李豆, 王鹏飞, 钟达, 梅刚华, 康松柏

Calculation and Analysis of Helium-permeation-induced Frequency Drift of the Rubidium Atomic Clock
LI Dou, WANG Pengfei, ZHONG Da, MEI Ganghua, Kang Songbai
图3 厚度为1 mm(左)和2 mm(右)气泡内氦气压与氦气压变化率近似解相对于数值解的误差百分比随时间变化曲线
Fig. 3 The percentage error of the approximate solution of the helium pressure and its change rate with respect to the numerical solution varies with time for Pyrex and ASG vapor cell with a thickness of 1 mm (left) and 2 mm (right)