限制,使其在三维空间内的各个方向上的扩散速度不同,这种现象被称为各向异性扩散[2].DTI通过检测水分子在大脑中的扩散情况来获取各向异性等信息,能够反映组织结构的微观特征.同时,DTI可根据张量测值的主扩散方向计算得到白质纤维束的路径,是目前非侵入性获得活体白质微观组织结构的唯一手段,具有重要的临床价值[3].
1 扩散张量成像与噪声分析
1.1 扩散张量成像
扩散加权成像(Diffusion Weighted Imaging,DWI)通过对普通磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging,MRI)施加不同方向的扩散敏感梯度脉冲,来检测机体组织中水分子的扩散状态.通过Stejskal-Tanner公式对不同方向上的DWI图像进行计算,可以得到DTI图像.
1.2 噪声分析
随着多线圈成像技术的发展,成像速度和质量都得到了提高,此时幅值图像中的噪声分布取决于K空间信号采样方式、幅值信号的重建方式及线圈的组合方式[8].对于下采样K空间的并行成像,敏感度编码(Sensitivity Encoding,SENSE)和自动校准部分并行采集(Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisitions,GRAPPA)是流行的重建方式;对于全采样K空间,平方和(Sum Of Squares,SOS)和空间匹配滤波(Spatial Matched Filter,SMF)是常用的重建方式.此外,噪声分布也受到线圈间相关性的影响,图1总结了多线圈成像中各种类型的噪声.多线圈成像技术获取的幅值图像具有空间平稳或非平稳的莱斯或非中心卡方噪声,其中服从非中心卡方分布的幅值图像可以表示为:
2 扩散张量图像去噪方法
2.1 传统图像处理去噪算法
传统滤波算法包括双边滤波、高斯滤波、中值滤波等,这些方法可以有效去除高斯噪声,但是会导致图像边缘模糊、细节丢失,且不能有效去除复杂的莱斯噪声.为有效去除DTI数据中的复杂噪声且保留图像精细的特征和边缘,研究者已经提出了大量的传统图像处理去噪算法,这些算法大致可以归纳为以下几类:(1)基于非局部均值(Non-Local Means,NLM)的去噪算法.(2)基于主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)的去噪算法.(3)基于低秩矩阵近似(Low Rank Matrix Approximation,LRMA)的去噪算法等.
2.1.1 基于非局部均值去噪算法
图像中每个像素点并不是独立于周围像素的,其附近区域通常存在着许多在灰度值和结构上相似的像素点,这种特性称为图像的非局部自相似性(Nonlocal Self-Similarity,NSS).NLM去噪算法的核心思想是利用图像的NSS,通过设定的相似窗在搜索窗中搜寻尽可能多且相似的其他像素,将这些像素加权平均得到最终去噪图像,具体计算如下:
2.1.2 基于主成分分析去噪算法
PCA去噪算法是目前DTI去噪领域的主流算法,这类算法通常包括三个步骤:首先对噪声数据进行奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD),得到主成分基和相关奇异值;然后对奇异值进行处理,通过阈值化的方法减少噪声的影响,常用的阈值操作有硬阈值和软阈值等;最后将原始主成分基与经过处理的奇异值相结合,重建为去噪后的数据.PCA去噪算法的性能高度依赖于奇异值的处理,大多数算法通过估计信号主成分数量并去除仅有噪声的成分来实现去噪[17,18].然而这些算法缺乏客观的阈值标准来区分携带信号的成分和仅有噪声的成分,阈值的选取存在主观性.Veraart等人[19,20]提出了一种基于随机矩阵理论的PCA去噪算法(Marchenko-Pastur Principal Component Analysis,MPPCA),该算法提供了一种客观的阈值截断方案.MPPCA假设dMRI数据中的噪声水平恒定且与信号不相关,因此仅有噪声成分的协方差矩阵特征值服从Marchenko-Pastur分布,通过将满足该分布的特征值置零,从而实现去噪.尽管Marchenko-Pastur分布在理论上仅适用于高斯噪声,但实验结果表明MPPCA能够有效去除dMRI图像中的非高斯噪声,并保留图像中的精细结构.该算法目前已作为MRtrix3[21]软件包的一部分在dMRI各项研究中广泛使用,Cordero-Grande等人[22]还将其推广到复值dMRI数据.
Marchenko-Pastur定律通常假设数据矩阵是无限大的,并且信号成分的数量远小于矩阵的维数,这就导致MPPCA去噪性能严重依赖数据冗余量.为解决这个问题,研究者提出了不同的解决方案[23].Llordén等人[24]将核主成分分析(Kernel Principal Component Analysis,KPCA)去噪技术应用于dMRI数据,该算法通过高斯核将dMRI信号映射到高维核希尔伯特空间,可以同时利用数据中的线性和非线性冗余,实现比MPPCA更好的去噪效果.Olesen等人[25]提出了一种张量MPPCA算法,与MPPCA将数据维度组合在矩阵中不同的是,该算法使用多维数据固有张量结构的每个维度来表征噪声,并递归地估计信号分量,从而更好地利用多维数据中的冗余.
2.1.3 基于低秩矩阵近似去噪算法
由于DWI数据的局部和非局部相似性,可以通过块匹配技术在图像中寻找相似块组,并将这些相似块组堆叠成一个低秩的矩阵,从而将去噪问题视为一个LRMA问题.LRMA问题可以通过低秩矩阵分解(Low Rank Matrix Factorization,LRMF)和核范数最小化(Nuclear Norm Minimization,NNM)来解决.
LRMF方法的核心是SVD,通过限制奇异值的数量或大小来约束矩阵结构的稀疏性,从而给出图像块组矩阵的低秩近似.目前研究者已提出多种奇异值处理方法,其中最优奇异值收缩(Optimal Singular Value Shrinkage,OSVS)是最常用的一种技术.该技术通过对奇异值进行收缩,将小于阈值的奇异值置为零,而保留大于阈值的奇异值,以达到去除噪声的目的.Ma等人[26]提出了一种联合方差稳定变换(Variance Stabilizing Transformation,VST)[27]和OSVS的幅值dMRI去噪框架(简称为VST-OSVS),该框架首先利用VST技术将莱斯分布的dMRI数据转换为类高斯分布数据,然后采用基于块组的OSVS进行去噪,最后通过莱斯偏置校正和逆VST技术得到去噪图像.高阶奇异值分解(Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition,HOSVD)是SVD在高维数据中的推广,在对多维数据进行分解时,该方法能够充分利用数据每一维度的稀疏性,从而更好地保留数据的拓扑结构.基于块匹配的HOSVD去噪算法能够很好地去除低SNR图像中的噪声,但是会在图像均匀区域引入条形伪影.此外HOSVD去噪算法只适用于加性高斯噪声,不能直接对DWI图像进行处理.为解决这些问题,Zhang等人[28]提出了一种联合VST的全局HOSVD指导下的基于块匹配HOSVD去噪算法(Global Local Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition,GL-HOSVD),该算法首先对DWI数据进行全局HOSVD预去噪,然后利用预去噪后的图像指导后续基于块匹配的HOSVD去噪.GL-HOSVD在一定程度上减少了噪声退化对HOSVD基的影响,能够有效提高图像质量,然而该算法并没有从原理上解决伪影问题,在块匹配过程中会不可避免地引入伪影.因此Xu等人[29]提出了一种联合HOSVD稀疏约束和莱斯噪声校正的去噪算法,该算法直接对每个局部DWI图像块进行HOSVD去噪,不借助VST技术,也无需构造相似块组,从根本上解决了伪影问题.
LRMF方法的主要局限性在于必须提供秩作为输入,而过低或过高的秩都可能影响去噪效果.因此有研究者采用NNM解决LRMA问题,NNM作为一种凸优化方法,通过对低秩矩阵的奇异值进行软阈值处理来求得最优解.然而NNM对所有奇异值的收缩程度是相同的,忽略了较大奇异值通常代表重要信号成分这一先验知识,因此会导致图像过于平滑.加权核范数最小化(Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization,WNNM)通过对不同奇异值分配权值,可以获得更加准确的秩估计.通常情况下,奇异值是按照降序排序,而权重是递增的.因此较大的奇异值代表信号的主要成分,包含的图像信息较多,收缩程度较少;反之较小的奇异值对应于噪声的主要成分,包含的图像信息较少,收缩程度较多.WNNM去噪问题通常包括三个步骤:首先对含噪图像块组矩阵进行SVD;接着对奇异值进行收缩,得到一个低秩近似的无噪图像块组矩阵;最后将所有无噪图像块组矩阵进行聚合,得到最终去噪图像.Yi等人[30]首次将WNNM算法应用于DWI数据去噪,在有效去除噪声的同时,保留了图像中较多的纹理细节.Zhao等人[31]则在沿不同扩散方向获取的DWI数据中搜索非局部相似三维块组,并构造低秩矩阵,接着利用WNNM算法进行去噪处理,有效利用了多扩散方向DWI数据中的冗余信息.尽管基于WNNM的去噪算法能够较好地保留DWI图像中的纹理细节,但是其通常受到块组尺寸和滑动步长的限制.块组尺寸较大时,可能意味着更多的结构相似性和更少的NSS,这样会导致局部图像的复杂性增加、细节减少;而滑动步长较大时,可能导致图像块组边缘模糊.反之减小块组尺寸和滑动步长将增加算法处理时间.
2.2 深度学习去噪算法
2.2.1 基于监督学习的去噪算法
监督学习是深度学习中最常见的方法,这类方法需要有含噪的输入数据和对应无噪的目标数据作为训练样本.通过训练深度神经网络,使其能够从含噪DTI数据中学习噪声的特点,从而输出无噪图像或残差图像.近几年,研究者尝试利用不同神经网络去除DTI数据中的噪声,其中卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN)是最常用的网络框架之一.CNN可以自动从大量数据中学习不同的特征表达,能更好地适应不同噪声类型和图像结构,图2展示了三维DTI数据去噪的CNN模型.为加速训练过程,提高网络的去噪性能,通常还需要使用修正线性激活函数(Rectified Linear Unit,ReLU)和批量归一化(Batch Normalization,BN)等技术.Cheng等人[44]使用一维CNN对时域DWI数据进行去噪,由于SOS重建数据会产生比SENSE重建数据更高的噪声,因此该模型采用SENSE重建数据作为目标数据.Jurek等人[45]基于超分辨率CNN(简称为SRCNN)[46]对复值DWI数据进行去噪,在一定程度上减少了莱斯偏置的影响.由于无法获取无噪目标图像,该模型采用迁移学习方法,并利用BrainWeb[47]模拟迁移学习的训练数据.
2.2.2 基于无监督学习的去噪算法
尽管大多数监督学习去噪算法表现优异,但往往需要使用高SNR数据训练模型,而无噪真值图像实际上难以获取,因此降低了这些方法在临床应用中的可行性.一些研究者采用无监督学习来训练神经网络模型,尝试解决这一问题.这类模型不需要人工标记的标签信息,而是从无标记数据中学习数据的结构和特征.Lin等人[60]对深度图像先验(Deep Image Prior,DIP)模型[61]进行了修改,旨在实现对多b值DWI数据的同时去噪.他们使用同一患者采集的高质量先验图像作为网络输入,将所有噪声图像作为网络输出,并通过计算预测图像的SNR来选择最佳去噪结果.然而DIP的去噪性能取决于CNN的迭代次数,由于每幅DWI图像的先验不同,因此必须针对不同DWI图像设置不同最佳参数,才能有效去噪.
2.2.3 基于自监督学习的去噪算法
然而自监督学习通常需要大量未标记的噪声数据进行训练,这对于规模有限的数据而言可能是一个挑战.生成模型是机器学习中一类重要的模型,它可以学习数据的分布,生成新的数据样本,因此更适合于小规模数据集.近几年,基于深度学习的生成模型在去噪领域得到了广泛应用,其中最受欢迎的是生成式对抗网络(Generative Adversarial Networks,GAN)和去噪扩散概率模型(简称扩散模型).GAN由生成器和判别器组成,生成器根据输入的噪声图像生成去噪图像,而判别器则根据输入的真值图像来判断去噪图像的真实性.这个过程类似于一场“博弈”,两者不断提升自己的能力,最终达到均衡状态.GAN的出现为无监督去噪提供了新的思路,并在MRI去噪中得到了广泛应用[72],图4展示了该模型.Ran等人[73]提出了一种基于残差编码器-解码器的Wasserstein生成式对抗网络,用于去除三维MRI数据中的噪声并保留图像的解剖细节.Tian等人[74]基于条件生成式对抗网络提出了一种新的MRI去噪模型,该模型采用自编码器结构作为生成器,而判别器使用了马尔可夫判别器.目前GAN在DTI领域的应用仅限于数据生成[75]、重建[76]、超分辨率[77]和失真校正[78]等方面,在去噪方面的研究仍处于起步阶段,还有待深入和扩展.然而,GAN在MRI去噪中表现出的优良性能或许能够为此提供新的思路,该领域仍需要进一步深入研究,并可能成为未来的研究热点.
3 评估标准与常用公开数据集
3.1 评估标准
(1)均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE):评估去噪图像和真值图像之间的偏差,该值越小说明去噪图像的质量越高,其计算公式为:
其中m、n表示图像的长和宽,X、Y分别为真值图像和去噪图像,MSE为去噪图像和真值图像的均方误差(Mean Square Error,MSE).
(2)峰值信噪比(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio,PSNR):常用于度量去噪图像的质量,单位为dB,该值越大说明去噪图像残留的噪声越少,去噪效果越好,其计算公式为:
(3)结构相似度(Structure Similarity Index Measure,SSIM):计算去噪图像与原始图像的结构细节相似程度,该值通常在0与1之间,越接近1说明相似程度越高,其计算公式为:
3.2 公开数据集
常用于DTI图像去噪的公开数据集包括:从图像中提取信息数据集(Information Extraction from Images,IXI)、人类脑连接组计划(Human Connectome Project,HCP)、开放存取影像研究(Open Access Series of Imaging Studies,OASIS)、阿尔茨海默症神经影像学计划(Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative,ADNI)、结构成像验证和评估标准化多次采集(Multiple Acquisitions for Standardization of Structural Imaging Validation and Evaluation,MASSIVE)和快速磁共振数据集(fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging,fastMRI).其中,IXI、HCP、OASIS、ADNI、MASSIVE数据集的成像区域均为脑,而fastMRI数据集的成像区域虽然也包含脑,但仅前列腺区域的成像数据中包含DWI模态.详细的信息在表1中展现.
表1 常用公开数据集
Table 1
数据集 | 成像区域 | 描述 | 网站 |
IXI | 脑 | 600张健康受试者的MRI图像,包括T1图像、T2图像、DWI图像等. | https://brain-development.org/ixidataset/ |
HCP | 脑 | 1200名健康受试者的多模态脑MRI图像,包括DWI图像、DTI图像等. | https://humanconnectome.org/ |
OASIS | 脑 | 正常衰老和阿尔茨海默症的MRI图像,包括T1加权图像、T2加权图像、DTI图像等. | http://www.oasis-brains.org/ |
ADNI | 脑 | 用于阿尔茨海默病的早期检测和跟踪的影像数据,包括DTI图像、功能MRI图像、结构MRI图像等. | https://adni.loni.usc.edu/ |
MASSIVE | 脑 | 8000个三维DWI数据,包括b值为0图像、DWI扫描的噪声图像,及10个三维T1图像、T2加权图像等. | https://www.massive-data.org/ |
fastMRI | 前列腺 | 312次检查的T2加权图像、DWI图像. | https://fastmri.med.nyu.edu/ |
4 实验与讨论
表2 基于传统图像处理的DTI去噪算法比较
Table 2
方法 | 第一作者 | 优点 | 缺点 |
NLM | Kafali[11] | 利用多次采集的共享结构,对凸集投影算法在各次采集中聚合的复值输出进行处理;能够有效校正相位误差并保留DWI图像细节. | 去噪性能受到块组尺寸的限制. |
Liu[13] | 使用张量流形来度量扩散张量的相似度,并直接正则化DTI图像;在不模糊图像边界的同时,保留了张量的几何特征,并提高了FA图和纤维束追踪的精度. | 处理时间较长;无法去除原始DWI数据产生的背景噪声. | |
Chen[14] | 在x-q空间对DWI数据去噪;在不模糊图像边缘的同时,准确去除了复杂结构(如高度弯曲的白质结构)中的噪声. | 处理时间较长. | |
Chen[16] | 基于图框架变换,充分利用DWI数据的冗余,保留图像的边缘. | 需要较大的计算机内存. | |
PCA | Manjón[17] | 利用多扩散方向dMRI数据中的冗余,对局部块组奇异值进行阈值化,避免相似块组的搜索过程,减少了处理时间. | PCA阈值的选取存在主观性. |
Chen[18] | 在两个独立的通道中,分别沿扩散维度,对具有扩散匹配特性相位校正后的DWI数据的实分量和虚分量进行去噪. | 处理时间较长. | |
Veraart[19,20] | 基于Marchenko-Pastur定律对空间变化的莱斯噪声进行估计,并提出客观的PCA阈值选取方法;利用多扩散方向dMRI数据的冗余. | 去噪性能严重依赖数据冗余量;存在噪声假设. | |
Llordén[24] | 在不需要满足Marchenko-Pastur定律假设的同时,充分利用了数据的线性和非线性冗余. | 去噪性能依赖核函数. | |
Olesen[25] | 修改Marchenko-Pastur分布,拓宽MPPCA的适用性;利用多维数据固有张量结构的每个维度来表征噪声,并递归估计信号成分,更好地利用多维数据中的冗余. | 去噪性能受到块组尺寸的限制;存在噪声假设, 即每个块组中的噪声是独立同分布的. | |
LRMA | Ma[26] | 联合VST和OSVS,对幅值dMRI数据去噪;在有效去除噪声和提高SNR的同时,提高了DTI图及交叉纤维估计的精度. | 基于VST的噪声估计会高估噪声标准差. |
Zhang[28] | 通过全局HOSVD预去噪,在一定程度上减少了基于块匹配HOSVD阶段噪声退化对HOSVD基的影响. | 去噪性能依赖VST算法;当图像SNR较低时,会引入伪影. | |
Xu[29] | 联合基于HOSVD稀疏约束和莱斯噪声校正模型,直接对每个局部图像块进行去噪,无需VST技术,从原理上解决了伪影问题. | 去噪性能依赖参数设置. | |
Zhao[31] | 有效利用不同扩散方向DWI数据的冗余,尤其适用于较少扩散方向或较低b值的DWI数据. | 去噪性能受到块组尺寸的限制. | |
全变分最 小化 | Knoll[33] | 通过对扩散张量元素施加全变分约束,直接在目标定量域中进行压缩感知;在加快采集速度的同时,显著减少了参数图中的噪声. | 仅在有限的数据上进行评估. |
贝叶斯 | Krajsek[34] | 基于贝叶斯框架对DTI图像进行重建和正则化;在保证张量正定性的同时,考虑了DTI的黎曼几何性质和莱斯噪声的统计特征. | 处理时间较长. |
Liu[35] | 采用黎曼相似性度量和高斯混合模型学习块组的先验分布;利用贝叶斯推理自适应去噪的同时,保留了DTI图像的非线性结构. | 块匹配过程耗时,且高度依赖图像的先验知识. | |
稀疏字典 | Kong[36] | 利用三维DTI数据相邻切片间的冗余来训练自适应稀疏字典. | 处理时间较长. |
St-Jean[37] | 采用角度邻近匹配以提高稀疏性;通过字典学习进行局部去噪. | 处理时间较长. |
表3 基于深度学习的DTI去噪模型比较
Table 3
方法 | 第一作者 | 模型 | 优点 | 缺点 |
监督 | Cheng[44] | 1D CNN | 采用SOS-SENSE数据对训练;采用时域去噪,在有效减少训练数据量的同时,更能保留每个体素时间序列的一致性. | 两种重建方式获得的数据的噪声类型不同,影响去噪性能. |
Jurek[45] | SRCNN | 采用迁移学习方式训练模型;对复值DWI数据去噪,在一定程度上减少了莱斯偏置的影响. | 容易造成边缘模糊. | |
Muckley[48] | U-Net | 对复值DWI数据去噪,显著去除了DTI参数图中的伪影;采用ImageNet数据集训练模型,能够抑制模型的过拟合. | 仅对单幅DWI图像去噪,忽略了图像间的相关性. | |
Wang[50] | U-Net | 使用共享连接路径隐式地从多b值DWI数据中提取特征,充分利用图像间的结构相关性. | 容易造成过度去噪. | |
Tian[57] | 3D CNN | 充分利用了DWI数据的局部和非局部空间信息及扩散编码方向和图像对比度中的冗余;将MRI图像作为训练集的输入,以防止去噪图像模糊. | 传统张量拟合方法对噪声较为敏感,去噪效果受到限制. | |
Li[58] | U-Net | 直接预测高质量DTI参数图,避免了传统张量拟合方法. | 仅预测单个类型DTI参数图. | |
无监督 | Lin[60] | CNN | 基于DIP模型对多b值DWI图像同时去噪. | 采用的数据集类型较为单一. |
Jurek[67] | SRCNN | 通过N2N范式训练去噪网络,性能优于幅度图像平均法. | 去噪图像存在部分背景噪声. | |
Fadnavis[68] | / | 利用多扩散方向DWI数据的冗余,特别适用于较少扩散方向数据;逐体素方式去噪. | 去噪性能依赖噪声假设. | |
自监督 | Tian[70] | U-Net | 采用“先去噪后平均”的方法,保证输入图像具有更高的SNR;在有效去除噪声的同时,保留了图像的结构信息. | 去噪性能依赖扩散方向数量. |
Yuan[71] | CNN | 采用SSIM匹配算法搜索含噪图像对;引入一种新的边缘加权损失函数,更好地保留纹理细节. | SSIM指标易受原始图像中噪声的影响. | |
Xiang[81] | / | 联合自监督统计去噪理论和扩散模型;逐切片方式去噪. | 处理时间较长. |
4.1 实验设计
对去噪方法进行公平的比较是一项相当繁琐的工作,因为这些方法使用了多样化的数据,且针对不同质量的数据需要分别设置最优的参数值.此外,研究者还采用了不同的评估指标来进行验证.为了进行客观的定量分析,本文使用Fiberfox[82]软件通过ISMRM 2015 Tractography Challenge创建的类脑模型[83]生成模拟脑DWI数据.数据大小为90×108×90,各向同性分辨率为2 mm,含有1个b值为0、30个b值为1 000 s/mm2及30个b值为2 000 s/mm2的图像.通过在每9个b值不为0的DWI图像后插入一个b值为0的图像,从而产生一个包括7个b值为0、30个b值为1 000 s/mm2及30个b值为2 000 s/mm2共67个DWI图像的无噪图像集.为了评估在不同噪声水平下的去噪性能,本文将相互独立且具有相同方差的零均值高斯噪声,分别添加到无噪图像的实部和虚部,并通过(4)式合成给定噪声水平的幅值DWI图像.其中噪声水平的定义是底层高斯噪声的最大标准差与无噪图像(b值为0)的最大信号强度的比值,范围为2%至10%,并以2%为增量.
对于模拟的脑DWI数据,本文选择并比较了目前最先进的四种开源去噪算法,分别是文献[19,20]提出的MPPCA算法、文献[26]提出的VST-OSVS算法、文献[28]提出的GL-HOSVD算法与文献[31]提出的联合多扩散方向DWI数据的WNNM算法(简称为WNNM-DWI).在算法的实现过程中,每种算法所涉及的自由参数,分别设置为对应论文中给出的默认值.对于每个噪声水平,本文通过将四种算法实现的去噪图像与无噪图像进行比较,并计算不同b值下的PSNR值和RMSE值来评估去噪图像的质量.为了进一步了解去噪对扩散张量参数图的影响,本文还提供了FA图的RMSE值(简称为FA-RMSE)与彩色编码FA图的RMSE值(简称为Color-coded FA-RMSE),以计算与将扩散张量模型拟合到无噪图像中获得的FA图、彩色编码FA图(简称为Color-coded FA)之间的偏差.其中张量是根据线性最小二乘法估算的,且在计算时剔除了信号最低的体素.需要注意的是,上述所有定量指标都是在去除背景的解剖区域中计算的.
4.2 结果分析
图6展示了在不同噪声水平和b值下,MPPCA、VST-OSVS、GL-HOSVD与WNNM-DWI四种算法在具有莱斯噪声的模拟脑DWI数据上的去噪效果定量比较.由图6的客观评估可以看出,GL-HOSVD算法凭借其利用四维块组中所有维度之间的关系的能力,对低噪声水平和低b值下的DWI图像具有最好的去噪性能;VST-OSVS算法通过联合噪声估计、VST、OSVS和基于块组的策略,可以大大增强高噪声水平和高b值下的DWI图像的质量.与VST-OSVS算法相比,由于噪声退化对HOSVD基的影响,GL-HOSVD算法在高噪声水平和高b值下的去噪效果并不显著.具体而言,对于b值为0的图像,GL-HOSVD算法在PSNR和RMSE两个定量指标方面都优于其他算法.与该算法相比,VST-OSVS算法展现出最接近的结果,而MPPCA算法与WNNM-DWI算法则具有明显的差异.其中,在噪声水平小于6%时,WNNM-DWI算法在所有两个指标方面都差于噪声图像,可能的原因是算法默认的参数值并不适合该模拟DWI数据,导致去噪图像过度平滑.对于b值为1 000 s/mm2的图像,当噪声水平小于8%时,GL-HOSVD算法在所有两个定量指标方面显著优于其他算法;当噪声水平大于8%时,VST-OSVS算法展现出最好的去噪性能,而GL-HOSVD算法则具有与MPPCA算法接近的结果.对于b值为2 000 s/mm2的图像,VST-OSVS算法在所有两个定量指标方面显著优于其他算法,且其PSNR值和RMSE值的改善随着噪声水平的增加而增加,在最高噪声水平10%时观察到了最大的改善.而在2%噪声水平时,GL-HOSVD算法比VST-OSVS算法展现出轻微的优势.
Fig. 6
Quantitative comparison of PSNR and RMSE of the four algorithms using the simulated DWI data with different noise levels and b-values. The b-values are in s/mm2
图7展示了在4%噪声水平和不同b值下,MPPCA、VST-OSVS、GL-HOSVD与WNNM-DWI四种算法实现的去噪图像和无噪图像、噪声图像的视觉比较,以及它们对应的PSNR值.对于b值为0和b值为1 000 s/mm2的图像,GL-HOSVD算法取得了最好的去噪效果,在视觉上最接近无噪图像.具体而言,与b值为0噪声图像的PSNR值(29.5 dB)和b值为1 000 s/mm2噪声图像的PSNR值(29.3 dB)相比,GL-HOSVD算法去噪图像的PSNR值分别提高到了38.9 dB和45.0 dB,VST-OSVS算法展现出与GL-HOSVD算法最接近的结果,去噪图像的PSNR值分别为38.4 dB和40.4 dB,而MPPCA算法和WNNM-DWI算法则具有明显的差异.VST-OSVS算法在略微改善b值为0和b值为1 000 s/mm2图像的同时,可以大大改善b值为2 000 s/mm2的图像.而与VST-OSVS算法相比,其他三种算法则具有显著的差异.具体而言,VST-OSVS算法将b值为2 000 s/mm2噪声图像的PSNR值(29.4 dB)提高到了39.9 dB,GL-HOSVD算法、MPPCA算法、WNNM-DWI算法实现的去噪图像的PSNR值分别为36.7 dB、32.9 dB和32.0 dB.
Fig. 7
Visual comparison of the denoised images, noise-free images, and noise images of the four algorithms using the simulated DWI data with 4% noise level and different b-values. The numbers reported are PSNR values in dB, and the b-values are in s/mm2
为了更好地对比GL-HOSVD和VST-OSVS两种算法,图8展示了在4%噪声水平和b值为1 000 s/mm2下,两种算法的去噪图像、拟合的FA图、彩色编码FA图与无噪图像、噪声图像的视觉比较,以及它们对应的RMSE值.由图8的客观评估可以看出,两种算法都能显著去除图像中的噪声,但GL-HOSVD算法比VST-OSVS算法更好地保留了图像的细节,在视觉上更接近无噪图像,这与图7中的定量PSNR分析结论一致.与VST-OSVS算法相比,由GL-HOSVD算法去噪图像获得的FA图和彩色编码FA图更接近无噪图像,且对应的FA-RMSE值和Color-coded FA-RMSE值也证明了这一点.这表明GL-HOSVD算法不仅能有效去除图像中的噪声,还很好地保留了扩散张量的各向异性.
利用模拟DWI数据对GL-HOSVD与VST-OSVS算法在4%噪声水平和b值为1 000 s/mm2下的去噪图像、拟合的FA图、彩色编码FA图与无噪图像、噪声图像的视觉比较.数字为对应的RMSE,b值单位为s/mm2
Fig. 8
Visual comparison of the denoised images, fitted FA maps, color-coded FA maps, noise-free images, and noise images of the GL-HOSVD and VST-OSVS algorithms using the simulated DWI data with 4% noise level and b-value of 1 000 s/mm2. The numbers reported are RMSE values, and the b-values are in s/mm2
5 总结与展望
DTI brain template construction based on gaussian averaging
[J]. ,
[J]. ,DOI:10.11938/cjmr20212957 [本文引用: 1]
在获取被试的张量数据后通常对其进行多通道线性平均以得到张量模板.但线性平均不仅会忽略张量中的向量信息,还会使灰质和白质的交界处过于平滑,降低模板的分辨率.为了解决以上问题,本文引入了四元数及高斯加权平均来构建高斯扩散张量成像(Diffusion Tensor Imaging,DTI)脑模板.本文首先对55个健康被试的DTI数据进行预处理,使得数据伪影最小化;再通过扩散张量成像工具包(Diffusion Tensor Imaging ToolKit,DTI-TK)将预处理后的数据进行初步空间标准化;然后将张量通过特征分解得到特征向量和特征值;最后,将由特征向量转化的四元数标量和特征值分别进行高斯加权平均得到平均后的特征向量和特征值,并对其进行重建得到张量模板.实验结果表明相比于线性DTI模板,高斯DTI模板在DTED、COH、DVED、OVL、corr<sub>FA</sub>评估指标上表现更优,而IA指标较差,说明本文提出的高斯DTI模板在整体信息保留方面有所优化,但方向信息有所丢失.
An intrinsic anisotropic feature of DTI images derived by geometric properties on the riemannian manifold
[J]. ,
A fiber tracking algorithm based on non-local constrained spherical deconvolution
[J]. ,
[J]. ,DOI:10.11938/cjmr20192798 [本文引用: 1]
New challenges and future perspectives in brain imaging methods
[J]. ,
Brain fiber structure estimation based on principal component analysis and RINLM filter
[J]. ,
A survey on state-of-the-art denoising techniques for brain magnetic resonance images
[J]. ,
What’s new and what’s next in diffusion MRI preprocessing
[J]. ,
MRI denoising using non-local means
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.media.2008.02.004 PMID:18381247 [本文引用: 1]
Magnetic Resonance (MR) images are affected by random noise which limits the accuracy of any quantitative measurements from the data. In the present work, a recently proposed filter for random noise removal is analyzed and adapted to reduce this noise in MR magnitude images. This parametric filter, named Non-Local Means (NLM), is highly dependent on the setting of its parameters. The aim of this paper is to find the optimal parameter selection for MR magnitude image denoising. For this purpose, experiments have been conducted to find the optimum parameters for different noise levels. Besides, the filter has been adapted to fit with specific characteristics of the noise in MR image magnitude images (i.e. Rician noise). From the results over synthetic and real images we can conclude that this filter can be successfully used for automatic MR denoising.
New methods for MRI denoising based on sparseness and self-similarity
[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.media.2011.04.003 PMID:21570894 [本文引用: 1]
This paper proposes two new methods for the three-dimensional denoising of magnetic resonance images that exploit the sparseness and self-similarity properties of the images. The proposed methods are based on a three-dimensional moving-window discrete cosine transform hard thresholding and a three-dimensional rotationally invariant version of the well-known nonlocal means filter. The proposed approaches were compared with related state-of-the-art methods and produced very competitive results. Both methods run in less than a minute, making them usable in most clinical and research settings.Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Phase-correcting non-local means filtering for diffusion-weighted imaging of the spinal cord
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.27105 PMID:29427379 [本文引用: 2]
Non-local mean denoising in diffusion tensor space
[J]. ,The aim of the present study was to present a novel non-local mean (NLM) method to denoise diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data in the tensor space. Compared with the original NLM method, which uses intensity similarity to weigh the voxel, the proposed method weighs the voxel using tensor similarity measures in the diffusion tensor space. Euclidean distance with rotational invariance, and Riemannian distance and Log-Euclidean distance with affine invariance were implemented to compare the geometric and orientation features of the diffusion tensor comprehensively. The accuracy and efficacy of the proposed novel NLM method using these three similarity measures in DTI space, along with unbiased novel NLM in diffusion-weighted image space, were compared quantitatively and qualitatively in the present study.
Diffusion tensor image denoising via geometric invariant nonlocal means on the tensor manifold
[J]. ,
Noise reduction in diffusion MRI using non-local self-similar information in joint x-q space
[J]. ,DOI:S1361-8415(18)30391-8 PMID:30703580 [本文引用: 2]
Diffusion MRI affords valuable insights into white matter microstructures, but suffers from low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), especially at high diffusion weighting (i.e., b-value). To avoid time-intensive repeated acquisition, post-processing algorithms are often used to reduce noise. Among existing methods, non-local means (NLM) has been shown to be particularly effective. However, most NLM algorithms for diffusion MRI focus on patch matching in the spatial domain (i.e., x-space) and disregard the fact that the data live in a combined 6D space covering both spatial domain and diffusion wavevector domain (i.e., q-space). This drawback leads to inaccurate patch matching in curved white matter structures and hence the inability to effectively use recurrent information for noise reduction. The goal of this paper is to overcome this limitation by extending NLM to the joint x-q space. Specifically, we define for each point in the x-q space a spherical patch from which we extract rotation-invariant features for patch matching. The ability to perform patch matching across q-samples allows patches from differentially orientated structures to be used for effective noise removal. Extensive experiments on synthetic, repeated-acquisition, and HCP data demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively.Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A signal tra nsformational framework for breaking the noise floor and its applications in MRI
[J]. ,
Denoising of diffusion MRI data via graph framelet matching in xq space
[J]. ,
Diffusion weighted image denoising using overcomplete local PCA
[J]. ,
A diffusion-matched principal component analysis (DM-PCA) based two-channel denoising procedure for high-resolution diffusion-weighted MRI
[J]. ,
Diffusion MRI noise mapping using random matrix theory
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.26059 PMID:26599599 [本文引用: 3]
To estimate the spatially varying noise map using a redundant series of magnitude MR images.We exploit redundancy in non-Gaussian distributed multidirectional diffusion MRI data by identifying its noise-only principal components, based on the theory of noisy covariance matrices. The bulk of principal component analysis eigenvalues, arising due to noise, is described by the universal Marchenko-Pastur distribution, parameterized by the noise level. This allows us to estimate noise level in a local neighborhood based on the singular value decomposition of a matrix combining neighborhood voxels and diffusion directions.We present a model-independent local noise mapping method capable of estimating the noise level down to about 1% error. In contrast to current state-of-the-art techniques, the resultant noise maps do not show artifactual anatomical features that often reflect physiological noise, the presence of sharp edges, or a lack of adequate a priori knowledge of the expected form of MR signal.Simulations and experiments show that typical diffusion MRI data exhibit sufficient redundancy that enables accurate, precise, and robust estimation of the local noise level by interpreting the principal component analysis eigenspectrum in terms of the Marchenko-Pastur distribution. Magn Reson Med 76:1582-1593, 2016. © 2015 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.© 2015 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Denoising of diffusion MRI using random matrix theory
[J]. ,DOI:S1053-8119(16)30394-9 PMID:27523449 [本文引用: 3]
We introduce and evaluate a post-processing technique for fast denoising of diffusion-weighted MR images. By exploiting the intrinsic redundancy in diffusion MRI using universal properties of the eigenspectrum of random covariance matrices, we remove noise-only principal components, thereby enabling signal-to-noise ratio enhancements. This yields parameter maps of improved quality for visual, quantitative, and statistical interpretation. By studying statistics of residuals, we demonstrate that the technique suppresses local signal fluctuations that solely originate from thermal noise rather than from other sources such as anatomical detail. Furthermore, we achieve improved precision in the estimation of diffusion parameters and fiber orientations in the human brain without compromising the accuracy and spatial resolution.Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
MRtrix3: a fast, flexible and open software framework for medical image processing and visualisation
[J]. ,
Complex diffusion-weighted image estimation via matrix recovery under general noise models
[J]. ,
Noise reduction with distribution corrected (NORDIC) PCA in dMRI with complex-valued parameter-free locally low-rank processing
[J]. ,
SNR-enhanced diffusion MRI with structure-preserving low-rank denoising in reproducing kernel hilbert spaces
[J]. ,
Tensor denoising of multidimensional MRI data
[J]. ,
Denoise magnitude diffusion magnetic resonance images via variance-stabilizing transformation and optimal singular-value manipulation
[J]. ,
Noise estimation and removal in MR imaging: the variance-stabilization approach
[C]// :
Denoise diffusion-weighted images using higher-order singular value decomposition
[J]. ,DOI:S1053-8119(17)30309-9 PMID:28416450 [本文引用: 3]
Noise usually affects the reliability of quantitative analysis in diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially at high b-values and/or high spatial resolution. Higher-order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) has recently emerged as a simple, effective, and adaptive transform to exploit sparseness within multidimensional data. In particular, the patch-based HOSVD denoising has demonstrated superb performance when applied to T1-, T2-, and proton density-weighted MRI data. In this study, we aim to investigate the feasibility of denoising DW data using the HOSVD transform. With the low signal-to-noise ratio in typical DW data, the patch-based HOSVD denoising suffers from stripe artifacts in homogeneous regions because of the HOSVD bases learned from the noisy patches. To address this problem, we propose a novel denoising method. It first introduces a global HOSVD-based denoising as a prefiltering stage to guide the subsequent patch-based HOSVD denoising stage. The HOSVD bases from the patch groups in prefiltered images are then used to transform the noisy patch groups in original DW data. Experiments were performed using simulated and in vivo DW data. Results show that the proposed method significantly reduces stripe artifacts compared with conventional patch-based HOSVD denoising methods, and outperforms two state-of-the-art denoising methods in terms of denoising quality and diffusion parameters estimation.Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.
A diffusion-weighted image denoising algorithm using HOSVD combined with rician noise corrected model
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[J]. ,DOI:10.12122/j.issn.1673-4254.2021.09.16 [本文引用: 2]
目的 研究一种新颖的基于高阶奇异值分解(HOSVD)的扩散加权图像去噪算法,用以提高扩散加权(DW)图像的信噪比以及后续量化参数的准确性。方法 我们提出一种基于HOSVD稀疏约束和Rician噪声校正模型的去噪方法,将Rician噪声信号期望融合到传统的HOSVD去噪框架中,从而能够直接对带有Rician噪声的DW图像进行去噪。此外,考虑到对相似块组成的高维数组进行HOSVD去噪处理,容易引入条形伪影,因此本文直接对每个局部DW图像块进行HOSVD去噪,从而解决了条形伪影问题。为了验证所提方法的有效性,我们将本方法与低秩+边缘约束(LR+Edge)、基于全局指导下的局部高阶奇异值分解(GL-HOSVD)、基于块匹配的三维滤波(BM3D)和非局部均值(NLM)4种去噪算法进行了实验对比。结果 实验结果表明,所提方法能够有效降低DW图像噪声,同时较好的保留图像细节以及边缘结构信息。无论是从DW图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)和结构相似性(SSIM)以及各向异性分数均方根误差定量指标,还是从去噪图像和各向异性分数图的视觉效果来看,本算法都要明显优于LR+Edge,BM3D和NLM。此外,GL-HOSVD虽然可以得到较好的去噪结果,但是在高噪声水平下,会引入条形伪影,而本文方法不但可以得到较好的去噪结果,并且不存在伪影问题。结论 本文提出了一种新颖的HOSVD去噪方法,可以直接处理带有Rician噪声的DW图像,并且解决了同类算法中伪影问题,去噪效果明显,能够为临床提供更准确的量化参数结果,更好服务于临床影像诊断。
Application of weighted nuclear norm denoising algorithm in diffusion-weighted image
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Joint denoising of diffusion-weighted images via structured low-rank patch matrix approximation
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.29407 PMID:36178232 [本文引用: 3]
To develop a joint denoising method that effectively exploits natural information redundancy in MR DWIs via low-rank patch matrix approximation.A denoising method is introduced to jointly reduce noise in DWI dataset by exploiting nonlocal self-similarity as well as local anatomical/structural similarity within multiple 2D DWIs acquired with the same anatomical geometry but different diffusion directions. Specifically, for each small 3D reference patch sliding within 2D DWI, nonlocal but similar patches are searched by matching image contents within entire DWI dataset and then structured into a patch matrix. The resulting patch matrices are denoised by enforcing low-rankness via weighted nuclear norm minimization and finally are back-distributed to DWI space. The proposed procedure was evaluated with simulated and in vivo brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) datasets and then compared to existing Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis denoising method.The proposed method achieved significant noise reduction while preserving structural details in all DWIs for both simulated and in vivo datasets. Quantitative evaluation of error maps demonstrated it consistently outperformed Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis method. Further, the denoised DWIs led to substantially improved DTI parametric maps, exhibiting significantly less noise and revealing more microstructural details.The proposed method denoises DWI dataset by utilizing both nonlocal self-similarity and local structural similarity within DWI dataset. This weighted nuclear norm minimization-based low-rank patch matrix denoising approach is effective and highly applicable to various diffusion MRI applications, including DTI as a postprocessing procedure.© 2022 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Denoising diffusion MRI via graph total variance in spatioangular domain
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A model-based reconstruction for undersampled radial spin-echo DTI with variational penalties on the diffusion tensor
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/nbm.3258 PMID:25594167 [本文引用: 2]
Radial spin-echo diffusion imaging allows motion-robust imaging of tissues with very low T2 values like articular cartilage with high spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, in vivo measurements are challenging, due to the significantly slower data acquisition speed of spin-echo sequences and the less efficient k-space coverage of radial sampling, which raises the demand for accelerated protocols by means of undersampling. This work introduces a new reconstruction approach for undersampled diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI). A model-based reconstruction implicitly exploits redundancies in the diffusion-weighted images by reducing the number of unknowns in the optimization problem and compressed sensing is performed directly in the target quantitative domain by imposing a total variation (TV) constraint on the elements of the diffusion tensor. Experiments were performed for an anisotropic phantom and the knee and brain of healthy volunteers (three and two volunteers, respectively). Evaluation of the new approach was conducted by comparing the results with reconstructions performed with gridding, combined parallel imaging and compressed sensing and a recently proposed model-based approach. The experiments demonstrated improvements in terms of reduction of noise and streaking artifacts in the quantitative parameter maps, as well as a reduction of angular dispersion of the primary eigenvector when using the proposed method, without introducing systematic errors into the maps. This may enable an essential reduction of the acquisition time in radial spin-echo diffusion-tensor imaging without degrading parameter quantification and/or SNR.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A riemannian bayesian framework for estimating diffusion tensor images
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Diffusion tensor imaging denoising based on riemann nonlocal similarity
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Noise reduction of diffusion tensor images by sparse representation and dictionary learning
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Non local spatial and angular matching: enabling higher spatial resolution diffusion MRI datasets through adaptive denoising
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Adaptive phase correction of diffusion-weighted images
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Gaussianization of diffusion MRI data using spatially adaptive filtering
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High-resolution multi-shot diffusion-weighted MRI combining markerless prospective motion correction and locally low-rank constrained reconstruction
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Deep learning on image denoising: an overview
[J]. ,DOI:S0893-6080(20)30266-5 PMID:32829002 [本文引用: 1]
Deep learning techniques have received much attention in the area of image denoising. However, there are substantial differences in the various types of deep learning methods dealing with image denoising. Specifically, discriminative learning based on deep learning can ably address the issue of Gaussian noise. Optimization models based on deep learning are effective in estimating the real noise. However, there has thus far been little related research to summarize the different deep learning techniques for image denoising. In this paper, we offer a comparative study of deep techniques in image denoising. We first classify the deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for additive white noisy images; the deep CNNs for real noisy images; the deep CNNs for blind denoising and the deep CNNs for hybrid noisy images, which represents the combination of noisy, blurred and low-resolution images. Then, we analyze the motivations and principles of the different types of deep learning methods. Next, we compare the state-of-the-art methods on public denoising datasets in terms of quantitative and qualitative analyses. Finally, we point out some potential challenges and directions of future research.Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CNN-DMRI: a convolutional neural network for denoising of magnetic resonance images
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Deep learning for image enhancement and correction in magnetic resonance imaging—state-of-the-art and challenges
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Denoising diffusion weighted imaging data using convolutional neural networks
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Supervised denoising of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images using a convolutional neural network and transfer learning
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Image super-resolution using deep convolutional networks
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MRI simulation-based evaluation of image-processing and classification methods
[J]. ,With the increased interest in computer-aided image analysis methods, there is a greater need for objective methods of algorithm evaluation. Validation of in vivo MRI studies is complicated by a lack of reference data and the difficulty of constructing anatomically realistic physical phantoms. We present here an extensible MRI simulator that efficiently generates realistic three-dimensional (3-D) brain images using a hybrid Bloch equation and tissue template simulation that accounts for image contrast, partial volume, and noise. This allows image analysis methods to be evaluated with controlled degradations of image data.
Training a neural network for gibbs and noise removal in diffusion MRI
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Imagenet: A large-scale hierarchical image database
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High-field mr diffusion-weighted image denoising using a joint denoising convolutional neural network
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/jmri.26761 PMID:31012226 [本文引用: 2]
Low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) has been a major limiting factor for the application of higher-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI). Most of the conventional denoising models suffer from the drawbacks of shallow feature extraction and hand-crafted parameter tuning. Although multiple studies have shown the promising applications of image denoising using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), none of them have considered denoising multiple b-value DWIs using a multichannel CNN model.To present a joint denoising CNN (JD-CNN) model to improve the SNR of multiple b-value DWI.Retrospective technical development.Twenty healthy rats and two rats with clinically confirmed focal cortical dysplasia were included to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.11.7T MRI, a multiple b-values DWI sequence.The total variation (TV) and BM3D denoising methods were also performed on the same dataset for comparison. Peak SNR (PSNR) and normalized mean square error (NMSE) were calculated for the assessment of image qualities.A paired Student's t-test was conducted to compare the diffusion parameter measurements between different approaches. P < 0.01 was considered statistically significant.Simulation results showed substantial improvement of image quality after JD-CNN denoising (PSNR of original image: 23.15 ± 1.77; PSNR of denoised image: 42.94 ± 2.12). The proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on high b-value DWIs in terms of PSNR (TV: 33.51 ± 0.83, BM3D: 35.12 ± 0.94, JD-CNN: 46.52 ± 0.98). In addition, the NMSE of the estimated apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) reduces from 0.72 ± 0.13 to 0.45 ± 0.06 (P < 0.01) with the application of the JD-CNN model.The proposed method is able to remove noise with a wide range of noise levels in multiple b-value DWI and improve the diffusion parameter estimation. This shows potential clinical promise.2 Technical Efficacy Stage: 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2019;50:1937-1947.© 2019 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Acceleration of three-dimensional diffusion magnetic resonance imaging using a kernel low-rank compressed sensing method
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Super-resolved q-space deep learning with uncertainty quantification
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Beyond a gaussian denoiser: residual learning of deep cnn for image denoising
[J]. ,DOI:10.1109/TIP.2017.2662206 PMID:28166495 [本文引用: 1]
The discriminative model learning for image denoising has been recently attracting considerable attentions due to its favorable denoising performance. In this paper, we take one step forward by investigating the construction of feed-forward denoising convolutional neural networks (DnCNNs) to embrace the progress in very deep architecture, learning algorithm, and regularization method into image denoising. Specifically, residual learning and batch normalization are utilized to speed up the training process as well as boost the denoising performance. Different from the existing discriminative denoising models which usually train a specific model for additive white Gaussian noise at a certain noise level, our DnCNN model is able to handle Gaussian denoising with unknown noise level (i.e., blind Gaussian denoising). With the residual learning strategy, DnCNN implicitly removes the latent clean image in the hidden layers. This property motivates us to train a single DnCNN model to tackle with several general image denoising tasks, such as Gaussian denoising, single image super-resolution, and JPEG image deblocking. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our DnCNN model can not only exhibit high effectiveness in several general image denoising tasks, but also be efficiently implemented by benefiting from GPU computing.
Accelerating prostate diffusion-weighted MRI using a guided denoising convolutional neural network: retrospective feasibility study
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Accelerated acquisition of high-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging of the brain with a multi-shot echo-planar sequence: deep-learning-based denoising
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Accelerating whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI with deep learning-based denoising image filters
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DeepDTI: high-fidelity six-direction diffusion tensor imaging using deep learning
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SuperDTI: ultrafast DTI and fiber tractography with deep learning
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.28937 PMID:34309073 [本文引用: 2]
To develop a deep learning-based reconstruction framework for ultrafast and robust diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tractography.SuperDTI was developed to learn the nonlinear relationship between DWIs and the corresponding diffusion tensor parameter maps. It bypasses the tensor fitting procedure, which is highly susceptible to noises and motions in DWIs. The network was trained and tested using data sets from the Human Connectome Project and patients with ischemic stroke. Results from SuperDTI were compared against widely used methods for tensor parameter estimation and fiber tracking.Using training and testing data acquired using the same protocol and scanner, SuperDTI was shown to generate fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity maps, as well as fiber tractography, from as few as six raw DWIs, with a quantification error of less than 5% in all white-matter and gray-matter regions of interest. It was robust to noises and motions in the testing data. Furthermore, the network trained using healthy volunteer data showed no apparent reduction in lesion detectability when directly applied to stroke patient data.Our results demonstrate the feasibility of superfast DTI and fiber tractography using deep learning with as few as six DWIs directly, bypassing tensor fitting. Such a significant reduction in scan time may allow the inclusion of DTI into the clinical routine for many potential applications.© 2021 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Diffusion tensor estimation with transformer neural networks
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Denoising of multi b-value diffusion-weighted MR images using deep image prior
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Noise2noise: learning image restoration without clean data
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Noise2void-learning denoising from single noisy images
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Self2self with dropout: learning self-supervised denoising from single image
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Neighbor2neighbor: self-supervised denoising from single noisy images
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Phase correction and noise-to-noise denoising of diffusion magnetic resonance images using neural networks
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Patch2self: denoising diffusion MRI with self-supervised learning
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Dipy, a library for the analysis of diffusion MRI data
[J]. ,DOI:10.3389/fninf.2014.00008 PMID:24600385 [本文引用: 1]
Diffusion Imaging in Python (Dipy) is a free and open source software project for the analysis of data from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) experiments. dMRI is an application of MRI that can be used to measure structural features of brain white matter. Many methods have been developed to use dMRI data to model the local configuration of white matter nerve fiber bundles and infer the trajectory of bundles connecting different parts of the brain. Dipy gathers implementations of many different methods in dMRI, including: diffusion signal pre-processing; reconstruction of diffusion distributions in individual voxels; fiber tractography and fiber track post-processing, analysis and visualization. Dipy aims to provide transparent implementations for all the different steps of dMRI analysis with a uniform programming interface. We have implemented classical signal reconstruction techniques, such as the diffusion tensor model and deterministic fiber tractography. In addition, cutting edge novel reconstruction techniques are implemented, such as constrained spherical deconvolution and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI with deconvolution, as well as methods for probabilistic tracking and original methods for tractography clustering. Many additional utility functions are provided to calculate various statistics, informative visualizations, as well as file-handling routines to assist in the development and use of novel techniques. In contrast to many other scientific software projects, Dipy is not being developed by a single research group. Rather, it is an open project that encourages contributions from any scientist/developer through GitHub and open discussions on the project mailing list. Consequently, Dipy today has an international team of contributors, spanning seven different academic institutions in five countries and three continents, which is still growing.
SDnDTI: self-supervised deep learning-based denoising for diffusion tensor MRI
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Self-supervised structural similarity-based convolutional neural network for cardiac diffusion tensor image denoising
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mp.16301 PMID:36775901 [本文引用: 2]
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a promising technique for non-invasively investigating the myocardial fiber structures of human heart. However, low signal-to-noise ratio has been a major limit of cardiac DTI to prevent us from detecting myocardium structure accurately. Therefore, it is important to remove the effect of noise on DW images.Although the conventional and deep learning-based denoising methods have shown the potential to deal with effectively the noise in diffusion weighted (DW) images, most of them are redundant information dependent or require the noise-free images as golden standard. In addition, the existed DW image denoising methods often suffer from problems of over-smoothing. To address these issues, we propose a self-supervised learning model, structural similarity based convolutional neural network with edge-weighted loss (SSECNN), to remove the noise effectively in cardiac DTI.Considering that the DW images acquired along different diffusion directions have structural similarity, and the noise in these DW images is independent and identically distributed, the structural similarity-based matching algorithm is proposed to search for the most similar DW images. Such similar noisy DW image pairs are then used as the input and target of the denoising network SSECNN, which consists of several convolutional and residual blocks. Through the self-supervised training with these image pairs, the network can restore the clean DW images and retain the correlations between the denoised DW images along different directions. To avoid the over-smoothing problem, we design a novel edge-weighted loss which enables the network to adaptively adjust the loss weights with iterations and therefore to improve the detail preserve ability of the model. To verify the superiority of the proposed method, comparisons with state-of-the-art (SOTA) denoising methods are performed on both synthetic and real acquired DTI datasets.Experimental results show that SSECNN can effectively reduce the noise in the DW images while preserving detailed texture and edge information and therefore achieve better performance in DTI reconstruction. For synthetic dataset, compared to the SOTA method, the root mean square error (RMSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and structure similarity (SSIM) between the denoised DW images obtained with SSECNN and noise-free DW images are improved by 6.94%, 1.98% and 0.76% respectively when the noise level is 10%. As for the acquired cardiac DTI dataset, the SSECNN method could significantly improve signal to noise ratio (SNR) and contrast to noise ratio (CNR) of cardiac DW images and achieve more regular helix angle (HA) and transverse angle (TA) maps. The ablation experimental results validate that using the structure similarity-based method to search the similar DW image pairs yield the smallest loss, and with the help of the edge-weighted loss, the denoised DW images and diffusion metric maps can preserve more details.The proposed SSECNN method can fully explore the similarity between the DW images along different diffusion directions. Using such similarity and an edge-weighted loss enable us to denoise cardiac DTI effectively in a self-supervised manner. Our method can overcome the redundancy information dependence and over-smoothing problem of the SOTA methods. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The role of generative adversarial networks in brain MRI: a scoping review
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Denoising of 3D magnetic resonance images using a residual encoder-decoder wasserstein generative adversarial network
[J]. ,DOI:S1361-8415(18)30653-4 PMID:31085444 [本文引用: 1]
Structure-preserved denoising of 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images is a critical step in medical image analysis. Over the past few years, many algorithms with impressive performances have been proposed. In this paper, inspired by the idea of deep learning, we introduce an MRI denoising method based on the residual encoder-decoder Wasserstein generative adversarial network (RED-WGAN). Specifically, to explore the structure similarity between neighboring slices, a 3D configuration is utilized as the basic processing unit. Residual autoencoders combined with deconvolution operations are introduced into the generator network. Furthermore, to alleviate the oversmoothing shortcoming of the traditional mean squared error (MSE) loss function, the perceptual similarity, which is implemented by calculating the distances in the feature space extracted by a pretrained VGG-19 network, is incorporated with the MSE and adversarial losses to form the new loss function. Extensive experiments are implemented to assess the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the proposed RED-WGAN achieves performance superior to several state-of-the-art methods in both simulated and real clinical data. In particular, our method demonstrates powerful abilities in both noise suppression and structure preservation.Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Boosting magnetic resonance image denoising with generative adversarial networks
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Synthesis of diffusion-weighted MRI scalar maps from flair volumes using generative adversarial networks
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Multi-channel GAN-based calibration-free diffusion-weighted liver imaging with simultaneous coil sensitivity estimation and reconstruction
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RIRGAN: an end-to-end lightweight multi-task learning method for brain MRI super-resolution and denoising
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Simultaneous superresolution reconstruction and distortion correction for single-shot EPI DWI using deep learning
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.29601 PMID:36705077 [本文引用: 1]
Single-shot (SS) EPI is widely used for clinical DWI. This study aims to develop an end-to-end deep learning-based method with a novel loss function in an improved network structure to simultaneously increase the resolution and correct distortions for SS-EPI DWI.Point-spread-function (PSF)-encoded EPI can provide high-resolution, distortion-free DWI images. A distorted image from SS-EPI can be described as the convolution between a PSF function with a distortion-free image. The deconvolution process to recover the distortion-free image can be achieved with a convolution neural network, which also learns the mapping function between low-resolution SS-EPI and high-resolution reference PSF-EPI to achieve superresolution. To suppress the oversmoothing effect, we proposed a modified generative adversarial network structure, in which a dense net with gradient map guidance and a multilevel fusion block was used as the generator. A fractional anisotropy loss was proposed to utilize the diffusion anisotropy information among diffusion directions. In vivo brain DWI data were used to test the proposed method.The results show that distortion-corrected high-resolution DWI images with restored structural details can be obtained from low-resolution SS-EPI images by taking advantage of the high-resolution anatomical images. Additionally, the proposed network can improve the quantitative accuracy of diffusion metrics compared with previously reported networks.Using high-resolution, distortion-free EPI-DWI images as references, a deep learning-based method to simultaneously increase the perceived resolution and correct distortions for low-resolution SS-EPI was proposed. The results show that DWI image quality and diffusion metrics can be improved.© 2023 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Denoising diffusion probabilistic models
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Diffusion models in medical imaging: a comprehensive survey
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DDM2: self-supervised diffusion MRI denoising with generative diffusion models
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Fiberfox: facilitating the creation of realistic white matter software phantoms
[J]. ,DOI:10.1002/mrm.25045 PMID:24323973 [本文引用: 1]
Phantom-based validation of diffusion-weighted image processing techniques is an important key to innovation in the field and is widely used. Openly available and user friendly tools for the flexible generation of tailor-made datasets for the specific tasks at hand can greatly facilitate the work of researchers around the world.We present an open-source framework, Fiberfox, that enables (1) the intuitive definition of arbitrary artificial white matter fiber tracts, (2) signal generation from those fibers by means of the most recent multi-compartment modeling techniques, and (3) simulation of the actual MR acquisition that allows for the introduction of realistic MRI-related effects into the final image.We show that real acquisitions can be closely approximated by simulating the acquisition of the well-known FiberCup phantom. We further demonstrate the advantages of our framework by evaluating the effects of imaging artifacts and acquisition settings on the outcome of 12 tractography algorithms.Our findings suggest that experiments on a realistic software phantom might change the conclusions drawn from earlier hardware phantom experiments. Fiberfox may find application in validating and further developing methods such as tractography, super-resolution, diffusion modeling or artifact correction.Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The challenge of mapping the human connectome based on diffusion tractography
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