王行乐, 邵正泽, 董洪春, 魏达秀, 陈群, 姚叶锋

Studies on the 1H NMR Spectral Features of Hydrogen Molecules in the Interstices of SiO2 Particles
WANG Xingle, SHAO Zhengze, DONG Hongchun, WEI Daxiu, CHEN Qun, YAO Yefeng
图5 纳米孔径二氧化硅材料中氢气分子的变温核磁共振实验结果. (a)氢气在不同温度下的1H谱;(b)氢气信号半高宽随温度的变化
Fig. 5 The variable temperature 1H NMR experimental results of hydrogen gas in nanoporous silica sample. (a) 1H spectrum of hydrogen gas at different temperatures; (b) the correlation between the half-width of the hydrogen signal and temperature